Categories > Anime/Manga > Bleach > Dark moon.

Son of sorrow.

by pearlhime 0 reviews

Aizen and the boys have lunch and some surprising facts come out.

Category: Bleach - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Kurosaki Ichigo - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-07-30 - Updated: 2008-07-31 - 1436 words

A/N:so begins the long awaited 5th chappie,'nuff said.Enjoy.

Ichigo cast an envious look at the older vampire,Toshiro being the oldest(son)of Sosuke Aizen gave him advantages that the other three weren't allowed."So which is it? Argument or disobeying orders?" Toshiro asked snidely."Shut up," Ichigo muttered, only Grimmjow and Toshiro could rile him up like no one else could."Oh I see. You think I actually care what your problems are," Toshiro said,studying his sharp black nails.

Ichigo stared at the other's blatant youth,he still looked like he was in middle-school."What are you staring at?" asked the youngest former Captain of the tenth division.


On the wall across from his bed,the clock chimed one am. Ulquiorra lifted his green-eyed gaze reluctantly from the sixth hundred and eleventh page of Eclipse,it was an emotional scene between Bella and Edward, and Ulquiorra had to put the book down. He carefully placed a bookmarker in the shape of a black cat inside the thick hardcover book and sighed, how he wished someone would love him like that. A minute later there was a brisk knock at the door,"come in," Ulquiorra said. The door swung open, and it was Aizen,"I was hoping you could join us for lunch." The man always asked out of courtesy, but it wasn't like he ever expected anyone to decline,which Ulquiorra never did. He got up from his lounging position and cast one quick longing look at the book laying on his nightstand.

One time he had carried Twilight down to the table and had the book propped open while he ate. Grimmjow upon seeing this commented in what he thought was a low voice to Ichigo,"that their brother sure was a fuckin' Pansy boy." Ichigo had eyerolled at this latest jibe and took a large swallow of blood from his wineglass to prevent having to reply.

Ulquiorra shut his eyes briefly at the memory,'fucking Grimmjow,making fun of his(book),"is something the matter, Ulquiorra?" Aizen asked concerned, as they started down the steps. His eyes snapped open,"it's nothing,father." The older man smiled,"well if there's anything that's troubling you, you make sure and let me know." "Yes, father," Ulquiorra replied mechanically. In the foyer, Aizen paused to study a growing icicle hanging off the bannister,"I do believe,your brother is home," he said as his breath came out in soft white puffs.

Toshiro glared across the table at Ichigo,"I asked you a question," his green eyes were narrowed into hard slits. Ichigo ignored him and drummed his fingers on the cool marble tabletop."And I expect an answer!" At Toshiro's words, the temperature dropped well below freezing. It was at this moment that Aizen interceded,"Toshiro!" he cried delighted,"when did you get back?"

Toshiro's face changed as he turned to address the two figures standing in the doorway,"Father, Ulquiorra. It's been a while." Aizen beamed at him,"it sure has." He studied Toshiro for a minute,"you must be hungry," he said. Toshiro shrugged,"a bit," he admitted,"Ichimaru's clan isn't too well known for their taste in flesh." Aizen chuckled,"I see. Well then, Ulquiorra would you please find Grimmjow and bring him here..oh and also alert the cooks to bring out something extra special," he went over and placed his hand on Toshiro's shoulder,"to celebrate our Toshiro's ascension." Ulquiorra nodded,"of course," he turned on his heel and headed down the opposite direction. He knew where Grimmjow was.

The blue-haired vampire sat at the edge of a large surgeon's table in the dingy ante-chamber of a larger room. A single lit candelabra cut the gloom, Ulquiorra entered silently, Grimmjow had his back to him and appeared to be laughing quietly about something. Ulquiorra crossed his arms over his narrow chest, though he didn't feel the cold at all, for some reason the sensation still lingered, probably a residual left over from his previous life.

