Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way


by Carebear_Assassin 1 review

Frank flirts with Alana.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-07-01 - Updated: 2008-07-01 - 782 words

Linda was the best she didn’t make me do anything. In fact she let me sit the whole time on the phone with Cleo who I hadn’t spoken to since I arrived yesterday an unusual occurrence seeing as how we spoke to each other every ten minutes. “So have you made any friends?”

“Yeah one, she’s our neighbor she’s really cool. Even if she’s as old as my mother.”

“You always did seek out the older kids to hang out with.” Her included but I didn’t point this out. “Any cute guys you wanna introduce me to?” my mind flashed to Frank, and I mentally scolded my self.

“There’s this band you might wanna check out. I mean I haven’t heard them play, but the members are pretty nice accept one.” I said once again thinking about Frank.

“Oh really, do I have to tell the boys they lost a fan?”

“Hell No! You know I love my babies and don’t even play like that.” I said seriously.

“Hey I was just kidding. What kind of music do they play?”

“I don’t know, I forgot to ask cause I was distracted by my over bearing father.”

“What did he do?”

“He said I wasn’t allowed to date Patrick until “He met and approved of him” I don’t know who he thinks he is. But I told him he couldn’t stop me from dating Patrick. He didn’t really like that too much.” I said remembering the look of anger on his face.

“What did he do?” my smile fell.

“He dumped paint on my head.” She burst out laughing.

“This is funnier than the dogs.”

“It’s not even funny,” I said even though I had started laughing, until I felt Frank’s eyes again. This was really starting to get old.

“So she can smile?” He said coming in and sitting across from me.

“Go away.” I said, “Cleo I’ll talk to you later okay.” I could tell she was ready to end the call as well since she had started another conversation with someone else.

“Okay love, cheer up okay bye.” I hung up the phone.

“Are you coming to eat?” he asked.

“Are you going to walk off a cliff anytime soon?” he got up from his seat and came over to stand in front of me.

“Only if you were there to break my fall,” he said. I went to stand up, but he was too close for me to stand up properly. “Besides, you might just die if you didn’t get to see me.”

“I’ve lived the past seventeen years without seeing you. I think I can manage.” I started falling back onto the couch, but he wrapped his arms around my waist to hold me up.

“You have some serious denial going on here.” I looked him in the eye, something I should know better than to do. I was close enough to notice the little specks of brown in them.

“I thought I wasn’t your type.” I said hoping he would let me go.

“Maybe then I was in denial.” He said leaning in close to me.

“Well that makes one of us,” I said leaning back. I fell back onto the couch. I saw a smirk as he fell with me. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, I thought any minute it would burst through my chest. “Iero get off of me.” I said using his last name.

“You know you like It.” he whispered close to my ear. I tried really hard not to shiver, but my body wasn’t being cooperative.

“Frank Anthony Iero, get off of that girl.” I heard Linda call. Thank god for Linda, “Now apologize, I taught you better than that.”

“Mom I was just playing…”

“She didn’t look like she was playing. Are you okay Alana?” she asked concern etched on her face. I looked over at Frank he looked guilty and basically like he wanted to crawl under a rock. I felt sorry enough to let him off the hook this time.

“Yeah I’m fine, he was just playing around.” I said, as convincingly as I could.

“Okay,” she said looking at me suspiciously. “You two go get washed up for lunch.” I nodded and headed up to the bathroom to wash my hands. Frank followed.


I hear your request for longer chapters but I wrote this like a year or so ago so I'm just posting prewritten chapters. I'll start trying to post more than once a day though.

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