Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Of Wolves And Roses

Chapter Two: Sensei

by siyo 0 reviews

Senra meets Sanshimora. A man who he hates from his past. But why?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Gaara,Hinata,Itachi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-07-22 - Updated: 2008-07-22 - 979 words

Of Wolves and Roses
Chapter 2: Sensei

Senra and his two teammates, Taki and Yahiko, entered the classroom where they were to meet the sensei only to find a note waiting for them. With a sigh Senra picked it up, immediately after he got a strange feeling in his gut. He turned just in time to duck a rope coming at him, however when he jumped the return swing, he got caught in the ankles by a second rope, which brought him crashing down onto a desk, which the ropes tied him to. “Guys, look out!” Senra yelled to his team, cutting the rope with his chakra. He saw Yahiko cutting at ropes with her tonto sword. Taki however was using his speed to make the ropes tie themselves up.
“Don’t worry Senra,” Taki replied smiling. “We may not be as good as you but we aren’t helpless.”
Yahiko gasped as she felt ropes tie her up and a knife touch her throat. “Stop. Senra, I will release her only if you kill Taki.” A voice called into the room from the corner where Yahiko had been.
Senra turned to the corner and smiled. “Shadow Style, Dragon Shuriken no Jutsu!” Senra called out, hitting the Kunai at an angle and sending it into the wall behind Yahiko. ‘Horse, Dragon, Ram, Boar, Tiger!’ “Shadow Style Dragon Technique, Dragon Fang No Jutsu!” Senra yelled as he ran forward and thrust out his right hand, a black orb in his palm. Right as he got close enough to hurt Yahiko he put it over her left shoulder and hit her assailant with it. “Now, die.”
With a sudden flash the room went back to normal with the exception of the hole in the wall behind Yahiko’s head. “Genjutsu…?” Yahiko mumbled as she dropped to her knees. “This was all just a…?”
Senra and Taki stood in front of Yahiko, Senra holding Yahiko’s sword and Taki holding a kunai. “We’ve got this Yahiko, you take a rest.” Taki said with a smile as he and Senra both looked at the opponent.
“Stop, you’ve passed.” The Sensei said as he walked into the light smiling at the team. “All three points I wanted to see, Leadership, Trust, and teamwork. Senra, you’ve got good leadership qualities, Taki, you work well with Senra, and Yahiko, you completely trusted Senra with your life. Congratulations, you are all now officially ninjas.”
Senra took his headband and tied it to his forehead. “Oh? And who are you?” Senra asked not taking his eyes off the Ninja.
“I’m your Sensei, Sanshimora.” He said smiling.
“Your name is too long and hard to remember. I’m just going to call you Sanshi.” Senra said as he helped Yahiko to her feet and returned her sword to its sheath.
‘…Fine by me, I guess.” Sanshimora muttered looking at Senra perplexed. “Okay, let’s get to know each other a little better. Give your name, likes, dislikes, and your hobbies and dreams. Speedy, you’re first.”
“My name is Taki Yakamoto, I like eating and Nita, I dislike waiting and Zigo, and my hobbies include practicing and watching T.V. As for dreams I don’t really have any, but if I had to choose, I’d say I want to become strong enough to annihilate any enemy I come across.” Taki said with a big grin.
“All right then, girl, you’re up next.” Sanshimora said with a yawn.
“My name is Yahiko Yakamoto, I like reading and fighting, I dislike watching T.V. and soup, as for hobbies, I like to read and draw, and my dream is to become a medical ninja.” Yahiko said leaning on Senra for ‘support’.
“Alright, next. Senra, your turn.” Sanshimora said turning to Senra.
“Drop dead. My personality and my likes and dislikes are my own business not yours Sanshi-sensei. My team is my concern and I will keep them safe, but they don’t need to know me or my problems, that will only complicate their lives in a way I don’t need.” Senra said leaning Yahiko against a wall and heading for the door. “When is our first practice?”
Sanshimora glared at the back of Senra’s head. “8 A.M. sharp tomorrow. Don’t be late.”
“I don’t plan to be.” Senra said walking out of the class and slamming the door behind him.
“Damn, what’s his problem?” Taki asked looking at the door.
“Apparently he has a problem that we don’t need to know about.” Yahiko said with a sigh as she looked at the floor. ‘Why is he always so distant?’
“That’s not really much of a factor in his leadership, however not telling you guys anything about himself and straight away telling you guys he would take care of HIS team, that gives him 50 points, but the fact that he sees me as nothing much takes him right back down to 30 points. He’s hopeless; I wouldn’t be surprised if he leaves Konoha.” Sanshimora said looking at the door thoughtfully. “But it’s a shame, if he’s already throwing around S rank, forgotten Ninjutsu than he may become a powerful Ninja…”
“He’s already much better than all of us…” Taki said softly. “And the gap will only widen… but one day, I will be much more powerful than him, and I will make him see the errors in the way he treats people. I will make him realize that we are part of this team too.”
“Minus 30 points for conspiring against your team leader, however plus 15 for the little speech. Right now, you’re at… 25 points.” Sanshimora said as he walked out the door. “Don’t bother with Senra, let him go. If you stay close, you and he will just get hurt.”
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