Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way


by Carebear_Assassin 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-07-18 - Updated: 2008-07-18 - 632 words

I woke up with a killer head ache and a crick in my neck. We had somehow made it into the back seat. Where I proceeded to fall to sleep in Frank‘s arms. I didn’t have time to bask in the pain/pleasure of it all, the phone was ringing in the front seat. I reached up front and grabbed Frank’s phone.

“Hello?” I croaked, add my voice to the list of ailments, I’m never getting drunk again.

“Alana Lynn Woods,” I moved the phone away from my ear as Jacob yelled. My head wasn’t happy about that. “If you don’t get you butt back to this house within the next ten minutes…”

“Frank its for you,” I said waking him up. I climbed into the front seat and sat in the passengers seat.

“Okay…yes…we’ll be there in like twenty…okay ten…bye,” he hung up the phone.

“Your dad is really pissed off,” he said climbing into the drivers seat. “So can I take you home now?” I tried to think of a good enough reason for him not to take me home. “You will have to go home sooner or later,” he was right.

“Okay lets go home,” he pulled out of the park and I instantly knew where we were. It was about three miles from where I lived. “Can you slow down a little. I mean I’m in no hurry,”

“If you had heard you dad, you would be.” this wasn’t good, why do I have to screw up everything. At least I fixed one thing; Frank. I think we might actually have something worth a little of our time.

We pulled into my driveway and my dad stood on the front step. He looked a mess. Not to say that I looked much better, but he didn’t sleep in a car. I got out of the car and didn’t move. I couldn’t bring myself to take a step toward him. I had broken most of his rules last night, and I knew he was going to make sure I knew it too. Then Frank walked over to me and took my hand. He didn’t hesitate in his steps. He just took me right up to my father.

“Dad…” he pulled me into his arms and I wrapped my arms around him.

“Don’t you ever do that again, do you understand me?” his voice sounded like it was about to give out to tears.

“I won’t daddy, I promise.”

“And no more drinking, you smell terrible,”

“Oh trust me when I say I will never get drunk again,” I looked up and he was smiling a little. “I’m sorry dad, I didn’t mean to make you worry. I didn’t’ mean to screw things up here.”

“You didn’t screw anything up, you just made a bad decision.” he guided me into the house and sat me down in the kitchen. “I’m guessing you couldn’t eat anything,” the mere mention of food made my stomach turn flips. I shook my head. “Go upstairs and get washed up, then go to bed. We’ll talk about your punishment when you feel better. Frank you can crash in the basement if you want to.”

“Thank you Mr. Jacob,” Frank said.

“No thank you for bringing her back in one piece.” I didn’t stick around for long, that hot shower was calling me. I wondered how I was going to handle this. It pretty much changes everything for me, my dad wanted me all along. I still can’t be angry with my mother, she did what she thought was best for me. How could I ask for more?
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