Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Canadian Intervention

Water and Fire

by austin316hockey 1 review

Harry and his friends attend EdgeFest with My Chemical Romance; 'Frarry' is born; and the summer's oppressive heat causes problems no one could have imagined at Travis' place.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Erotica - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-06-16 - Updated: 2008-06-16 - 5319 words

CAUTION: A little Frankie/Harry slash/fluff…

The rest of July seemed to fly by, as the trunks were set up, and furnished. Hermione and Remus set out cataloguing the enormous number of volumes in the Black library, aided by Travis' computer, which had also been set up in said library.

The work had also been punctuated by visits from Severus, who was taking the opportunity to speak with Lily. That resulted in a suggestion to set up a potions lab, something the twins also sparked interest in. That was added off the library, since the library did contain many volumes about potions.

On July 27, Travis took My Chemical Romance to Toronto by floo, so they could keep an eye on set up arrangements for the following day's performance at EdgeFest, on Toronto Island. They would be the last act of the day, or the headliner of that day's list of performers.

Travis brought his trunk with him, and while the stage hands were busily checking over equipment and gear, Gerard set it off in a corner, making sure one of the road crew marked it as their property. Not that anyone would be able to move it, once it was set in place. It could not be obstructed either, once Travis put several obscure charms on it.

Now, with everything set up, the band, as well as their magical friends could come and go as they pleased. Of course, they also needed a way to explain their presence in the backstage areas to security. That was easily handled by Travis, once Gerard got the security passes.
"You're just gonna copy it?" Asked Mikey. They were then back in Harry's trunk, gathered around the dining room table.
"Sure, why not? Unless you guys don't want me to. But I think Harry's friends might like to see the concert too," Said Travis. Mikey and Gerard both only nodded in understanding.
"Travis, why not just make a simple copy, and apply a Confundus charm to it?" Suggested Hermione.
"Confundus charm? What's that do?" Asked Frank.
"It's a confusion charm," Said Hermione, "In this case, we would only want to make the person examining the pass believe everything is in order."
"Holy fuck, if it's that easy, any crazy wizard or whatever could… God," Said Gerard.
"Luckily, most wizards don't bother with muggles, or if they do, it's never to actually do harm… I mean, maybe steal money or whatever, but… if a wizard is gonna kill someone, they just, well, you know," Said Travis, darkly. The members of My Chemical Romance all nodded, the events of May 11 still far too vivid in their heads.
"What… when do you guys go on, again?" Asked Harry.
"9 pm," Answered Gerard, "But we plan on being there for most of the day. Billy Talent(1) is supposed to be performing earlier in the day, they might want us to join them for a song or two."
"Right, they were your opening act before everything went to hell in a hand basket," Said Travis. Gerard and Frank both nodded.
"Those passes will be good the entire event anyway, why don't you guys make a day of it?" Suggested Bob.
"Sounds like a good idea… I mean, we have access to the trunk anyway, right?"
"The island is an awesome place anyway. Hopefully the lake will be warm, we can go for a swim maybe," Said Travis.
"Err… I can't swim," Said Harry, "Err, at least not that well… I mean, the last time I did, it was with the help of Gillyweed… I mean, it well… it assisted me, so…"
"The spot we'd be going isn't that deep," Said Travis, "The deepest it gets is up to the waist."
"Um, something else, guys," Said Frank, "We'll be easily recognized, so, we'll have security following us." Harry only nodded. He was all too familiar with that kind of scenario.
"If we're going to the beach, maybe we could pack a small lunch," Suggested Hermione. There were nods of agreement from the other teenagers.

The following morning was a flurry of activity, as two separate groups prepared for the day. Only Harry, Travis, Bill, Ron, and Hermione were going with the band, but it still meant some preparations. It was decided that, they would still return to Harry's trunk for dinner, and possibly change for the evening. Unlikely, though, considering the thermometer had been virtually nailed at 30 degrees Celsius for most of the month. It had rained maybe 5 times for any length of time. Sure, the occasional thunderstorm rolled through, but it was quickly shaping up to be a scorcher of a summer.

