Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

I Hate Furman

by Carebear_Assassin 1 review

side note i really had a teacher named furman and he was an ass lol

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-07-06 - Updated: 2008-07-07 - 775 words

Those five days were the worst days yet and I’d only been living there for two days. He woke me up at the butt crack of dawn each day, and then we went to this farm where he made me volunteer. I cleaned out stables, milked cows, and gathered eggs. I made it a point not to complain the thing that killed me the most was that I wasn’t allowed to talk on the phone to anyone. If Patrick called it didn’t matter cause Jacob would answer and say I was grounded. I wanted to cry so badly. I was also made to cook dinner each night. I could have had fun with that, but instead I just followed the recipe. See it was the weekend coming that mattered, not this one.

Next weekend I was going to see Patrick, Pete, Joe, Andy, and Cleo. I couldn’t wait to introduce them to my new friends. I just knew they would get along great. Finally it was the morning I was to go back to school. This time I was going to behave no matter what. Although I’m sure there was going to be some test. How right I was.

The day started fine, I had English and the teacher was nice. I didn’t need to explain why I had been absent from school. She just gave me the work I’d missed and let me catch up to the class. Erelin and Amanda both said they would help me study for the test coming up on Friday. Then came social studies I knew Furman was going to do his best to piss me off so that I would get into more trouble.

I was so right. He called on me for every questions. I made sure to pay close attention so that when he did I had the answer. The only time he wouldn’t call on me was when my hand was up. Finally it was lunchtime. Gerard was trying to make me feel better about Furman picking on me. “He’s just trying to prove that he has the power to make you do what he wants.”

“Gerard if Patrick wasn’t coming this weekend I wouldn’t be doing any of this.” I went by myself to the line and got a sandwich. Then I sat down at the table with everyone else. I was surprised to see Frank sitting by himself. I wondered where Jamia was. I looked around the cafeteria and spotted her sitting with the captain of the basket ball team. She was hanging all over him. I wondered if she had broken up with him or the other way around.

After lunch I finally met my PE teacher, she was nice enough. I mean I didn’t think I would want to spend more time with her than I had to and then it was time for math. I walked into the classroom there was only one empty seat and I bet you can’t guess who it was next to. Yup Frank.

I took my seat and started to gather all the work that I’d missed. The teacher said that if I needed any help he would be happy to help me after school. I nodded thanks and he continued with the rest of the lesson. “Lana,” Frank whispered. I ignored him. “Alana,” he whispered this time a little louder. I gave him the I-heard-you-but-I’m-still-not-going-to-answer look and turned back to the front of the class. A crumbled up piece of paper landed on my desk. I unfolded it and read it:

don’t come here after class. It’s a bad idea. If you need help ask Erelin she’s really good at math.

I responded:

Who could know better how to do the assignment than the teacher?

Then I tossed it so that it landed on his desk. Not a minute later the paper was back on my desk:

Don’t listen to me just ask Erelin why you shouldn’t come before you decide to do it okay.

I just looked at him and nodded. Bye this time I’d missed basically the whole lesson. I wrote down the homework assignment and left to see if I could catch Erelin.

I searched the whole school and didn’t find her. I knew that I had to have this work done the next day and Jacob was still holding the phone hostage ‘till Thursday when he said I would be free. I did the only thing I could think to do. I headed back to my math class.
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