Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Canadian Intervention

Frankie's Flying Lesson

by austin316hockey 0 reviews

More logistics of using the trunk are sorted out; Harry celebrates his birthday at the Burrow; Frank gets more than he bargained for when Harry takes him flying…

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2008-06-17 - Updated: 2008-06-18 - 6539 words

It was mid-afternoon before any of the group was once again up and about. The insanity of that morning had left everyone drained. Once Travis was awake, he quickly sought out his mother, and found her seated at the dining room table, looking over several documents they had retrieved from the house.
"Mum, I'm gonna apparate back to the house, and see what the damage is."
"Be careful, dear," Said Lisa.
"I'm coming too," Said Harry, stepping into the dining room.
"Ok, but Frank has to stay here."
"That's fine, he's still sleeping," Answered Harry.

There was virtually nothing left standing, other than the fireplace and the chimney, along with the remains of some of the appliances. In fact, it was devastation for as far as the eye could see. The fire had been indiscriminate. Smoke from the east told both teens the fire was far from finished.
"Merlin," Harry managed, surveying the destruction.
"As mum said, we saved what was important, and no one got hurt," Said Travis, carefully poking about the wreckage of the house. Although the fire had gone, the ruins still smouldered. Travis doused several hot spots with jets of water from his wand, so he was able to get close to the fireplace.
"How did you do that?" Asked Harry.
"It's like this," Said Travis, demonstrating the wand movement, "The incantation is 'Aguamenti'."(1) Harry attempted to duplicate the wand movement, but it took numerous tries before he finally got it right.
"Awesome, Harry. That's not taught before 6th year," Travis grinned. It had not been perfect, but Harry quickly fine-tuned it once he was able to do it. "So when did you learn it?" he asked.
"Last summer," Answered Travis, "Although we were starting to review for OWLs, I guess I'm always looking for stuff to protect myself, stuff like that. I mean, with Bartlett around, that kind of thing. This charm sounded useful, so I tried it." Harry only nodded. "There's something else you need to learn soon, Harry: How to apparate. Especially now that you're legally an adult."
"But, where… can you teach me?"
"I think so," Answered Travis, "I've been doing it since I was 12 anyway, so I've got lots of practice."
"Maybe later, you could start…"
"Yeah, sure," Said Travis, still poking about the fireplace, "I wonder…"
"Would the floo still work?"
"I think so," Said Travis, "I'm gonna try something." He quickly pulled his trunk out of his pocket, set it down on the ground, then re-enlarged it. He then pointed his wand at the fireplace and crumbling chimney, shrinking all of it down to something he could easily pick up. He then carried it over to the trunk, and touched the black panel, to vanish. Harry quickly followed.
"Now…" Travis moved the miniaturized fireplace against the opposite wall to the 'trunk' fireplace, then re-enlarged it. He then started a fire in the hearth. "It's ugly, but, well, function before form… shit… gonna need some floo powder." He crossed the room, grabbed a fistful of floo powder from the 'trunk' fireplace. "Here goes nothing," He said, returning to the 'new' fireplace. He tossed the floo powder on the fire, and almost jumped for joy when the flames turned green. He stepped in, saying "Snitch & Bludger!", vanishing in the green fire.

Seconds later, he returned, a goofy grin on his face. "I can't believe that actually worked, holy shit!"
"Travis… could we, then, move it into my trunk? I mean, we're gonna spend most of our time there, anyway, right?" Asked Harry.
"Yeah, I agree. Thing is, it might circumvent the security we have on the trunks as it is…"
"Let's talk to Remus first, then. He might have some ideas," Said Harry.
"Right, true," Travis answered, "Go back into your trunk, I'm gonna go out and collect the trunk… see you in a minute."

