Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My life isn't as normal as you think it is

Sitting in a Honeymoon

by TheTrohmanator121 1 review

A cook out. and a car accident. Last chapter of this story. Look for a sequel to this one coming soon!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-11 - Updated: 2008-06-12 - 682 words - Complete

The next week Joe and I headed out on our honeymoon to Costa Rica. We returned the next week, and had a cook out at our house in Chicago. The twins, along Pete and Ashlee’s son, Pete were in the baby pin asleep, while the grown-ups hung around and played football, and swam around in the pool.

“So Chloe are you going to hang out with us tonight or stay inside with the kids?” Patrick asked.

“Well I could stay inside, but what’s the fun in that, when I can tell all of your dirty little secretes!” I said smirking at Patrick.

“Oh you wouldn’t.” He said back.

“Lisa, did you know that whenever Patrick gets upset he puts his ipod on, and listens to his own voice? Or if he’s really in a bad mood, he pretends to be a boardie on the message boards, and talk about the band.” I said laughing.

“Oh you forgot to mention the time he put on a fashion show, with Mom’s bras and underwear for us when You were four, and he was around ten or eleven, so I would be seventeen.” I heard Kevin, our older brother say from behind us.

“Kevin! When did you get here?” I said hugging him. Patrick stood up, and hugged Kevin as well, and also gave the poor guy one of the biggest wedgies ever to be given.
We all burst out in a fit of giggles, and enjoyed the rest of the night. At around 1’am Patrick and Lisa decided to go home. Joe and I thought it would be a good idea to follow them since they live farther away. The two cars came to a yellow light, but right when before it hit red Patrick and Lisa sped through it. The car on the other street wasn’t paying attention and went ahead and turned, hitting Patrick and Lisa’s car, on Patrick’s side. There was a loud crashing noise, and the next minute Joe and I jumped out of the car, and over to Patrick and Lisa’s car. Joe tried to shake Patrick awake, but he was unconscious. I had managed to get Lisa to talk to me.

“Chloe, Patrick is not responding. I already called an ambulance though.” Joe said. I sat down next to Patrick along with Lisa, and tried to shake Patrick awake.

“Patrick come on, wake up. Tricky don’t do this to us. We need you!” I said crying in Patrick’s chest.

The ambulance arrived a few minutes later. The three of us joined Patrick in it, and were driven to the hospital. The doctors had managed to get Patrick to gain consciousness again. He was badly injured. His right arm broken, left leg sprained, and badly bruised and cut.

“Patrick I’m so happy you’re okay! I don’t know what I would do without my big brother here!” I said kissing his forehead.

Patrick smiled, and held my hand. Lisa was already released from the hospital, and allowed to visit. A few weeks later Patrick was released from the hospital. We were all thrilled to have him back home.

“Patrick honey, I have some good news to tell you.” Lisa said smiling.

“What?” He responded.

“We’re pregnant!” Lisa said smiling!

Joe and I smiled and drove back home to Patrick’s house. I can’t believe how much We have all change in the past three years. I just hope We just have this much fun this winter when we all go to our cabin in Tennessee for a couple weeks!

(Just wanted to thank everyone who read this story,and reviewed it! This was the last chapter in this story.I hope you enjoyed My life as Patrick's younger far. There will be a sequel to it.I will post some of it sometime in the next couple weeks.I will mention it's a sequel to this one,so you all know if you decide to continue reading my stories! Again thank you!!)
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