Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > Shreya To Jinx

Field Trip Prep Part One

by Meiriona 0 reviews

Who is Jinx? How did she become what she is? Begins in her native India on her third birthday. Rated teen.

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Characters: Jinx - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-02-11 - Updated: 2006-02-12 - 1055 words

Yaay. Ok, I want you to know that once this gets to Final exam, it will become a new story. I know this chapter is short, but thats because the only places to stop are here and after they get to Gotham, and I'm not quite happy with that part yet. For those of you who reveiwed, you rock. FO rthose who didnt, SHAME ON YOU! Stanard disclaimers apply.
"Jinx!" Not noticing the call, the hex witch sat surrounded by books, door barred by the wardrobe she had pushed in front of it.
"Darksome night and shining moon, East then South than West then North."
"Jinx! Get out here already!" This time accompanied by harsh knocks on the door. Ignoring them, Jinx continued.
"Hearken to the witches' rune; hear me come to call ye forth. Earth and water air and fire, wand and pentacle, and sword. Work ye unto our desire, hearken ye unto our word"
"Pea brain, we have practice! We can't be late or else we might miss our shot at the trip!" "You are NOT making me miss the Gotham trip!"
"Cords and censor scourge and knife, powers of the witches' blade, waken all ye unto life, come ye as the charge is made. Queen of heaven queen of hell, horned hunter of the night, lend your power into our spell, aid us as we serve you right."
"That's IT!" A detonation blew the door off its hinges and Mammoth dragged Jinx out of the room. "Not gonna be LATE."
Grumbling all the way through the halls, the trio managed to arrive with a minute to spare. Glaring at Gizmo as she took her place, Jinx fired up her hexes.
Sprinting onto the course as the drones were released, Jinx called out "Delta formation!"
Designed for when they were significantly outnumbered, it relied heavily on teamwork. Floor panels dropped away to further throw them off balance as lasers fired. Using mammoth like a springboard, Jinx leapt onto the shoulders of one of the drones, placing a hand where she the control mechanism would be.
She had barely gotten the hex out before a laser sent her cart wheeling across the room. As the lasers followed her, Gizmo's missiles hit their marks, and Mammoth sent three drones crashing into a wall. Hovering mini mines descended, and the floors began to move at such a speed that Mammoth began to fall behind.
They had a minute left or they would fail the course. Gizmo was detonation the mines out of range, while Jinx hexed those too close.
45 seconds.
Crap. Mammoth wasn't going to make it. "Use the mines! Detonate-" Before Gizmo could finish his sentence, Mammoth had detonated the mine directly behind him, and the trio rode the force of the explosion across the finish line. And with twenty seconds to spare.
"Excellent" The robed executive congratulated them. "Outstanding teamwork, you three will join the Gotham outing this weekend"
"Sweet!" Gizmo and Jinx exchanged a high five before Mammoth caught them up in an overbearing hug. Gizmo fought it, as usual, until the nuggie came, and then he yelped like a dog that is tail had been trodden on. Jinx was still rubbing her arm as they made their way out.
"Happy Gizmo? Now you have to fix my door. And remove your cameras. I'm sick of disabling them.”
Those things had been bothering her forever, especially since there were other cams than the standard issue. Luckily, the Hive dorms shared bathrooms. That was the one place there weren†t cameras. Not for legal reasons, more to protect the school from hormonal females.
"Jesus Jinx! How did you find those" Gizmo didn't seem the least bit disturbed that she knew, mostly because Jinx would only kill whoever BOUGHT the photos, not those who profited from it.
Rolling her eyes, Jinx replied "Uh, Magic?" As if any idiot could have known she was going to say that. Because they would have. "Electrical synapses in the brain, easily able to detect transmissions within a certain area. Should've taken that mechanics of magic seminar. Now, like I said" Her humor turned to a growl "Fix my room. Three months till exams, and I need to study." Whoa, had it been two years already? Might not seem like much, but in that time she had grown so much. Two years of classes in three months. It was the Hive record.
'Well I did have help on that, between Kali with my powers and Gizmo's direct downloading program, I didn't have much studying to do.' She thought as she made her way to the sauna. The steam loosened her muscles and allowed her to relax. Funny how the girls of the Hive rarely spent much time together. They had their rooms in the same corridor, and shared the baths, but gender didn't seem to matter. Your team was your friends, your family.
Sure, she gossiped with them on days out, or when they happened to be in the hot tubs at the same time. Heck, that was how she had learned about Gizmo's crush on her. That had been an interesting day. One of many, she had really gotten to like it here.
'Just don't you forget why you are here'
The sudden voice made her jump. Whirling around in the steam, Jinx could make out the naked form of her goddess. After a salaam, Jinx stared reverently at the embodiment of destruction.
"Kali Ma, my Lady, how could I forget. I give puja daily and never neglect my meditations. Your sacred flames cleanse me each night. And I watch for the daughter" Trembling the sorceress stumbled over the words, hair falling into her eyes. The laughter of the goddess laughed a sound both terrible and full of joy.
'She is here now, now he name shall be unlocked for you are in a position to watch over her now. Nursemaid to a girl older than you, and more powerful, maybe. Hilarious, is it not?' Jinx searched for words that would not reveal her confusion but was cut off as Kali lay a hand on her brow. 'Remember,' she commanded, and with that, she vanished, leaving a very confused teen behind.

Ok, reveiw. Or else I might not post any more(yeah, right). Even if its a flame.
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