Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Lunch Time

by Carebear_Assassin 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-07-06 - Updated: 2008-07-06 - 643 words

I was so relived when that bell rang for lunch. This teacher hadn’t been as nice as my English teacher. His name was Mr. Furman and he had it out for me. First off he had me introduce myself to the class, then I went and sat down in my seat. I’m not the pick-me-cause-I-know-all-the-answers-type. I’m the I-don’t-raise-my-hand-cause-I-don’t-want-to-type. He didn’t like that too much and took it upon himself to call on me for every question he asked. Finally I’d had enough, he asked me a question when I obviously wasn’t paying attention so I asked him a question.

I looked at my hands. “Did you see either of my hands raised?” I said.

“It doesn’t matter…”

“See it does matter, when I put my hand up,” I put my hand up to show him what I meant. “that means that I have an answer to your question. If my hand is in a resting position,” I placed my hand on the desk. “it means I don’t want to answer you question. Most times I’ll probably have an answer, but then there are so many other people here with their hands up you should probably call on them.” there was a collective gasp throughout the classroom. He just looked at me in shock. I hated teachers that bully students. Before he could think of what to say the bell rang and I was gone. Gerard following closely behind me.

“Lana what the hell, why didn’t you just answer the question?” Gerard asked as we headed to the cafeteria.

“He was picking on me,”

“He’s not a guy that you want for an enemy, trust me. From now on just keep your head down in there.”

“I was trying to but he kept on calling on me.” I said in my own defense. We entered the cafeteria and found everyone sitting at the table near the window.

“So how do you like our wonderful school so far?” Mikey asked.

“It’s like every other school.”

“She spoke back to Furman.” everyone looked at me with a mix of awe and fear.

“What it’s no big deal, I’ll probably pay for it later. Stop you guys are starting to scare me.” I said with a nervous smile. “He’s just a teacher.”

“You’ll learn.” Amanda said, then the conversation changed to something else I wasn’t listening.

“Come on I’ll show you the only edible thing here.” I was hungry so I got up and followed Erelin over to the lunch line. “Okay so the rule of thumb here is anything that’s cooked is a no no. lets stick with the cold sandwiches.” she ordered us both cold cuts and we watched the lunch lady make them. We also watched one of the other students get a sloppy joe sandwich. Then we went and sat down. Not long after we watched that same kid run from the cafeteria holding his stomach. “So what have we learned here?”

“That if its cooked here its probably poison.” I said with a smile. This new school thing wasn’t going to be so bad. Then Frank showed up with Jamia, I decided to give the girl a chance. I mean there really wasn’t a reason for me not to like her. They sat down next to each other across from me. Erelin and Amanda were talking about a shopping trip to PA.

“And there are no taxes so you get a lot for your money.” Erelin said.

“Oh you guys I’m so there,” Jamia said.

“What do you think Alana?” Amanda asked without addressing what Jamia said.

“She can come and carry the bags.” Jamia said with a smile. I was doing so well before she said that.
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