"Well, what's the verdict?" Asked Lisa, as Travis pulled up a seat at the dining room table.
"Everything was destroyed, mum. God, I mean burned to ashes," Said Travis, "And the fire's moved east, it's still burning."
"I've never seen anything like it," Said Harry.
"I was able to call Wendy, and let her know what happened," Said Gerard, "She still wants to hook up with us. We've been neglecting things."
"I can suggest a few good places for a meeting," Said Lisa, "Muggle places, of course."
"Yeah, good idea," Travis agreed.
"Thing is, Wendy's gonna need to know eventually, I mean, well, Harry and Frankie…" Gerard said.
"True," Said Travis, "But it's just best to hold off for now…"
"Why? Now's as good a time as any," Said Harry.
"She'll have to be placed under a secrecy charm… the Statute of Secrecy and so on," Said Travis.
"So what do we do, bring her here?" Asked Gerard.
"No, definitely not the first time, that would probably freak her out, very badly," Said Travis, "If we tell her, it has to be at a neutral spot. I mean, god, when I first told my friends a few years ago, yeah, it was just, well, in a park, actually. It was a while after that before they ever actually saw my room."
"Why don't we have her meet with Jeff, dear?" Suggested Lisa, "He could probably help with explanations better than any of us, right? And considering he is representing you…" She gestured to Gerard.
"We already have lawyers…"
"Not attorneys that work for both the muggle and wizard world. Mr. Sawyer does exactly that," Said Lisa.
"Mum, you know what you're suggesting, right?"
"Well, we need to talk to Wendy first," Said Gerard, "And speaking of…" He pulled out his cell phone.
"Shit," Travis swore, "Knew I forgot something. There's a way to make them work in here… I mean, the Ministry of Magic is set up so they do… this would be no different."
"What is it?" Asked Harry.
"Cell phone… um, it's a mobile phone," Said Travis, "Actually might be a thought for you and your friends to get one."
"Are they expensive?"
"Depends on really what you want," Said Gerard.
"We could probably get some kind of group plan," Said Travis, "I never needed something like that before, but maybe that would be useful now."
"Something to check into, I guess," Said Harry.
"Thing is, that's not helping me call Wendy," Said Gerard.
"You'll have to step out of the trunk for now," Said Travis.
"Hi Harry," Said Ron, wandering into the dining room. His face was slightly flushed, and he had a goofy grin on his face.
"Now let's see… goofy grin… flushed face… someone's been busy this morning," Said Travis, causing Ron to flush even more, as he pulled up a seat at the table. Hermione stepped into the room moments later, also appearing rather out of sorts.
"You two haven't been…" Lisa began, but both teenagers shook their heads.
"Snogging, probably," Harry guessed, rolling his eyes. That got a look of surprise from Ron, and a scowl from Hermione.
"All right, kids," Said Lisa, "You're not to be, well, you know… since I know both of you are under age."
"We know, Mrs. Carter," Said Hermione, "I mean, I don't think my parents would be too happy, either."
"Not to mention mine, mum at least," Said Ron, snatching an apple from the bowl at the centre of the table.
"So does that include Harry?" Harry turned his head to see Frank, leaning against the door frame.
"Well, Mr. Iero, that I'm not sure of. I mean, gee, um…" Lisa started.
"Well, by law he IS of age, yet…" Hermione began.
"Hey, I AM in the room here," Harry huffed, "Look, I mean, if Frankie and I want to shag, it's really no one's bloody business."

It was nearly a half-minute before anyone could find their tongue again. It was a can of worms to say the least, and it had been dumped out all over the table, figuratively. A throat clearing from one of the paintings broke the silence.
"Well," Said Sirius, "He IS about to turn 16 on Tuesday."
"And that changes things how?" Asked Gerard, "He would still be underage, at least by U.S. law. Last thing we need is for Frankie to be hauled off to jail for having sex with a minor. Jesus Fuck!" He had not thought of the ramifications of Harry and Frank's relationship until now.
"No, Mr. Way, that's not gonna happen. At least not here," Said Lisa, "Canadian law sets the age of consent at 14, for both sexes."(2)
"You also forget, we're wizards. Memory charms are downright useful, used in the right place," Said Travis. Harry only nodded in agreement.
"Good morning, by the way," Said Frank, planting a kiss on the top of Harry's head. He plopped down in the seat beside him.
"It's actually afternoon, Mr. Iero."
"Guess it is. By the way, how do the windows work, I mean, we're in a closed space, right?"
"Magic," Travis answered, giving a wry smile.
"Smart ass."
"Damn straight."
"So Travis… you have your trunk in your pocket, right?" Asked Harry, seizing a chance to change the topic.
"So what would happen, if you tried to apparate into it?"
"Harry, that's disturbing," Said Hermione.
"Why?" Asked Frank.
"It would create a temporal circular reference-an infinite loop in reality."
"A what?"
"You mean like a paradox," Said Sirius.
"Exactly like that. So you can't. You can try, but it won't work," Hermione answered, "Harry, where did that thought come from?"
"I don't know, it just sort of popped into my head, I guess."
"So there are limits to magic?" Asked Frank.
"Most definitely, Mr. Iero," Answered James, finally joining the conversation, "If not, we wouldn't be stuck in this portrait."
"Or Voldemort would have absolute control," Said Harry, darkly.