Finally, the group floo'ed to Travis' trunk, which rested in an equipment truck behind the main stage, on Centre Island. There were in effect 3 stages: the main stage, then 2 smaller ones, and there were acts playing on all of them for the entire day, both on Saturday and Sunday.

Once out of the trunk, Gerard led the group to a large tent that had been set up. Inside, it resembled a busy office, with people using laptops, writing notes, talking on cell phones, or doing several of those things at once.
"Good morning, guys," Said a blonde-haired woman, standing. For some reason, she reminded Harry of Rita Skeeter.
"Wendy, this is Harry Potter, Travis Carter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Bill Weasley," Frank Introduced, "Guys, this is our manager, Wendy Carson."
"Right, you've been staying at Mr. Carter's place," Said Wendy, "Although I wasn't expecting someone quite so…"
"Miss Carson, I promise you I'm more than competent… and my mum's around, so don't treat me like a child… I'm most definitely not," Said Travis, a little edge to his voice.
"Forgive me, it's just, you weren't what I expected. These guys don't need more distractions than they already have," Said Wendy.
"Merlin, you sound like their mother," Said Ron. That got him another swat across the shoulder from Hermione, and a few snickers from several members of the band.
"And I do so much for you guys," She huffed, "All right, listen. Billy Talent is on at 2 o'clock, they've got a 2 hour set. They would like to do 2 songs with you guys, covers I believe."
"We'll hook up with them before they go on," Said Gerard.
"We also need to have a face-to-face meeting, as in ALL of you, with me. The label wants to know what's happening as far as new material and so on."
"Of course," Gerard groaned, "Even after we said we've got no plans to do any recording until next summer at the earliest? Fuck."
"Let's just worry about that tomorrow, all right?" Suggested Frank.
"How about you come up to my place for dinner?" Travis invited.
"That sounds all right to me," Said Wendy.
"Great. The address is 'Carter Residence', Champlain Road, Penetanguishene. You have access to Google Maps here?"
"Over here," Said a young woman at the next desk. She had already pulled it up by the time he got there. "It's right there…" Travis pointed out a spot on the map.
"I think we can get there all right," Said Wendy.
"Yeah, pretty easy. Just look for the ball diamond. That's Toanche Park. We're practically across the road, although the place is hidden by trees."

After quickly meeting with the members of Billy Talent, the members of My Chemical Romance went off to do their own thing. That left the rest of the group, and Travis virtually started dragging everyone toward the small beach on the southern side of the island. It was just before 11 am.
"Merlin, it's like he's not been around water before," Bill laughed, as the group hurried to keep up with Travis' pace.
"Woah, slow down, mate," Harry called, "I don't think the lake's going anywhere."
"It's called maximizing our time!" Travis called back, half jogging, half running toward the beach. He finally skidded to a stop when feet contacted sand, and waited for the rest to catch up. The beach was already quite busy, with people there to cool off from the oppressive heat that was virtually baking Southern Ontario.

The group made their way through the throngs of people on the beach, to at last find a spot suitable for their number. Frank had gotten more than a few looks, as he was most certainly recognized. Surprisingly, as of yet, no one had bothered the group. Perhaps it might have had something to do with the rather well-built bodyguard that was following close behind.
"Ok, gather around," Said Travis. Everyone save for the bodyguard gathered around Travis, as he drew his wand, and re-enlarged the picnic basket the house elves had packed for them earlier that morning. It also contained a few towels, and a large blanket to lay on the sand.

