Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Shreya To Jinx

Field Trip Prep Part Two

by Meiriona 0 reviews

Who is Jinx? How did she become what she is? Begins in her native India on her third birthday. Rated teen.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Jinx - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-21 - Updated: 2006-02-22 - 971 words

This chapter seemed way too short, but thats probably because its a three part chapter, I guess. The final part of the trip preperations will be very long, trust me. I've got some fun things cooked up, and after the Gotham trip this part of Jinx's history will me done. Thanks to those who reveiw!
"Jinx!" Oh not again. Why did every conversation start with someone calling her name? "Hey Jinx! Did you eat my steak?" Oh, Mammoth must have checked the fridge. Head hitting her desk, she let out a groan.
"Mammoth," she growled, stalking across the warehouse she and the boys had bought with their personal cut of the heists. "For the last time. I. Do. Not. Eat. Beef! Your steak went bad when a certain genius /killed our power. Why didn't you just /pay for it?"
Gizmo snorted from across the room. "Looks who suddenly has morals. Plus, I got it back."
"I have no morals, what I have is common sense. The academy doesn't even know about this place, why draw attention to it?"
"So..." Oh here it came. Get your own food for three months, and now you have the guts to ask. "Why don't you eat beef anyways Jinx? It's really good."
Jinx was saved having to explain by a disgusted grunt from Gizmo. "Do you have no sense of cultural customs you snot head? Jinx is Hindu, you lead headed fool. The cow is SACRED. You don't-" the device he as working on sparked, "Eat" Spark, "sacred" spark, "Animals"
Well that was one way to put it. "You boys packed yet? Oh this trip is gonna be great for the gals."
Gizmo and Mammoth exchanged confused looks. "We packed ages ago. But why just the girls? This is gonna be a great trip for us too, dummy"
Head-desk. Honestly, do the even pay attention? "Besides the other hive girls, what female villains are there in Jump city?"
Mammoth grinned. "Just you girl, so?"
"So, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy," Jinx paused before the last name. Definatly her favorite of the Gotham girls. "Catwoman. Rama, but she is incredible. I have to meet her. Gotham has females who rule the night. Gold mine of role models for us."
The boys shrugged. "I just want to see the real deal, not this petty crime. A gang war, maybe a murder or something." Gizmo had his arms crossed and Mammoth was frowning, apparently they didn't like her speech. Boys.
Checking her watch Jinx cursed. "Class in twenty minutes, lets get back. We may be the top students, but we still have to attend."
Bolting the doors and activating the security system, they ran through the docking district and to the run down area that housed the first alleyway of the passage to the HIVE.
Once they were close enough to catch their breath before entering, Gizmo disabled the device that jammed the signal from their com units. The headmistress wouldn't check their signals, but better safe than sorry.
"Jinx, you should hit the library, Mammoth the weights and I'll blow something up in the lab, to throw off suspicion." Gizmo took charge of their cover, as usual.
Later that day in class, a ridiculous one truly. Mathematics in doomsday plans. Everyone knew her squad were cat burglars hoping to be upgraded to assassins. Large scale villainy was more suited to those with ambition, like the omni delta squad. It was good to know the theory but still, what use did she have for it? 'That's what I get for letting Gizmo pick my classes this year. Should've taken the math course for astrology calculations, even if I never use that nonsense.'
"Jinx" An elbow in her side brought her out of her thoughts. "Jinx, would you care to answer the question?" Crud, daydreaming in class.
"Might you repeat the question so I can be sure I understand it correctly?" Oh, real smooth Jinx. Sighing the professor repeated.
"In plots involving unstable chemical substances, the most common mathematical errors are in the calculation of what?"
A question she actually knew? What luck! "Probability" Jinx answered proudly.
"Correct, for the bonus point, what is the most common mistake?" Uh oh. Luck has run out. But, Gizmo seemed to know, judging by the hand that was waving around in the air.
"Gizmo seems to know sir."
Before he was called on, the smallest member of her team began to speak "Most errors in calculating probability occur due to an underestimation of the actual number of such occurrence, usually due to ignorance on the part of the mathematician involved" Jaws dropped, and Jinx had to smirk. Gizmo hadn't even looked up from his palm, and was typing furiously. "By the way, reconfigure the security encryption for your grade book, I cracked it again" That made the third time today, how did he do that?
The embarrassed instructor looked down. "Yes, very well, I see you have this class down well enough for your entire squad. Team Alpha dismissed, prepare for the trip, there will be quizzes on your outings." After exchanging high fives all around the trio split to make for their dorms. This would surely be an interesting trip.
The executive eyed each student suspiciously as they loaded their bags into the storage unit of their craft. Each team was given a small HIVE capsule ship. They would have to pilot themselves to Gotham, though there were executives in the main vessel to take control if anything went awry.
Mammoth was flying the first shift, since it was just to Steel city. Gizmo got leg two, the most difficult stretch, passing over a military base and several paranoid towns. Jinx herself got the last spot, bringing them safely into Gotham. It should have been an easy enough trip.
Should have been.
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