By the following afternoon, Travis had corrected the problem of no reception inside the trunk. He had also reconnected the computer to the internet, although that had been an easier problem to correct, using the wizard wireless. Wizard computers connected through a wireless channel, rather than using the telephone line or cable. Yes, the Muggle Technology Integration Department were truly ingenious. If only muggles knew…

The fireplace from Travis' house had also been moved into Harry's trunk, moved to the opposite wall to the 'trunk' fireplace, much as it had been set up in Travis' trunk. A quick 'Reparo', and the façade looked as good as it ever had. Lisa was very pleased, and even pulled out a few family pictures, putting them back where they had been before the fire.
"When we rebuild the house, we'll put everything back," Said Travis, watching as his mother arranged the pictures.
"Why not build a new one?" Asked Frank.
"Because this one has been blessed," Answered Lisa, "When my husband and I had the house built, this hearth was the first thing placed, from the first stone."
"You practice the old ways?" Asked Lily. She, James, and Sirius had moved to the large vacant portrait above the opposite fireplace in the room.
"Yes. We were particularly blessed, as Travis was born on May 1st, or Beltane."
"The day marking fertility rights," Said Lily. Lisa nodded. "I knew Travis was going to be special."
"As special as Harry," Said James, "Born the day before Lammas."
"Tomorrow," Said Lisa. Harry nodded.
"July 31? Bizarre," Said Frank.
"I was born on Halloween," Answered Frank.
"The pagan new year," Said Lisa. Harry's features seemed to darken, however.
"What's wrong?" Asked Frank, seeing the change.
"Frankie… mum and dad were murdered by Voldemort on Halloween," Said Harry, his voice barely a whisper. He slumped into a chair, feeling what seemed like the weight of the world on his shoulders. Frank understood at once, and squeezed into the chair with him, sliding a hand around to comfort the boy… or young man. No, Harry Potter was most definitely not a boy, thought Frank, he never has been.

Suddenly, the floor shook, and with it came a low rumble.
"Harry?" Came Ron's voice from his room.
"I don't know," Harry answered, getting up, and producing his wand. Frank also stood, not sure what he would do if it were something dangerous.
"Um, what was that?" Asked Gerard, sticking his head out from one of the guest rooms. Just then, one of the twins tottered into the room, his clothing scorched, his face covered in soot. "Err, sorry about that." Harry looked at him quizzically, for the first time unable to tell whether it was Fred or George. Harry only grinned at him, very quickly getting an idea of what may have happened, quickly putting his wand away. There was only one thing to do, at least as far as Harry thought. He burst out laughing.
"I don't see what's so funny," Said Frank.
"It's all right, George has the fire under control, we'll fix it."
"Fire?" Asked Lisa.
"A pinch too much Erumpent fluid(3), I think," Said Fred, drawing his wand, and pointing it at himself, "Scourgify!" His clothing and face were instantly cleaned.
"Damn, really, are you all right?" Frank still looked concerned.
"The only thing that might have gotten injured, Frankie, was his pride," Harry smirked. Merlin, I needed that, he thought. "Need any help?"
"No, we're fine, Harry," Answered Fred, with a grin of his own. He turned around, headed back into the library.
"Frankie, the number of times I've stuffed up a potion… I've lost count. Believe me, it's too easy… most of the time it would just, well, do like what just happened to Fred and George. Sometimes I'd need to visit the hospital wing, but, err, they're fine. Trust us," Said Harry. Frank only shrugged, still not one hundred percent convinced. Harry only pulled him back down into the chair with him. They landed awkwardly, with Frank ending up in Harry's lap.
"Awww, Kodak moment," Said Travis, with a mischievous grin.
"Produce any camera, and I'll bust it," Said Frank.
"Not a wizarding camera, you won't," Answered Travis, with a smirk.
"Besides," Said Harry, "THOSE pictures won't end up in the papers."
"Oh, in that case," Said Frank, looking into Harry's eyes. They quickly closed the gap, and lips met.
"Shall we leave the room?" Sirius teased.
"mmmm," Harry moaned, wrapping his arms around Frank. Neither cared who was there. After all, anyone there already knew.

Neither of them moved from the chair the rest of the afternoon. Both understood they were connected in more ways than one. The question was, what did fate have in store for Frank Iero, and Harry Potter?

