Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Safe Way

Playing Stupid

by Carebear_Assassin 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-08-12 - Updated: 2008-08-13 - 470 words

I walked into Andy’s two-bedroom apartment. They would all take turns letting me stay with them. Well all accept Pete who still lived with his mother. Andy was first cause he had just broken up with his girlfriend so he wouldn’t have to explain who I was and why I was there.

“So this is your room,” he said leading me to a small bedroom. It had a mattress that sat on the floor and a dresser in the corner. It was clean, that’s one thing I could count on Andy for. “The bathroom is across the hall, I would appreciate it if you would try and keep all feminine products in your room.” He said this blushing.

“No problem Andy. Don’t forget if anyone comes looking for me, you don’t know anything. I’m going to hide out here in the house for a couple of days.” He nodded.

“Please just tell us…”

“Andy…I honestly can’t okay,” he nodded and left me in my room. I closed the door and started pulling up my shirt to change into a nightshirt.

“Ally…” Andy, said opening the door. “Ally what the hell happened to your back,” I took a deep breath.

“I fell during gym.” I quickly put the shirt the rest of the way on. I was sure he had seen the ones on my shoulders too.


“Who? What?” I asked playing dumb.

“Who did that?”

“Andy no one and I would appreciate it if you would knock from now on when you come into my room.” I said giving him attitude hoping that he would back down. It didn’t work.

“Fine I’ll knock, now tell me who hit you.”

“No one hit me,” I said and I wasn’t lying. No one had hit me. “Now I’m kinda tired can you leave so I can take a nap?” he looked like he wanted to fight with me about this, but we both knew that wouldn’t get him anywhere. If I wanted them to know who had given me these bruises I would have told them.

“Look we are playing this club tonight are you coming?” he asked changing the subject.

“No, I won’t be leaving here for a while. You know just in case they start looking for me with you guys. I don’t want you all to get into trouble.” He nodded.

“Oh and happy birthday.” I looked at him like he was crazy.

“What’s the date?” I asked.

“December 18.” He said.

“Wow happy birthday to me.” I said. I was 18 years old. So technically they wouldn’t get into trouble for me staying with them. Jacob though would want to know why I left. This is a birthday I’ll never forget.
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