Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Out of Control

Chapter 5

by Lororie 3 reviews

Chapter 5

Category: Death Note - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: L,Yagami Raito - Published: 2008-06-15 - Updated: 2008-06-15 - 673 words

*Well. Wasn’t that…interesting.*

L was deep in thought as he followed Raito-kun toward their bedroom. He struggled with balancing his – surprisingly existent – emotions against his drive to finish the Kira case. Kissing Raito-kun was turning into quite the distraction. That last kiss…

*I have to admit that was fantastic. There was a high level of tension between us, which only enhanced the pleasant physical sensations. I was also in the mindset of enjoyment due to the ice cream…hmm…I wonder if it will affect my appreciation of that flavor?*

L was, in fact so lost in thought that he almost landed flat on his face on his bed. He hadn’t noticed Raito-kun stopping by his separate bed, and had simply continued walking forward. Fortunately, he came back to himself in time, and merely stumbled a bit as the bed entered his peripheral vision. Raito-kun chuckled, but said nothing else, so L wasn’t worried about it.

*Why would I worry? I don’t care what is thought of me. If I cared about the opinions of others my investigative abilities would be severely diminished. Speaking of which – I really do need to analyze how this affects the probability of Raito-kun being Kira.*

Unconsciously, L glanced over at Raito-kun as he thought this, and immediately stopped thinking about Kira. Indeed, he stopped thinking about ANYTHING not related to Raito-kun’s toned upper body, which was slowly being revealed as Raito-kun struggled out of his shirt.

*Oh my. Wow. Fascinating. Delicious. No…I wouldn’t know if it were delicious or not. I haven’t tasted it. Maybe I should…*

Unfortunately, Raito-kun successfully extricated himself from his shirt at that point, and caught L’s stare. He raised an eyebrow slowly.

“Is there something on my chest, Ryuuzaki?” he asked, glancing down.


Raito-kun looked up sharply. “Are you alright Ryuuzaki? Are you feeling ok?”

“I…I’m fine, Raito-kun,” L replied, regaining his senses abruptly. “I apologize for concerning you.”

“…I see.” Raito-kun replied after a moment. “Then would you mind unlocking the handcuffs so I might finish removing my shirt?”

Indeed, the shirt was hanging by one sleeve from the handcuffs, as usually they were briefly removed for changing clothes.

“My apologies, Raito-kun. If you would be so kind as to turn around?”

Raito-kun complied, and L took the key from its hiding place. Usually, he did this immediately after entering the room, but tonight…well, he’d been distracted. As L unlocked the cuffs and removed his own shirt, he pondered said distraction.

**It was only a kiss, yet it is enough to disrupt my cognitive functions to the point that I fail my usual habits? That is highly concerning. If Raito-kun is Kira, this is a highly strategic move on his part. He cannot have known previously about my significant lack of sexual experience. However, it is common knowledge that a romantic and/or sexual involvement with someone is highly distracting. I must keep this in mind and stay focused on the case. What a shame; I was rather enjoying the kissing and suggestive comments. Oh well. The case comes first.
However, if Raito-kun is Kira, he will probably attempt to seduce me at least one more time. Therefore I must resist any other advances. That will be difficult, but not impossible; I simply must remember that an attempt at a relationship is an attempt on my life.**

Keeping this in mind, L was able to finish his preparations and fall asleep in fairly short order, without any more contact with Raito-kun; physical or otherwise.

It quickly became apparent that sleep was probably not the best choice; it was liberally sprinkled with various desserts, which was normal, but it also contained an unusually high number of appearances by one Raito-kun. Except this Raito-kun never had a shirt on, and tasted fantastic, but would invariably grow horns and wings and start destroying all the desserts in sight.

Needless to say, L didn't sleep very well that night.
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