Dinner had finished, and both Harry and Frank had returned to the seat they had been sharing earlier in the main room. They had just gotten comfortable, when the floo fired, and both Hermione and Remus stepped out of the fire place. "Well, that was most productive," Hermione proclaimed, taking a seat opposite Harry and Frank.
"We may have a way to create a Room of Requirement," Said Remus, "It's very complicated, though… very advanced magic."
"Runic formulas as well," Hermione added.
"Can we do it?" Asked Harry, adjusting his glasses.
"I think we can, but I want to ask Luna for her help."
"Sure… I mean, she was at the ministry with us."
"Meaning, she will need to get into the trunk as well."
"Shit. I have to set foot in England again," Harry groaned.
"Harry, it's only for a few minutes. You'll just need to floo to Fred and George's shop."
"Yes, and deal with an angry Ginny again, that's the last thing I need right now."
"You have to face her eventually, after all, she was also at the ministry with us," Hermione pointed out.
"Why don't you want to see Ginny, Harry?" Asked Remus, taking another vacant seat.
"Because she still fancies me, and last time we spoke… well, she more or less screamed at me," Answered Harry.
"And do you blame her?" Asked Hermione.
"Merlin, let's not get on that," Said Harry, "I really don't need to hear it."
"She cares about you, Harry, she was only worried."
"I get that, it's all fine and such, but I don't need to be SMOTHERED." Harry felt a hand reach behind and rub his neck, then rest behind his head.
"Speaking of smothering," Said Hermione, watching Frank's subtle movements with his hand.
"Maybe I LIKE what he's doing," Harry smirked, "After all, it wasn't me that came out of my room yesterday afternoon all flustered." That caused Hermione to flush again. "Harry!"
"What?" Asked Harry, innocently.
"Well, it wasn't Ron and I that had their pictures taken by dozens of muggles while snogging in the lake on Saturday." Now it was both Harry and Frank's turn to blush.
"Um, right," Said Frank.
"Indeed," Said Remus, "And when did this happen?"
"Just wait for the Prophet, I'm sure it'll be plastered all over the front page in big block letters, BOY-WHO-LIVED IN LOVE. I can see it now," Harry groaned.

July 31, 2007
Harry awoke to someone gently knocking on the door. Slowly opening his eyes, he found the room brightly lit by the light streaming through the fake window.
"Happy birthday."
"Thanks," Said Harry, turning to face the other occupant of the bed. "Frankie, if I was to get nothing today, I'd still be happy, because I have you." Their moment was interrupted, by a second knock at the door.
"Yeah?" Harry called.
"Hurry up, mate, we've got a busy day!"
"Right," Harry called back. He turned back to Frank. "I hope they didn't go all nuts, I hate people making a fuss about me."
"Even if it's me?"
"Well, Mr. Iero, that's entirely different," Harry hissed, and they again locked lips.

As soon as Harry stepped into the dining room, he was almost knocked over by Hermione, as she gripped him in a tight hug. "Happy birthday, Harry!"
"Um, thanks," Harry managed, "Now if I could breathe, I might see my next…"
"Happy birthday, mate," Said Ron, as Harry and Hermione finally separated.
"Happy birthday, son," Said James.
"Thanks, dad. Now as much fun as it would be to stay in the trunk today, I think I'd rather spend it elsewhere," Said Harry, as a plate of food appeared in front of him. He and Frank had pulled up seats at the dining room table.
"We could go back to the Burrow," Said Ron, "You know mum would love to have you."
"Right, and have to face Ginny," Harry groaned.
"You'll have to do it eventually," Said Hermione.
"What about going to Nipigon? You've not seen the school yet, and I'm sure professor Bishop would accommodate us," Suggested Travis.

Harry thought for a few minutes, slowly eating his breakfast. He really didn't look forward to facing Ginny. Yet, the Weasleys had always treated him well, practically like an 8th child. Now it might be his turn to look after them, Harry thought. "All right, let's invade the Burrow." A mischievous smirk crossed his face, as he did a mental head count. What would Molly do with 10 or more extra people at her table?
"I'll have to go to my brothers' shop, and fire call mum," Said Ron.
"Nope, just use the 'public' floo in the main room. You can fire-call internationally, you just can't travel from here," Explained Travis.