Travis wasted no time in shedding his sandals, and working his bare feet into the moist sand. The previous summer, he had spent a good number of days at the beach, since it was so simple for him to just apparate. With everything that had happened that spring and early summer, this was the first opportunity he had.
"You like the beach, I guess," Said Bill, also removing his footwear.
"Yeah. One of my first memories of magic… it was here. Mum and dad were here with me, and I was messing around in the sand. A large wave came and smashed what I was building, and I guess I wished it back… and well, it, it just rebuilt itself."
"What did your mum and dad think?" Asked Harry, as he too removed his footwear.
"Well, mum was confused, I think. Dad just did a double-take. Of course he, well, you know what he thinks. But that was the last time dad came with us to the beach."
"How old were you?" Asked Hermione.
"I think I was 6 or 7, I don't exactly remember the year. But I was able to do other stuff in the sand… like make it so it wouldn't be busted by the waves… it was funny watching people trying to wrap their head around why my castle wasn't being destroyed by the waves."
"Your mum actually encouraged you?" Asked Bill.
"Well, not exactly, but she didn't yell at me or anything. No, that was dad. So I knew better than to do anything in front of him. Just like, he's got this tractor in the shop. Guys, you've probably seen it, it's actually a steam tractor. He's been working on that thing for as long as I can remember. He told me one day, 'If you ever do any of your freaky shit, or just LOOK at this the wrong way, it'll be the last thing you do.' That was verbatim."
"Yeah, I know what that's like," Said Harry.
"Is it safe for you to be talking about this, I mean, can't people hear us?" Asked Frank.
"That's what a privacy charm is for," Said Travis, "No one can hear what we're saying." He gestured to his right hand, which then held his wand. "We'd best keep the topic 'muggle only'." He flicked his wand again, then put it away. Their conversation was interrupted, as a group of young ladies approached the group. The bodyguard drew close.
"Excuse us," Said one of them, "We were wondering… well, Mr. Iero, could we… get your autograph?"
"All right," Said Frank, producing a marker. So it begins, he thought to himself.

It seemed, for the next hour, a steady stream of people approached the group, wanting either Frank's autograph, or to take a picture of him. Sometimes both. No matter what, he appeared happy to oblige the many fans, some having travelled from the other side of the continent to specifically see the band live.

At about 12:30, Frank spoke with the bodyguard briefly, then sat down with the group on the blanket. The bodyguard moved closer, speaking into his radio.
"What was that all about?" Asked Hermione, as she opened the basket to retrieve their lunch.
"Getting an extra guy here. I'd rather not sign autographs the rest of the afternoon. I mean, we do plan on being in the autograph tent a good portion of tomorrow afternoon," Said Frank.
"Good point," Said Travis.
"Hermione," Harry whispered, "What about putting up a muggle-repelling charm?"
"We'll drive away Frank's bodyguard too. Unless he agrees to step back a ways. And I'm not sure what it might do to Frank, I mean, he is still a muggle, right?"
"What are you guys talking about?" Asked Frank.
"Muggle repelling charm. Just, I don't know what it'll do to you," Said Hermione.
"It would probably draw too much attention," Said Bill.
"What about just applying it to me?" Asked Frank.
"Might be possible. Pass me your shirt or something," Said Bill. Frank pulled off his tee shirt, and passed it to Bill. "Gather around." Everyone pulled in close once again, while Bill cast the charm on Frank's shirt.
"Remind me before we leave to remove it, or you'll have issues tonight with your band mates," Said Bill.
"Right," Said Frank.
"You know, that would be quite funny on a crowded subway car," Said Travis.
"No, Travis, that would be called muggle-abuse," Said Bill, trying to hide a laugh.
"But, why? How does it work?" Asked Frank, as he slipped the shirt back on.
"It makes muggles want to go somewhere else. Right useful for a good number of things," Answered Bill.
"Guys, let's keep it muggle," Said Harry.

