Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Big Girls Don't Cry

by Carebear_Assassin 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-07-11 - Updated: 2008-07-11 - 867 words

“You knew didn’t you?” we had been driving along for a while both of us lost in our thoughts. “That’s why you tried to keep me from going down that hall.”

“Yeah I over heard them. I was going to tell him that they had played an awesome show, but heard that instead.” he looked at me then turned back to the road. “I’m sorry he turned out to be a jerk. I know how much you liked him.” I tried to hide my crying. Now I had no best friend and no boyfriend. We pulled up to my house and both got out. As I stepped through the door I could smell that my dad had cooked.

“Dad?” I said, I could hear my voice tremble.

“Alana, what’s wrong? I thought you were staying late?” he said running out of the kitchen. He wrapped me in a hug. “What happened to you two?” I looked down at my clothes, I was still wearing Patrick’s hoodie, but it was a mess the hood hung by a thread, and it was covered in god knows what. My hair was tangled and all over the place. He pulled me into a hug and I broke out into more tears.

“I broke up with Patrick.” I heard him take in a deep breath.

“Thank god that’s all. I thought… I thought something worse had happened.” he said smoothing down my hair.

“Something worse, what would be worse?” I asked raising my voice. He thought carefully before he spoke.

“You’re right nothing is worse than your first heart break.”

“Oh you didn’t hear the kicker yet. He cheated with my best friend, the person I trusted most in this world.” he held me a little tighter and I flinched from one of the bruises.

“How did all this happen?” he asked motioning to my clothes.

“I kicked her ass.” I said with a timid smile hoping he wouldn’t be mad that I got into another fight. Instead he took another breath.

“Come on, why don’t you go wash up and I’ll make you a plate of food.” he kissed my forehead and pushed me toward the steps. “Frank you too.” I’d forgotten he came with me into the house. “Your mom is in the living room.” I headed up to my room I knew I probably wasn’t going to eat much but I would go because Jacob was being so nice.

That night at dinner the conversation was kept light as though if they said the wrong thing I would burst out in tears. I was honestly all cried out. I don’t think I could cry any more. While I was cleaning myself for dinner I cried, most of the ride home I cried. I was just tired of crying.

The next day I slept in pretty late. I didn’t get up ‘till about noon and the only reason I got up then was cause Jacob said he didn’t want me to spend all day in bed. I got up and took a shower. I was hoping that the steam would relax me a little, but I knew it wasn’t likely. “Alana!” Jacob yelled.

“Jacob” I yelled as I left the bathroom fully dressed.

“Hey could you please…”

“I know I know call you dad.” I said walking up to the front door where he stood with it slightly ajar.

“There’s someone here to see you.” he opened the door the rest of the way to reveal Pete, Andy and Joe.

“Ally…Uh I’m not sure if…” Pete stuttered.

“I’m not mad at you guys, you didn’t know anything about what happened between them.” all their faces relaxed. “Come on in.” I said leading them into the living room.

“I glad you don’t hate us cause Patrick was a dick. If it makes you feel better we kicked him out of the band.”

“What!” I screamed. “Don’t do that!”

“But he hurt you and you’re like a little sister to us. We also fired Cleo.” Andy said.

“Okay that is fine cause she didn’t contribute to the sound, but I can’t imagine anyone but Patrick singing your lyrics Pete. If you kick him out I will never talk to you again.”

“But I’m not sure I can trust him…” Pete started.

“He didn’t cheat on you and he has never done anything to hurt the band. You guys and him together are unstoppable. You’re going to be huge, but without Patrick you’re kind of screwed.” they all looked at me.

“I bet Patrick is really beating himself up for losing you.” Joe said. “I mean what ex-girlfriend would still fight for him to have something that he loves?”

“An insane one,” Pete said.

“Thanks,” I said with a laugh. “Oh don’t tell him I fought for this, just tell him you reconsidered or something okay.” they all nodded and headed for the door. I gave all of them hugs and told them not to be strangers.


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