Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 2

by arquero333 1 review

Chapter 2

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-07-02 - Updated: 2008-07-03 - 932 words

..::Next Morning::..
~~Cali's POV~~

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. I forgot to put something over the window last night. I looked at my watch, 8:03. Good, that gives me enough time to get ready before we head out. I took a shower, got dressed, all that fun stuff... I walked downstairs at 8:45, not expecting to see anyone, but Andy was awake, waiting on the couch.

"Hey." I said, walking down the last few stairs.
"Hey." He replied.
"I wasn't expecting anyone down here until about three seconds before I left" I laughed.
"Yeah, thats Pete and Joe... I got up early to get ready and I think Patrick is just looking for his hat."
"What about that one?" I asked, pointing to a hat sitting on the back of the couch.
"Not that one..."
"That one?" I pointed to the hat on top of the TV.
"Which one?"
"I don't know, but he already said it wasn't those, so I gave up trying to help." He laughed. As if on cue, Patrick came downstairs wearing a gray beanie.
"Found it." He sang.
"That one apparently." Andy whispered and I giggled. Patrick gave me a weird look but ignored me.
"Where are Pete and Joe?" He asked. Andy just shrugged. The clock said 8:49.
"Well, I said for 8:50, we might as well get ready to go..." I got my shoes on, as did the others, and we waited for the clock to say 8:50....
"Okay, lets get going." I opened the door as I heard a heard of elephants coming down the stairs. Make that Joe and Pete. I shook my head and left, followed by Andy and Patrick.
"Hey! Wait up! We're on time for once!" I heard Pete yell before the door closed behind Patrick.

At the store, Patrick went towards tools, Pete and Joe went towards kitchen appliances and Andy came with me to find paint.
"What kind of colour are you looking for?" He asked.
"A deep purple." I answered looking at the colours.
"Smoooke on the waaaaterrrr." Andy sang quietly behind me. I laughed.
"Hows this?" He held up a paper with different shades of purple, pointing to the second from the bottom.
"Ohhh, I like it." I took the paper and looked at it closer. I looked back up at the wall quickly. "Yupp, I think this is it."
"Okay, Now what else do we need?" He asked as he grabbed two cans of "Gentle Violet"
"Curtains! I need curtains." I said as I skipped towards the curtains.

I was looking at the curtains for a minute or two before Andy came up behind me with a cart.
"I figured this would probably be best." He laughed. I nodded and continued to look at the curtains.
"What do you think of those?" I pointed at a medium gray.
"I think they nice..."
"Think they would go with the paint?"
"Yes?" It was more of a question than a statement. I laughed.
"Good enough for me." I grabbed them and put them in the cart. We went around picking up a few little things that we thought the room could use before we met the guys at the front.
"All set?" Pete asked, holding two blenders.
"Yeah, but why do we need two blenders?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Because... you never know when you'll need two blenders!" He said as if it made the most sense in the world as we walked towards the counter. I just shook my head.
When we got home, the guys minus Patrick helped me paint my room. Patrick said he had work to do and took the two blenders into his room. Whatever...

Later that night, I grabbed a hoodie and went downstairs, expecting them to all be huddled around a table again, but no one was there.
"Hello?" I yelled out. Nothing. "Guys?"
"Just a sec." I heard coming from upstairs. A second later Joe ran downstairs. "Yeah?"
"Where is everyone?"
"Oh, they, um... went to go rent a movie."
"That garlic one?"
"Yesterday you guys said something about a garlic mov-"
"Oh yeah! That one." He smiled. Right...
"Okay, so I'm just going out then." I turned towards the door.
"No!" I stopped and looked at him. "I mean, don't you want to see the movie?"
"Not really..."
"Its really good, I swear. I saw it on bootleg."
"Well, I'm only going to be out for a half an hour or so."
"I want to go for a walk."
"But... Its dark. What if you step in dog poo?"
"I won't."
"But what if you do?"
"Then I'll wipe my shoe off before I come in." I turned to walk out.

~~Joe's POV~~
Come on, think of something... Cali started to put her shoes on.
"I'll make you cookies!" She stopped. Yes!
"I'm making cookies. You can have some."
"Do you even know how to make cookies?" She raised an eyebrow. Shit...
"Um... You could teach me." I smiled. She glared at me for a second. "Come on, if you teach me, I'll know how to make them for everyone, and everyone will be happy because everyone likes cookies."
"Fine." She took her shoes off. "Well come on, lets go to the kitchen." She said as she walked past me.
"Okay!" I ran in behind her. Thank god! If she went out Pete would have killed me...

Yay! Part two! Told you there was more. Next chapter, it gets interesting! w00t
On a scale from one to awesome, I'm the shit;
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