The charm immediately had the desired effect. Within a few seconds, the people on either side of them just got up and left, as did the couple behind.
"Much better," Said Harry, sitting back down on the blanket.
"No, much better will be if we do this," Travis hissed, as Harry suddenly found himself being lifted up about the shoulders, then by the legs. "I think he could use a swimming lesson, right, Frankie?" Said the voice belonging to Travis.
"If I can teach him, of course," Frank laughed.
"If you get me wet, you're getting wet…" Harry swore, but it was over before he could finish, and found himself dumped into water up to his shoulders, his glasses sliding partially down his face. Cursing, he lashed out with his right hand, using his Quidditch-fast reflexes, grabbing hold of something to his right. It was a great bout of timing, as his fingers took hold of someone's belt. He was pleased when his hard tug on said belt resulted in a loud splash. Smiling to himself, he replaced his glasses, and observed the figure now sputtering to his right.
"Fucker," Frank muttered, sitting rather awkwardly in the water, also up to his chest.
"Sweet revenge," Harry grinned, "I warned you."
"It's obvious, Mr. Iero, you haven't learned of Harry's wicked reflexes," Said Hermione, with her 'I told you so' voice.
"Yeah, mate, he's only lost us one Quidditch match, youngest seeker in a century and all," Ron bragged.
"Yeah, rough wizarding sport and all, better to wait, I'll explain it later," Said Harry, still grinning. He shifted around in the water, so he was sitting beside Frank.
"So will that charm you put on my shirt wash off?"
"No, it doesn't quite work that way, Frank," Said Bill, edging a ways into the water, "The magic surrounds the item, and unless it's designed to wash off, or wear off, it can only be removed by a counter-charm."
"Oh," Frank said, nudging a little closer to Harry. He felt a hand slide under his shirt, to rub his lower chest. With that, he felt his hardware begin to swell, reacting to the young man's touch. Sure, we're in a very public place, but, hell, it only adds to the sense of adventure, right? He thought to himself.
"You know, if this is your idea of teaching me how to swim…" Harry began.
"Um, well, it seemed like a good idea at the time," Said Frank, looking back into Harry's eyes. They were once again drawn to each other, as their lips met, each not knowing the other was a hair's breath away from losing control of their member.
"Err… guys?" Travis said, "Um, maybe this might not be the best place…" They broke apart, following Travis' gesture. A group of people were snapping pictures.
"Fuck," Frank swore, feeling his hardware rapidly deflate. Instant kill-joy, he thought to himself, as he stood up, water cascading from the pockets of his cut-off cargo pants. His shirt was plastered to his torso, and Harry couldn't help but shudder at the image before him. Even though a group of people were staring at them, it was still almost painful to force back the climax that threatened to run away with him. He only grinned, and took Frank's offered hand, climbing back to his feet.
"Well, Mr. Potter, I might believe you actually enjoyed that," Hermione smirked, as Frank and Harry walked out of the lake, water still cascading from their soggy clothes.
"Just maybe I did," Harry smirked back, as they both sat down on towels that had been laid out. Frank at once fished his now very soggy wallet from his back pocket. "Shit."
"Here, let me see that," Said Bill. Frank passed over his wallet, and once again, Bill discreetly cast a charm on it. "There. Should be dry as a bone."
"No drying charms on me, I quite like this, I'm not roasting anymore," Said Harry. Frank nodded in agreement.
"Here comes the test," Said Travis, gesturing to the group of people. They were making their way over, cameras still snapping away. They abruptly turned around at about the spot where the other group had their towel laid out earlier, to the east of them.
"Damn. Maybe I should get you guys to charm a jacket or something permanently," Said Frank, "Fucking useful, this is. Now if only you could do something to break their cameras."
"If there was enough residual magic, we could," Said Hermione, "Regular muggle electronic devices don't like a lot of residual magic around."
"Unless they've been designed to," Added Travis. He paused. "So how long do you figure, before that lands on the front page of the Enquirer?"
"3 or 4 days," Frank groaned, "They went fucking nuts with the 'Frerard' episode."
"And now it's 'Frarry'," Said Harry, with a smirk.
"Hey, man, it's not funny," Said Frank, sounding frustrated, "You have no idea the bullshit that's gonna come from this."
"You make it sound like I'm a nuisance."
"NO! No, I don't mean it that way, it's just, Jesus Christ, the media…"
"I'm sorry, yeah, I understand," Answered Harry, "I know too well, Merlin, do I ever." Frank reached into his pocket for his cigarettes, then groaned. They were now, of course, completely useless.
"Have one of mine," Said Travis, quickly understanding, and digging out his pack.
"Lovely," Said Bill, "Wizarding wireless." He gestured to the group approaching from the west.

