Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Stop Trying To Hate It Here

by Carebear_Assassin 1 review

Linda and Alana have a heart to heart.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-06-30 - Updated: 2008-07-01 - 374 words

The warm water ran over my hair, it was so heavy when it was wet my neck was starting to hurt. I was leaning over the bathtub so Linda could help me wash it.

“You know you could be a little nicer to your father.” She said. I looked at her.

“Do you see what he did?”

“I would have done something too, maybe not this but something. I mean you can’t just talk to him any old way. Would you talk to your mother that way?” she asked.

“No, but my mother wouldn’t try and keep me from my boyfriend.”

“Well maybe that’s why she sent you here.” I thought about it. At most I spent about two hours with my mother during the week. We mostly communicated in post-its. And when we were together we mostly fought mostly about my missing curfew or cutting school, but Patrick hadn’t had anything to do with any of that.

“No its something else I just don’t know what.” I said. Finally we got most of the paint out of my hair.

“Here sit.” She said motioning to the chair with a brush. She started brushing my hair, starting at the tangled ends and working her way up. “Maybe if you tried not to hate it here, you would see that you might like it.”

“Everything I know and want is back home.” I said as tears started to come to my eyes, “She just sprung this on me a week ago. I wasn’t ready, its too soon.” She kept brushing my hair.

“I know the whole story and I know from a mothers point of view that if she thought it was best for you to be with your father instead of her, she had a good reason.” We sat there quietly until she finished brushing all my hair. Then we both stood. “You wanna come help me with lunch?” I simply nodded. My father and Frank would be in my room. “Jacob she’s coming to help me with lunch okay.” she yelled toward the room. “So tell me about your friends back home.” She said taking my hand and leading me down the steps to the kitchen.
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