Categories > Anime/Manga > Fushigi Yuugi > Wild Wild West


by sirrah-chan 0 reviews

We all know that the Suzaku seishis will reborn… but what if it weren’t Miaka’s time and Japan that they were to born, but somewhere else…

Category: Fushigi Yuugi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Chichiri,Taiitsukun - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-06-13 - Updated: 2008-06-13 - 681 words

Chapters: prologue/10-12
Chapter warnings: character death

Full moon cast its shadow on the worried face of an old woman, who was hovering over a simple bed. Taiitsukun could only watch as her former pupil’s withered body writhe in agony, tangled with the sheets. Chichiri’s breath was heavy and ragged as his body still tried to fight the poison that was attacking him from inside. But it was already a lost fight and the only thing Taiitsukun could do was to give something to Chichiri, to numb the pain from his mind. Because even if Chichiri’s body was still fighting, his mind, heart, had already given up.

Taiitsukun leaned over the now so fragile body as he saw Chichiri’s thin lips moving.

“I… will not… survive… the night”, Chichiri’s ragged, whisper like voice said. His only eye shone unhealthy, and Taiitsukun could only hope it was because of the herbs he had given and not the agony.

“Shhh… I know…” Taiitsukun said laying a wrinkled, soothing hand over Chichiri’s cold, sweaty forehead.

“I… will… find him… right?” Chichiri continued and even under the herbs and the poison and the pain, Taiitsukun could hear a worry in his voice; one that was also reflected through his eye.

“Of course you will. Your souls have been bonded in this life and every other one that is to come”, Taiitsukun said smiling calmly, petting the damp thin hair of his dying friend.

“But… how…” Chichiri said the words barely audible.

“You must trust Suzaku on this. And your love. The bond you share, both as Suzaku seishi as well as soul mates is strong enough to pull you together through time and space”, Taiitsukun explained patiently. Of course none of this was new to Chichiri. The poison and the herbs had already taken over Chichiri’s mind. Only the most utmost worry remained. The fear. It was not the fear of death, but the fear of lost. Losing the one most important person to him. When Tasuki had been taken from them, it was only the hope of reunion that kept Chichiri going through all these years.

“We… will see…” Chichiri said with glimpse of smile on his dry lips, but had no time to finish his sentence as his body once again writhed violently as the poison ate his flesh and organs. When the spasm finally stopped, only silence remained.

For a moment, Taiitsukun could only watch the lifeless body of Chichiri as a single tear find its way down a wrinkled cheek. The silent mourning was rudely interrupted as a stinging wind carried a cold, hollow laughter that echoed in the small room.

“Finally! Now that the last of those wretched seishis is gone, you can no longer keep me confined here”, a hollow shriek laughed from the nothingness.

“You never learn do you, Furia. They will be back before you can even get half of your needed power back”, Taiitsukun said icily. Every time the last seishi died, he had to listen the same cursing. It was really wearing old…

“Oh, it seems you are the one who never learns. You cannot bring back someone you can’t find”, the voice in the walls said mocking.

“You’ve been hanging from that hook too long Furia. Even you should remember the seishis will be reborn in the other world”, Taiitsukun said slightly boring. She really should give up already. There was no way she could escape the chamber of scales as long as Suzaku or some of the others had his powers.

“Of yes, I remember and know that, all too well. The question is, what time they are born to”, the voice said and disappeared with a mocking laugh. A horrible possibility of what those words could mean froze Taiitsukun’s heart.

Taiitsukun’s eyes wandered on Chichiri’s bony, lifeless body.

“I’m sorry my dear friend… that reunion you waited might take longer than I promised to you… but it will happen. Let’s just hope it’s not too late then”.
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