Less than a minute later, the two groups met. No, a muggle-repelling charm wouldn't work in this case.
"Rachel Crowter, Canadian Wizarding Wireless. Mr. Potter, may we have a chat with you?"
"I guess I don't have much of a choice," Answered Harry, standing, "Ask what you want, but I have the right not to answer."
"That's fair enough," Said Rachel, "Ok, guys, let's get set up."

Minutes later, after several stools had been conjured up, and the camera positioned, the journalist began speaking. "This is Rachel Crowter for Wizard Entertainment Weekly, on the CWW, on location at EdgeFest 2007. I was most certainly expecting to find a few prominent witches and wizards attending this very popular muggle event, but I am even more shocked and surprised to find, none other than the Boy-Who-Lived, spending some time here with some of his friends." She paused, as the camera was adjusted to bring Harry into the shot. "How have you been enjoying the show so far, Mr. Potter?"
"It's great, err… just call me Harry."
"Alright, then, Harry. How did you come to be at this event?"
"Well, I mean, I owe it to my friend Travis for introducing me to My Chemical Romance. They're all really cool, especially Frankie… they gave us passes, and so here we are."
"Yes, we did see you and Mr. Iero not so long ago enjoying the water. People might determine that you two are an item. Care to say one way or another?"
"Pass," Said Harry. Rachel only nodded. "How have you found your stay so far in Canada?"
"As good as I had hoped. My friends here, old and new, do far more than those in England ever have. I'm treated as a person, rather than a tool."
"Dark words, Harry. How are you preparing to fight Voldemort?"
"I'm not going to get into that, Miss Crowter," Answered Harry, "You know, keep your tactics to yourself, that sort of thing." Rachel nodded. "Fair enough. Do you believe the Canadian wizarding society should be concerned about the threat Voldemort poses?"
"If I acted like our Minister of Magic back in Britain, I would say, no, absolutely not. But I'm not. And I'm not gonna lie to anyone. Yes, I believe Voldemort threatens the Canadian wizarding world. Just as much as he threatens Britain, or any wizarding society. Look, if we just sit back on our arses, he'll just overrun England, then move on, one wizarding nation after the next, until there's nothing left. We all have power, if we work together, and stop acting like bloody sheep." Harry felt two arms slide around his chest at that point.
"Thank you, Harry."
"Just, look. You're in the press. Just, report what's true, that's what matters."

"Merlin, you guys were wicked," Said Harry. It was 11:30, and the group was just about ready to return to Harry's trunk.
"Well, you had lots of chances to listen to us play before this," Said Mikey, as he snapped closed a tall crate containing his guitars. One was left out, it would be taken back to Travis' place.
"Sorry I haven't," Said Harry, "But you realize what I'm fighting. No offence, just, there are things…"
"We know," Said Frank, "Don't worry about it." He took Harry's hand, while he held his guitar with the other. He had several, but like other members, one would be going back to Travis' place. "I mean, we're not goin' anywhere anytime soon."
"All right, the crew will get the rest," Said Gerard. With a nod, still holding hands with Frank, Harry touched the black panel.

