Categories > Original > Romance > The Master of Disguise

How Rude

by AliceAlexiz19 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-07-29 - Updated: 2008-07-29 - 846 words - Complete

When we got to Cheeseburger we couldn't stop smiling. We beat the boys there so we got a chance to talk. I was the first one to speak, "OMJ these dudes are smoking don't you guys think so?"
"You're kidding right why would you even ask that Starshine of course their hot." said Moondust.
"O'yeah!" said Shootingstar.
"Did you see the way that one was looking at you Starshine." said Moondust.
"He wasn't looking at me nice try."
Just then the boys came up. We all smiled at them. Shootingstar gave me a look that said we will continue this later. As we stepped inside l felt a little gutsy because l practically live here(l wait on tables). I turned to look at the boys and l gave them a wink. As l was turning back around I saw Ralfie nudge Raloila. Then he blushed. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.
After we sat down(thats a bonus, working at a resturant you don't have to wait) my tummy started to rumble. The boys pulled out are seats. They are too sweet. l sat next to Moondust and Ralfie. On the other side of Moondust was Shootingstar and on her right was Raloila. On Ralfies left was Fabeo. After everyone ordered the mini burgers we made small talk. After a while l got the nerve to talk to Raloila. We've made major eye contact and that makes me nervous. So l said, "So Raloila do you like the mini cheeseburgers?"
"Yes they are really good actually. I've never been here before."
"Really wow hmmm interesting."
I can't believe l'm actually talking to this beautiful girl WAIT a gosh darn minutes l'm a freaking super star. I'm Joe Adam Jonas and l'm not gonna let this girl intimidate me." So Starshine what are you doing tomorrow?"
Well me and the girls have to work. How about you?"
Man she's good she got me again. I'll just go to the restroom. "Excuse me guys."
As l excused myself and started to walk away l braved a glance at Starshine. She's looking at me walk away. Score one for Joe. Booyea. When I turned back around l ran right into a server and a tray of food. We fell to the floor and the food went flying. The whole room went silent as Vanessa Hudgens walked into the resturant and the food landed all over her. She screamed bloodly murder and took off running and left her date behind. I walked, well a brisk walk, back to the table.
"Who's her date?" l asked. He looked very familiar.
"OMJ!" the girls said.
"What?" My brothers and I asked.
"That isn't her boyfriend Zac Efron that’s Ryan Sheckler." said Moondust
The girls were crowding all around him and when l looked back over at our table Starshine was getting out of her seat and started to go over there. "What is she doing?" I asked Shootingstar.
"We dared her to go over there and see if she could get him to come over and sit with us!"
"Oh." Was all I could seem to muster up.
As l started toward Ryan my heart was going 100mph. As l wiggled my way through the crowd l started to calm down, weird. Alright I'm right in front of him, time to work some magic. "Excuse me sir I couldn't help but notice that your date ran out of here and I would like to apologize."
"Why, what in the world did you have to do with it?" Ryan asked.
"Well you see my friend Raloila over at that table" I said pointing over to my table, "he was heading to the bathroom and he wasn't watching were he was going and ran into a server and the food on the tray went flying all over your date and to make it up to you we woiuld like you to come over to our table, eat, drink and let us apologize somemore."
" Why should I believe you you probably just want to seat with and you made up a lousy story to make it seem true."
I was stunned how could he be so rude. "You sure are full of yourself. Fine whatever! l was trying to be nice and come over here and apologize and invite you over but you know what forget I said anything at all!" Then I walked off.
When l got back to the table Raloila had the bill in his hands and an understanding look in his eyes. I couldn't be anymore thankful to be getting out of there. We took the backway out of the resturant. "Well guys I had a lovely time and thank you again for paying the bill" said Moondust.
"It was are pleasure." said Raloila.
"We hope to see you ladies again but under better circumstances." said Fabeo with a laugh and that set us all off laughing.
"Yes l we would love to see you guys again." I said still laughing.
Then we went are separate ways.
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