Categories > Original > Drama > If You Fall We Will Catch You; The Jonas Family

Fine, Take Your Banana!

by Jamette006 0 reviews

In which Joe cries over the loss of his banana.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor - Published: 2008-07-03 - Updated: 2008-07-04 - 1355 words - Complete

"And one, and two, and three. And one, and two, and three,"Kishaya Dudley chanted as the Camp Rock cast learned the steps to their first dance. One girl seemed to be having trouble, though.

"Okay, okay, stop for a minute,"Kishaya sighed, and walked up to the girl, standing beside her.

"Here, just watch me for a moment and try to get the rhythm,"she said encouragingly as she began the dance routine,"and one, and two, and three..."

The girl watched, apparently bored and annoyed at Kishaya trying to help her.

"Okay, now your turn,"Kishaya smiled. The rest of the class watched.

The girl took one, two, three steps. She faltered a few times, but finally got it.

"Good, good. Now, what's your name again?"


"Meredith who?"


"Ah, okay,"she smiled, then clapped her hands together. "Alright, in position! I'm going to play my music along with it this time. You guys are doing great."

Meredith rolled her eyes as she got into position beside Nick. He smiled at her awkwardly. Kishaya pressed the 'Play' button on the stereo.

"1, 2, 3...start!"

The dance was pretty complicated, but Meredith was proud of herself. She only missed around 4 steps, and didn't fall at all. She had no idea she was capable of dancing like this. Of course, she didn't have the hardest dance parts. Jordan's parts were amazing and complex, and Joe's were pretty cool too. Kevin did really well.

After about two hours, everyone was exhausted. Meredith wiped sweat off her forehead.

"Okay, guys, good job today. I'll see you tomorrow same time, same place. Now go get some lunch!"Kishaya smiled as everyone hustled out the door.

"Whew,"Meredith sighed.

"See, you did good,"said Jordan, walking up beside her. He had a sheen of sweat on his face, but everybody did.

"Yeah, everyone else did better, though,"she half-smiled. Jordan chuckled.

"You need a self-esteem boost. Care to join me for lunch?"he asked.

"Umm, sure, but I have to take a quick shower."

"Me too. And everybody else. I'll see you at lunch, then,"Jordan winked, then going off to his cabin. Meredith smirked after him.

"But if I cut the banana up, it won't taste as good,"Joe frowned. Demi laughed rolling her eyes at him.

"You're just overreacting, Joe. It's not a sin to cut a banana into pieces."

Joe smiled. He liked messing with Demi's mind.

" looks so pretty,"he pouted in a nasal voice.

"Joe, just give me the banana if you're going to be that way."

"No,"he wrinkled his nose up, walking to the other side of the room. Kevin came in with his video camera.

"Hey guys, what are you doing?"he asked, filming. Nick walked up beside him.

"Demi wants to steal my banana."

"Joe,"she sighed, throwing her hands up. "You're being a baby. Just give me the banana. Please?" Joe stormed over to her, and Kevin was still filming.

"Fine, take your banana!"he yelled, shoving the fruit into her arms, then half-ran away, with a fake cry. Demi looked after him with wide eyes, letting out a sigh.


Kevin and Nick looked at each other.

"Oh yeah,"they said simultaneously in low voices. Kevin put the camera down, and they all busted out laughing. Well, except for Joe. He was pretending to pout in the corner. It was his nerd hour, after all, explaining the plaid shirt and awkward stance. Meredith just happened to walk in at that moment.

"What are you guys doing?"

"It's Joe's nerd hour,"Nick chuckled. Meredith rolled her eyes, sitting down on one of the tables.

"So. Where's Trace?"Kevin asked. She gave him a weird look.

"Um. He's at a hotel in town. He'll be here, for like, a week, then his band is going to have a few concerts."


"I saw you hanging out with Jordan during lunch,"said Nick. Meredith nodded.

"Yeah. He's nice."

"He really is a good drummer and dancer."

"That's nice."

"Joe? I really don't want this banana. Are you going to eat it?"asked Demi, holding the lopsided banana up.

"I'll take it,"Nick grinned. Demi handed it to him, and he peeled the skin back. He then went over and put it right in Kevin's face. Kevin put his hands up.

"Get the banana away from me,"he demanded. Nick tried to get it right by his nose, but Kevin smacked it out of his hand. Meredith picked it up and threw it in the trash.

"What a waste,"Joe sighed.

"All bananas should be terminated,"Kevin frowned. He hated bananas.

"Hey, shouldn't we be gone now?"Joe asked Demi. She put a hand on her forehead.

"Aw, that's right, we have some scenes to shoot. Let's go then,"she smiled, grabbing Joe's hand and herding him out the door. Meredith sighed, giving the other girl a dirty look. Kevin shook his head.

"You know, Meredith, if you're going to act like that to Demi, then you shouldn't be so judge mental to Joe."

"What do you mean?"she asked suspiciously.

"You're doing the exact same thing he is. Aren't you being a bit hypocritical?"

"No,"she glared at him.

"Well, I was just saying."

"Maybe you should just stop talking, Kevin."

"Come on, Mer, don't be like that. You're just mad because you know it's true."

"I'm not listening to you talk to me like this,"she stood up.

"You're being arrogant. Joe's just worried. We all are,"Kevin's brow creased in frustration.

Meredith ignored him, walking out the door and heading back to her cabin.

"I missed you,"Meredith smiled up at Trace.

"It's only been a day."

"I mean before that, silly,"she chuckled, resting her head on his chest.

"Well. I missed you too,"he winked, kissing the top of her head.

"I don't know why I broke up with you."

"We both overreacted. Is there a more private place we could go?"Trace asked, his head cocked to the side slightly. Meredith blinked.

"Uh, yeah. Come on,"she said, taking his hand. They walked up a narrow path into the woods, with some gnats flying around them.

"Ugh. I hate bugs. How do you stand it?"

"I still haven't got used t it,"she sighed. They reached a secluded place where a small bench was placed on the side of the depleted path. Trace sat down and placed Meredith in his lap. She snuggled up against him, smiling.

"Are your brothers any better?"

"Joe's ignoring me. I got into a fight with Kevin today...Nick's mostly staying out of it, though. I don't think he's very happy about you being here, though."

"Ah, he shouldn't be. I almost beat the crap out of him last year,"Trace chuckled.

"But I made you stop. After all, he is my little brother."

"Yeah, but Miley's my little sister."

"I don't even know why they dated in the first place. They just don't seem right for each other."

"You're telling me,"said Trace, then reached down for a kiss. Meredith gave one to him. They both looked up, gazing down at the peaceful lake below.

"Meredith?"Trace asked after awhile.


"There's a party that Musso and the guys are going to this weekend. Could you maybe come?"he asked hopefully.

"Erm, I dunno. Where is it?"Meredith looked up at him.

"Toronto. It's going to be awesome."

"Well. What time would we have to leave?"

"Like, 8pm."

"I don't have anything I have to be at...I'm sure I could sneak out,"she grinned.

"Wonderful,"he gave her a short kiss on the lips. "Speaking of time, I have to go soon."

"Aw. Can't you stay for just a bit longer?"Meredith pouted.

"Ah. Pouty faces, I never could take yours. I guess I could stay for a couple more minutes,"Trace smirked.

"Good,"she smiled, reaching up to put her hand on the back of his neck. He crushed his lips down on hers, his arms wrapping around her waist.

This is perfect, Meredith thought to herself.
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