He was pleasantly surprised, when both were transported into Travis' trunk.
"Wicked," Said Harry, as they stepped away from the 'teleport zone', as Gerard had nicknamed it.
"Are the other guys coming?" Asked Travis. He was seated in a comfortable leather chair.
"Yeah, they should be right behind us," Said Harry. Sure enough, the others all appeared at once.
"Explain that one," Said Travis.
"We grabbed onto each others' shirts," Said Bob, "Figured it would be faster." Harry nodded in understanding, as did Travis. "Guess it works as long as everyone's keyed into the system already. All right, I'm gonna collect the trunk and apparate back to my place." He stood up.
"See you shortly," Said Harry, as he and Frank made their way over to the fireplace. "Remember, stay still and we won't land on our arses."

Seconds later, they arrived in Harry's trunk. It was deserted, except for his parents' portrait.
"Did you have fun, dear?" Asked Lily.
"It was wicked, mum!" Answered Harry, enthusiastically, dusting the soot off his clothes, "I mean, the last band I saw live, it was the Weird Sisters at the Yule Ball, and well, these guys just, Merlin, it was amazing!"
"Glad you had fun," Said Frank, setting down his guitar in one of the chairs. He then slid his arms around Harry's waist. Harry turned around to face him, and once again, their lips met, as they embraced.
"Where is everyone else?" Asked Harry, as they finally broke their embrace.
"Outside the trunk, son," Said James. Just then, the floo fired again, and Gerard and Mikey stepped out of the grate. "We're going out to the shop," Gerard declared, "Coming?"

Frank and Harry were snuggled together on one of the couches in the shop, both dozing comfortably. Most of the others were by this point asleep as well. What had been more or less an informal after-concert party, turned into a late-night jam session, and impromptu concert. It also involved a few snacks, and perhaps just a little more alcohol than should have been allowed. After all, there were under aged wizards present. Frank had been trying to teach Harry how to play his guitar, and that had gone off rather poorly. The instrument now lay across Harry's lap, rather awkwardly. It was just before 3 am.

Their light slumber was jarringly interrupted, with a loud horn blaring.
"What the fuck is that?!" Gerard shouted, sitting up.
"Fire alarm! Everyone get up!!" Travis shouted back, covering his ears from the noise.
"Where is it?!" Shouted Bill. Travis pointed to the device, and Bill drew his wand. "Silencio!!" He bellowed. The noise instantly vanished.
"Still, let's get out of here," Said Travis, "It doesn't go off without a reason."
"Hey, man, I do smell smoke," Said Bob.
"Yeah, me too," Said Harry. Just then, the door to the shop flew open, and Lisa rushed in, looking very concerned. "We have to go!" she blurted, "OPP have issued an evacuation order for the whole area."
"Why, what's going on?" Asked Travis, as he exited the shop, the others quickly following. The smell of smoke was almost overwhelming. Lisa only pointed to the west, where there was a bright orange glow, as the smoke drifted around them.
"Bloody hell!" Ron gasped, "What is it?"
"Forest fire," Travis muttered, "How long do you think we have, mum?"
"OPP said the fire would probably reach us in an hour."
"Then we got a half-hour. I'm gonna help mum in the house, guys, everything you absolutely need, get it into Harry's trunk. Only what you need," Travis directed.
"Can't you just, put a magic shield over the house?" Asked Mikey.
"God, if only it were that easy," Answered Travis, "No. We can't. Just, go… we don't have a lot of time. Harry, take care of Achilles for me."
"Got it," Said Harry.
"I'll floo to my brothers' shop, and get the twins," Offered Ron. Travis only nodded, and Ron took off back into the shop. Harry quickly followed, climbing the stairs to the room. All three birds looked at Harry expectantly, as if already knowing of the crisis.
"Yes, guys, I know," Said Harry, "Fawkes, you can flash to me in a second… Hedwig and Achilles, hop onto my shoulders so I can take you both into the trunk." Both birds understood, and lit onto his shoulders. He then stepped over to his trunk, and touched the black panel.

