Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Dead Baby Kickball.

Welcome To La Canada High

by Kill-Your-Own-Chorus 2 reviews

This is actually the High School Sonny went to, HAH! I did my research! TOP THAT!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-07-11 - Updated: 2008-07-11 - 738 words


RRIRIRIRIRIIRIRIRRIIIING! The school bell screeched once again for the students to get out of their classrooms and into the hallways. Another boring day at La Cañada high. Margo weaved and wriggled her way through the crowd and over to her locker. She didn't feel like socializing with anyone, chances are Sonny felt the same too. She unlocked her locker and swung it open carelessly, the metal banged against something other than the locker next to her.

"FUCK!" a male voice cried out. Margo quickly looked over and identified the person. She rolled her eyes and went back to her business.

"Whaddya want Twitch?" She groaned as she searched through her locker. The brown haired boy cradled his head injury and looked over at his friend.

She dubbed this boy 'Twitch' because of his strange impulse disorder. He always had a need to steal something, or knock it over and cause mischief. You could say that along with Midge, the cops were his best friend. Rumor has it that store owners leave things out on purpose sometimes for Twitch, like the Italian people from Lady and the Tramp. He couldn't help it though. His birth mom was a heroine addict and would shoot up often during her first tri-mester. Twitch's outcome clearly proved that pills, alcohol, and cigarettes weren't appropriate for a growing fetus. Twitch didn't mind it though, he was an adrenaline junkie. He loved screaming down the hallways as Larry Hall Monitor came after him for stealing kitchen material. He always told Midge that he could be an expert theif someday. Midge didn't doubt it either.

"Ow. Midgeon that hurt!" Twitch whined as he touched his forhead checking for blood. Midge rolled her eyes and pulled out her history book.

"What do you want?" She asked again. Twitch let out a sigh and leaned against the lockers.

"I heard about you and Sonny" He announced. Midge stopped in her tracks and looked straight into her locker. Did everyone know? She quickly shook her head and pulled out her turquoise Pandapple pencil case.

"So, what're ya gonna do?" Twitch asked cautiously. Midge shut her locker hard, which made Twitch jump a little.

"I dunno" She snapped. Twitch looked down at her pencil case and then back up at his friend. Margo raised a brow.

"What?!" She snapped again.

"Forgive me" He spoke. Just then Twitch jumped into action and swiped her pencil case. Margo let out a cry and began to run after him.

"TWITCH YOU ASSHOLE GIVE THAT BACK!!" She screamed as she shoved people over. Twitch bolted into another hallway and ran over by the biology room. Margo sprinted and weaved through the crowd until finally she spotted him. He was over by Sonny and his friends. Matt, Derek, and Jon were all laughing at a joke Sonny told and Twitch's mouth began to move too.

"Oh please god," Margo muttered,"Don't give it to him."

Twitch held up the pencil case and handed it to Sonny. Sonny raised an eyebrow and observed it closely. He blew some of his hair out of his face and read the tag on the back.

"godmutherfucking dammit Twitch!" She cursed to herself. Twitch babbled a few more words and then waved goodbye to the group. Margo sucked in a huge breath and walked over slowly to Sonny. Matt looked up and stared coldly at her. Travis did the same. Derek and Jon waved a little and Sonny simply stared at her. Once again, Fear and Pride bubbled to the surface.

Fear: Run like hell Midge! RUN LIKE HELL!

Pride: Fuck that! Get that shit back! It was $14.00! Besides, show Sonny that you're stronger than him!

Midge held out her hand straight and let out a lazy sigh. She rolled her eyes at Sonny and signaled for him to give it back. Sonny bit his piercing and handed over her pencil case quietly. Awkward Silence. The two minute bell went off and Margo turned her heel and walked. She didn't even say bye. She heard a male voice faintly mutter behind her.


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