It was just after 1pm London time, when Harry, Frank, and Travis arrived at the Burrow by floo. Harry was instantly seized in a bone-crushing hug. It took no guesses to know who it was.
"Harry, dear! Happy birthday! How are you?" Molly asked, finally releasing him.
"Thanks, and I'm fine, Mrs. Weasley, fine," Answered Harry. Molly held him at arms' length, as if inspecting him. "How have you been eating? You look…"
"Great, just great. I have two house elves that make sure of that," Answered Harry, "Mrs. Weasley, this is Travis, and Frankie."
"Nice to meet you both, do come in," Said Molly, leading the group to the small kitchen table. She kept looking at Frank, not sure what to make of the young man. She had seen tattoos and piercings a good number of times, considering how Bill dressed these days. The hair, on the other hand, had her very confused.
"We're gonna need more room than this, I think," Said Travis, producing his trunk.
"How do you mean?"
"It's like this," Said Travis, placing the miniature trunk off to the side, and re-enlarging it. He then touched the black panel and vanished.
"It's got a room inside it," Said Harry. Molly only nodded in understanding. "Fred put a trunk just like that one in their room upstairs. I always wondered how those two were popping into the house, anti-apparation wards on the house and so on."
"Why doesn't that surprise me," Harry laughed. Just then, Travis reappeared, and moments after, Lisa.
"Mrs. Weasley, this is my mum, Lisa Carter. Lisa, this is Ron's mum."
"Nice to meet you," Said Lisa.
"Likewise. You have been looking after Harry?" Asked Molly.
"In some ways," Answered Lisa, "Although I think Harry's more than capable of taking care of himself, from what I have seen of his memories."
"Anyway, we'd better set something up outside, there's more than a few others in the trunk," Said Travis.
"Yes, as Ronald has mentioned more than a few times during the floo call," Said Molly.
"I can set up a few tables, if you don't have any yourself," Said Travis.

The early part of the afternoon was spent with Molly getting to know Harry's new friends. She had also discreetly floo-called her husband at work, and Professor McGonagall. Part of her had also wanted to contact the Order, yet, she was then fully aware of Dumbledore's manipulations, and was none-too-happy about it. No, the Order would not be contacted, this was Harry's birthday, after all.

Things really got under way mid-afternoon, when Molly's husband, Professor McGonagall, Bill, Remus, and Luna arrived. Hermione had floo called Luna and Neville just after Harry had left, letting them know Harry would be at the Burrow that afternoon. What harm would come of getting the 'ministry six' together again?

It was a very noisy reunion, as 5 of the group that fought at the Ministry of Magic in June got reacquainted. It also meant loads of introductions, as Harry introduced his school friends to members of My Chemical Romance, who were all sitting, trying to understand all the wizard-talk. They had wanted to stay behind and deal with 'band business', but Frank all but dragged everyone else along.
"I would assume, Mr. Potter, your muggle friends have been given secrecy charms?" Asked Minerva. The large group was gathered under a large canopy Travis had managed to create, from a large stone. There were several tables, around which the groups sat.
"Of course," Said Harry, "Right, Travis?"
"Yeah. Our Ministry did it. It was either that, or they be Obliviated. I said, over my dead body," Said Travis, "These guys are my friends."
"And why would your Ministry allow for such a thing?"
"Why not?" Asked Travis, "What's wrong with having muggle friends?"
"Well, I mean, nothing, I guess… it's only the risk…"
"That's what the secrecy charm's for, though," Travis challenged, "Our world has a lot to learn from the muggle world." That got a smile from Mr. Weasley.
"Hey Travis, what's that department in the Canadian ministry called? You know the one I mean," Said Harry.
"Oh, you mean the Muggle Technology Integration Department," Said Travis.
"Really?" Asked Mr. Weasley.
"You should see Travis' computer."
"A com-putter?" Asked Mr. Weasley.
"All right, now, that's enough," Said Molly, "It's bad enough he's got a shed full of junk as it is." Harry had to duck his head to hide a smirk.
"I do hope, Mr. Potter, you haven't been spending all your time playing about," Said Minerva, casting a quick glance at Frank.
"No, we have been busy, Professor," Answered Harry, "I mean, Travis taught me a neat charm the other day. Aguamenti, right?" Travis nodded.
"It's important that we do start teaching you some advanced defence spells and tactics," Said Remus.
"Yes, and Albus does want you to resume Occlumency training with Professor Snape. I understand you two have had some discussions recently?" Asked Minerva.
"A bit. I mean, we're by no means friends, but, if Professor Snape wants to, I mean, I'm better off than I was… I just wish… wish I had even the skill I have now… maybe Sirius would still be here," Said Harry. The memory of Sirius falling through the veil come back full-force, threatening to overwhelm him.
"Harry, you haven't really lost him," Said Frank, leaning in and whispering, "Why didn't you bring your parents and Sirius up, anyway?" Harry only nodded, slowly standing. He removed his glasses, and wiped his moist eyes. "I'll be right back."

