Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Lover Boy

by Carebear_Assassin 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-07-07 - Updated: 2008-07-08 - 517 words

Jacob gave in thankfully. Erelin came over, but Jacob sat in the room and if we even mentioned anything not having to do with math he would clear his throat loudly. I wanted so badly to ask about her friend, but with him there I knew I couldn’t. The next day I pulled Erelin aside at school and asked about Mr. Michaels, she said he was a lying pedophile that shouldn’t be allowed to be within a hundred miles of a school, but that he was good at picking his victims. Frank was right he choose girls that wouldn’t be reliable.

The rest of the week flew by. Jacob gave me back my phone privileges a day early and I was able to talk to Patrick. He was defiantly going to make it this weekend I was so excited. Not only was he coming but he was bringing everyone else with him too. Nothing was going to keep me from seeing him this time. I walked around the house smiling, before I knew it I was dancing my way into the kitchen.

I had on one of the Fall Out Boy t shirts and a pair of dark wash boot cut jeans, I was also wearing Patrick’s hoodie. “Someone’s happy today,” I turned to see Frank standing in the kitchen door. We had gone back to hating each other.

“Go away you can’t ruin my mood,” I said moving to the fridge to get some lunchmeat. I was going to make a sandwich while I waited for them to get here.

“So lover boy didn’t cancel this time.”

“Why are you here again?”

“Your dad asked me to help with moving some more furniture he wants to sell. He’s trying to clear out the basement.” oh right his new project. He wanted a place for me to hang out here other than my room and the living room. He was mostly worried about my friends coming over and making a mess. I think that’s the real reason he grounded me, but since I’d screwed up any way I didn’t have any proof.

“Oh well are the other guys coming over too?” I said with a smile. If they were they could all meet Patrick and the others.

“Yeah they should be here in a few moments.” he walked up behind me and put his hands on my waist as if he did it everyday.

“Frank…” this still happens when he touches me. I forget what I was doing.

“I hope you have a good time.” he whispered in my ear. His warm breath giving me Goosebumps. I leaned back against him, I wish I could tell you why. I felt his lips brush my neck causing me to shiver. Then someone blew their horn out front and I realized what was happening. I elbowed him in the ribs and he doubled over in pain. “What was that for?”

“Don’t do that again.” I said then I left him there and ran out the front door.
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