He stood in the doorway watching Grimmjow who was still unaware of his presence.The sound of a page turning was heard,"father's waiting for you," Ulquiorra said suddenly. Grimmjow's magazine flew through the air and landed at Ulquiorra's feet.He looked down,"busty babes-2..? How disgusting," he muttered. Grimmjow was stunned for a moment but then recovered his cockiness,"yeah,so what the fuck? Hm,Pansy boy? I know you like that stuff Too."

Ulquiorra eyerolled,the mere thought that this trash had ever passed beneath his gaze was enough to make him puke."Hurry up! They're waiting," he snapped and briskly strode away. Grimmjow paused to scoop up the dirty magazine and shove it inside a pile of boxes before following Ulquiorra. While the former made arrangements with the cook,Grimmjow wandered over to the window. It looked out over the west side of Hueco Mundo. The white sand glistened in the pale light cast by the bone-white moon,to the south,the large black water lake of Elnoria glowed with a fiendish light. Grimmjow shivered, not very many things could give him a fright but just the thought of being pulled down into those icy black depths,where light and sound are nonexistent..."Grimmjow!" someone said loudly. He jumped. Ulquiorra stared at his face,"come along." Grimmjow rubbed his hand over his face,"ya I'm comin'," he glanced back at the window and then turned away.

They arrived back to the dining room just as lunch was being served. Four silent maids as pale as white lilies lifted dish upon silver dish to the marble table. Toshiro ignored them and waved one away while she attempted to fill his glass from a brimming gold ewer."You see that's the problem with Kira. He's too damn soft spoken," he said and then spotted Ulquiorra and Grimmjow,"brothers, what took you so long?" Ulquiorra sat down to the left of Ichigo,"Grimmjow insisted upon visiting his room to freshen up," he replied quietly. Grimmjow snorted from his seat next to Toshiro,"as if you didn't sneak off to read more of that book!" Toshiro smiled, he sure had missed a lot,"so what's the book about?" he asked Ulquiorra.

Ichigo closed his eyes and mentally pushed away their voices, here inside his head he could filter out everything else and just be in peace with the silence. Somewhere far away Toshiro laughed, and the sound was high and pure."Vampires?" Ichigo heard him say,"my dear Ulquiorra,what do you think we are?" Ulquiorra muttered something in response and this time even Aizen laughed along with Toshiro. Aizen...Aizen was at the core of this...this makeshift family of castoffs,of strays. Toshiro once the great Captain of the slayers, beaten down into the ground while his beloved lay encased in an icy tomb...Grimmjow had been found in a dank alleyway on the dark streets of Tokyo, Toshiro was the one who had discovered him-half dead as it were. Ulquiorra's death had been admittedly the most mysterious, he couldn't remember anything other than waking up with Toshiro staring down at him ...and well Ichigo himself had lost consciousness after seeing his mother's lifeless body...all four times, Sosuke Aizen had been there to pick up the shattered remains and give them new life...Who was this man? Ichigo wondered,what lay beneath the veneer of civilty and kindness that Aizen wore?

"Ichigo?" Toshiro said, noticing the other's preoccupation. He blinked, Ulquiorra and Aizen were looking expectantly at him. They'd obviously been discussing something important and wanted his opinion on the matter,"," he said stupidly,"what was it you were discussing again?" Toshiro sighed but said rather patiently,"Ichimaru's given us his support and the full use of his clan generals, but we have to agree to his terms." Ichigo could sense the tension in the room,"which are..?" Toshiro glanced at Aizen for approval,he nodded."Bring him the slayer known as Rukia Kuchiki."


A/N:the first two paragraphs were originally from the end of chap.4,but I decided they sounded better here. And about the paragraph with Ulquiorra and Eclipse..well I just couldn't resist playing with Twilight and I don't own the book right's either.Oh and I know that in Hueco Mundo there isn't supposed to be any water like lake Elnoria but you'll see later on. More will be explained next time...Teehee, I just didn't like my explanation of Grimmie's So I rewrote a part of it. Chappie six,soon!
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