After a quick trip to the trunk, retrieving a blank portrait, he set it up on an easel Minerva had conjured up beside Harry. They were instantly occupied by Sirius, James, and Lily. Molly's eyes seemed to get as big as saucers, on seeing the three smiling faces in the portrait. "James?! Lily!? Sirius?!"
"That would be us," Said Sirius, "Hello Molly, Arthur."
"Merlin! But, how?"
"We knew our lives were in danger, Molly," Said James, "We wanted our son to know us. Which, he should have 5 years ago today."
"Mum, dad, this is Luna and Neville," Harry introduced, "Guys, this is my mum and dad, Lily and James."
"Nice to meet you," Said Luna.
"Gram told me a little about you," Said Neville, "My mum and dad… they were attacked the same night you were killed."
"Yes, right," Said Harry, "I… I know. Neville, you know that it could have been you with the scar." Neville only nodded.
"All right, that's enough of that talk," Said Remus, "This is not a funeral."
"Couldn't agree more, Moony," Said James.
"Indeed, Prongs," Said Sirius.
"Moony?" Fred gasped.
"Prongs?" George finished, "Not…"
"The Marauders?! We're not worthy, we're not worthy!" The twins both burst, paying homage to the greatest pranksters in Hogwarts recent memory.
"Now both of you will NOT be feeding my sons nonsense," Molly said firmly, "I have a time enough with their pranks as it is." Harry had to laugh. Leave it up to the twins to get me laughing, he thought.
"At any rate," Said Lisa, "I do believe it might be time to have some cake. I hope you don't mind, Harry, I asked Winky to come up with something." At just that moment, Winky appeared, bringing with her a massive cake that might easily feed an army.
"Well, I hope everyone brought doggie bags," Said Travis, with a smirk. Harry laughed again, while most of the Weasleys looked at Travis strangely.
"Oh, sorry. Muggle expression. As in a bag for leftovers," Travis explained, seeing their confusion.

Since the party had been a last-minute thing, Harry only ended up getting a few things. A couple of books from Hermione and Remus, while Minerva gave him a small talisman, which was in the shape of a lion's head.
"A few defensive charms have been placed on it, Mr. Potter, Professor Flitwick and I worked quite hard on it, as did Professor Snape," Said Minerva, a smile forming.
"Professor Snape?"
"Indeed. He will be taking over the Dark Arts Defence position in September."
"Who's taking over potions?" Asked Harry, as he slipped the talisman on.
"Horace Slughorn," Answered Minerva, "He used to teach, in fact not all that long ago."
"I was one of his favourite students," Said Lily.
"What kind of protections?" Asked Travis.
"Many lesser hexes and curses will be blocked," Answered Minerva.
"Brilliant! Thank you, Professor."
"All right, time for mine," Said Frank, pulling a box out from under the table, "It's not much, but, um, here." Harry accepted the package, and quickly opened it, to find a black hooded sweatshirt, or hoodie. It had a picture of the band on the front, with the band logo on the back.
"Thanks," Said Harry, quickly pulling it on, and giving Frank a tight squeeze.
"How come we didn't get that kind of reception," Asked Hermione.
"Because, Miss Granger, YOU are not my boyfriend," Harry smirked. That got several looks of shock from Molly and Arthur, but only nods of understanding from the others.
"Oh come on, mum, you knew Harry fancies boys," Said Ron.
"I know, dear, but it's, well, Frank, you are much older than Harry is, are you not?" Asked Molly.
"And what happened on July 18, Mrs. Weasley?" Asked Harry.
"Right, but still, it's not exactly appropriate."
"Oh come off it," Said Harry, "I'll do what I bloody please! That's what the word independent means!"
"He is right," Said Arthur, "By all intents and purposes, he is an adult, in the eyes of the ministry."
"Thank you, Mr. Weasley," Said Harry. He thought for a moment. "Look, I'm sorry if I snap at people, I appreciate the gifts and all, but, my birthday isn't one of my favourite days." Just then, the door to the house opened, and Ginny appeared. She saw the number of people gathered, along with Harry, and she made a bee-line for him. "Harry!"
"Hi, 'Gin," Said Harry. Now which version of Ginny will show up today? He thought.
"Happy birthday."
"Thanks. Look, Ginny. I'm sorry I didn't let you guys know what was going on when I left England. I know now I could have trusted you guys… but then I wasn't sure."
"I should hex you, Mr. Potter, but good, scaring us that way!" Ginny huffed, "But I won't… it being your birthday and all." She looked at the strangers seated at the two tables.
"Oh, Ginny. This is Frank, Travis, his mum, Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Ray, and Adam," Harry introduced, "Guys, this is Ginny Weasley."
"Hello," Ginny greeted, taking a vacant seat.
"There's cake if you want some," Said Harry, standing, "Me right now, I'm gonna do something I haven't done in months."