Arriving inside his trunk, he quickly pointed out a spot where the birds could rest. Right at that time, Fawkes reappeared in a flash of flame, also settling on the back of one of the chairs.
"What's going on, son?" Asked James.
"A fire, a bad one. The whole sky is lit up to the west of us," Answered Harry, "Travis' mum says the area's being evacuated."
"Be careful, dear," Said Lily.
"I know, mum, I am." He again touched the black panel, and returned to the room. He picked up both perches, and a few other personal items, then made another trip into the trunk.

The time seemed to fly by far faster than anyone would ever want, the orange glow getting brighter and brighter, as the group worked feverishly to put things safely in the trunks. The twins were a great help, helping to shrink down and move several priceless pieces of equipment from the shop down into Harry's trunk. One of those was his father's steam tractor.

"I think that's it, dear," Said Lisa, at last. By then, the orange glow to the west was lighting up the entire yard, and the heat was noticeable, seeming to intensify by the second.
"Ok, let's get out of here. Everyone into the trunk," Travis wheezed.
"Where's yours, dear?" Asked Lisa. Travis pulled his own from his pocket.
"What about ours?" Asked Gerard.
"Where'd you put it?" Asked Harry.
"On our bus," Said Mikey.
"Show me, I'll get it," Said Harry. Gerard quickly led him to the bus, where he cast a shrinking charm on said trunk. "Stick it in your pocket, let's go."

"Best do a head count," Said Lisa. Travis only nodded, taking a quick count. "Everyone's here. All right, Harry, I'm gonna go back outside and pick up your trunk, then apparate to the Snitch & Bludger, it'll probably be the best place for now." Harry only nodded.

Reappearing in what had been his bedroom for the past 5 years, the heat was almost unbearable. Travis could see the flames now ravaging the trees, only yards from the building. He quickly shrunk Harry's trunk, then vanished, leaving the property and its contents to the advancing fire.

Appearing in the court yard of the Snitch & Bludger, he stepped inside, and quickly rented a room. After setting the trunk down in the acquired room, he re-enlarged it, and entered it.
"Travis, Lisa. I'll help you rebuild," Harry offered. He and Frank had once again settled together in one of the comfortable leather chairs.
"Don't worry about it, dear. The house is insured."
"But, why did this happen?" Asked Ron.
"It's been so dry this month, I guess," Said Travis, "The woods get so dry, it takes nothing for a fire to get going. We get big problems with fires up north during the summer."
"At least we were able to rescue the things that really mattered, and no one got hurt," Said Lisa. There were nods of agreement. Just then, the floo fired, and Remus stepped out of the fireplace. He appeared surprised to see everyone gathered in the room. "Something happened?" He asked.
"Our house was destroyed by a forest fire," Answered Lisa.
"Is everyone Ok?"
"Yeah, Mooney, everyone got into the trunk before the fire reached the house," Answered Harry.
"If there's anything I can do…"
"No, Mr. Lupin, thank you just the same," Answered Lisa, just as Winky appeared with a cup of tea for her. "Thank you, Winky."
"Man, what a sucky end to the night that is," Said Gerard. There were nods of agreement.
"We got all our equipment from the shop stowed in our trunk, now," Said Mikey, "But we'll have to let Wendy know about the bus and stuff."
"Um, guys. You realize, you won't really NEED a bus, now. I mean, unless you don't want us around anymore," Travis pointed out.
"Not," Said Bob.
"I do know one thing," Said Harry, "We're gonna need that Room of Requirement sooner rather than later."
"Agreed," Said Travis, "One hundred percent."

AUTHOR NOTES: I don't think Harry envisioned virtually living in his trunk, at least not this fast, eh? I mean, they could rebuild the house in a matter of hours, right, but that might look rather suspicious in a muggle area… so it's not gonna be an overnight fix, as far as the house is concerned.

We saw a little bit more 'Frarry' action (Hey, I coined a new term *;o) ), and I should warn, there will be loads more upcoming… also beware of some Bill/Travis interaction. I had wanted to work that into this chapter, but, other things were hopping, and so things are left as is.

(1) Billy Talent is a great Canadian band, look them up if you're not familiar with them.
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