He disappeared into the house for several minutes, then returned, carrying his Firebolt.
"Wicked," Said Ron, "Why don't we organize a game of Quidditch?"
"Maybe later," Said Harry, "I just need to get in the air for a bit." He mounted his prized Firebolt, lifting off from the ground. The expressions on the muggles' faces was precious, to say the least. "Close your mouth, Frankie, you'll catch flies," Harry smirked, then rose higher into the air.
"Is that really safe? I mean, what happens if you fall?" Asked Frank.
"That's happened to me once," Said Harry, "The only game I ever lost."
"And he wouldn't have, had he not been attacked by Dementors," Said Hermione.
"But, how is it possible? I mean, for a broom to fly?" Asked Mikey.
"It's a flying charm," Said Minerva, as Harry hovered close by.
"So could you, say, charm a vacuum cleaner to do the same thing?" Asked Frank. That got a few smirks and rolling eyes from the teenagers, and a few scowls from the adult wizards and witches.
"Oh please don't remind us of the Mr. and Mr. Weasley's antics a couple of years ago," Said Minerva.
"Why, what happened?" Asked Gerard.
"Well, there's a school rule that was added only a few years ago, that specifically states, 'A muggle vacuum cleaner is NOT appropriate Quidditch equipment, even if it HAS been charmed to fly'(4)," Answered Hermione, matter-of-factly. That drew mischievous grins from both twins.
"This must've happened before I joined the team, then," Harry guessed.
"The year before," Answered Fred.
"Right you are Gred," Said George, "We wanted to make a grand entrance and all."
"It was most certainly an entrance, Mr. Weasley, I will hand you that," Said Minerva. As much as she fought to keep the facade of disapproval, it was a losing battle. Even the staunch, strict professor had to admit, it was rather amusing. Harry only laughed, then took off, making several laps around the yard.

Frank watched, as Harry made gentle sweeping laps around the large yard, sometimes to vanish behind the trees, then return seconds later. I wonder if I can do that? He thought to himself, as Harry finally touched down again, not far from the tables. "Would it be possible, um, for me to try it?"
"Well, err, no, not on your own. I mean, you… I'll teach you sometime. But, here, get on behind me," Harry offered, sliding forward a bit.
"Frankie, no, you might fall," Said Gerard, nervous about the concept.
"It's perfectly safe." Hermione reassured, "Harry's a good flier."
"Do you trust me?" Asked Harry.
"I trust you."
"Ok, then get on behind me. Put your feet in the stirrups, it's almost exactly like riding a horse." Harry gestured to the golden stirrups, in which he already had his right foot. Frank cautiously climbed onto the back, finding it surprisingly comfortable, then put his feet in the stirrups.
"Hold on… no, wrap your arms around my waist." Harry said. Frank did so, quickly closing up the gap between them. They were so close, Harry could feel Frank's heart pounding in his chest with excitement. He could also feel his own heart pounding, his face and ears also getting rather warm.
"I do believe you are blushing, Mr. Potter," Said Hermione, with a smirk.
"Ready?" Harry barely managed.
"Ready." Frank said. Harry pushed off, and the ground fell away. He levelled off 50 feet up.
"This is awesome," Said Frank, as Harry gently pitched the broom forward. They began to move slowly about the yard, Harry not wanting to push things just yet.
"Yeah, it is. Some of my best memories have been on a broom." Said Harry, "I fly when I need to relieve stress. I've missed it, with meeting you and your friends. Almost forgot how it felt."

They both fell silent for a while, as each fell into their own thoughts. Harry gently flew around the grounds of Burrow, not wanting to push things too fast, not wanting to scare Frank. Of course, Frank would have none of that.
"So is this as fast as this can go?"
"You sure you really want to find out? This being your first flying lesson and all." Harry warned.
"Harry. I don't think this is gonna scare me. Ever been to an amusement park before?"
"No, can't say I have. All right, don't say I didn't warn you." Harry adjusted his posture, leaning forward with a little more force than before. The power he felt was astounding, as they rapidly accelerated, quickly leaving the Burrow behind. The ground was flying by at a frightening rate, and he felt the two arms wrapped around his waist instantly squeeze tighter.

Frank believed he was ready for just about anything. That was, until this. The ground was almost a blur, the wind almost painful in the face. His heart was racing even faster, his palms were sweaty, and he felt a rush of adrenaline. It was frightening, but exciting, all at the same time. Nothing in his life measured up to what he was experiencing at that very moment.

A half hour later, they finally landed. Both rider and passenger quickly climbed off.
"How was your flight?" Asked Travis, "I do believe you're blushing, Frankie."
"Um, yeah," Frank answered, still in awe of what he had just experienced. He tottered over to his seat, his head actually feeling a little light.
"You Ok?" Asked Harry. Frank actually looked a little green after the experience. "Yeah, I'll be all right," He answered weakly, "Holy shit that was fast. Guys, you HAVE to try this."
"Um, right," Said Gerard, clearly not convinced. He passed a bottle of butterbeer across the table to Frank.
"I'll be right back," Said Harry, "Here, hold this." He passed Frank his broom, then went back into the house, needing to visit the bathroom. As an afterthought, he stopped at the trunk. No sense in keeping them out of this, he thought, quickly adding Molly, Arthur, and Ginny to the trunk access, unaware of how critical that move would be just a short time from then.

Coming back down the stairs, he stopped short, seeing Percy exit the fireplace.
"Percy…" Harry half-hissed.
"Potter… what are you doing here?"
"I might ask you the same question. Still acting as the Minister's mouthpiece?"
"How dare you…"
"Percy, dear! What… I…" Molly began, as she stepped into the house.
"I've been sacked," Percy announced.
"Oh dear."
"You'll get no sympathy from me," Said Harry, stepping around him, and leaving the house. That had been a rather sour meeting, he thought, returning to the outdoor tables.
"You look like you swallowed a lemon, mate," Said Bill, as Harry again collected his broom from Frank.
"Percy happened," Said Harry.
"What? Percy… he's here?" Asked Arthur. Harry only nodded, mounting his broom again. "Frankie… coming?"
"Sure… just, not that fast, this time, ok?"
"Well, you did ask how fast it could go," Harry smirked. That actually restored his better mood, as Frank again climbed on the back, wrapping his arms around Harry's waist.
"Not too long, you two… we'll be setting supper out soon," Said Lisa. Harry only nodded, pushing off, the broom gaining some height. "Oh… Travis, I added Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, as well as Ginny, to the trunk."
"Cool," Said Travis.
"Trunk? What trunk?" Asked Ginny.
"So you and your mum and dad can come visit us and Harry any time," Answered Travis. Just then, the door to the house flew open, and a group of people poured out into the yard, most of which, Harry had no desire to speak with.
"I do believe we need to have a chat, Harry," Said Dumbledore.

AUTHOR NOTES: Ok, a question for my readers: What house do you think Frankie would end up in if he were sorted by the sorting hat? I'm seeing a potential scene in the headmistress' office, so this might actually play a part. (At time of posting at FanFiction . net, it was 2 - 1 for Hufflepuff)

(1) Harry actually started learning this charm at the beginning of 6th year. See the HP Lexicon, and of course, P. 206, HBP, Canadian soft-cover edition.
(2) Current Canadian law sets the age of consent at 14, for both males and females, with a few exceptions (positions of trust, etc) See: www . parl . gc . ca /information /library /PRBpubs /prb993-e.htm (remove spaces) I don't know what U.S. law says, but I have a good idea it's a rat's nest of do's and don'ts. As an aside, homophobia is wrong, as is any law that condones it.
(3) Erumpent Fluid: EXPLOSIVE with a capital E. Definitely not a stable ingredient, and even the most experienced wizards can mess up using this stuff.
(4) Not sure where I remember seeing this… I think it was in a piece called '501 Hogwarts Rules', that one almost had me wet myself. I might actually do an aside piece… picturing Fred and George coming onto the Quidditch pitch straddling vacuum cleaners… hysterical, and definitely something they would come up with.
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