Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > With Just A Touch Of My Burning Hand

Chapter 5 - So you can leave, like the sane abandoned me

by x-The-Black-Parade-x 1 review

This is a filler chapter so it's quite short

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-08-27 - Updated: 2008-08-27 - 495 words

Chapter 5 - So you can leave, like the sane abandoned me

POV: Gerards

As I lay, on the hard mattress of the bunk I had proclaimed mine when we first started touring on the bus; I let my mind wonder and reflect on the events that had occurred over the past few days, particularly the day when Brianna had ‘coincidently’ met us outside our hotel and ended up punching Bob when all he was trying to do was protect me. I would never forgive myself for letting her hurt him, although nothing was broken, and he was fine...It could have been avoided, but no, I let that happen I should of took control of the situation, it was MY situation to take control of. Why was I so god-damned stupid as to not of seen this coming? It should have been me that she hit, not Bob. My stupidity and my emotions had lead to one of my best-friends getting hurt.

I gradually got up trying to be as quite as I could, as too not wake the others and opened the door to the bathroom as I looked around, I thought about how it was so compact, as to get everything in, it looked like a miniature bathroom, like the ones you might see in a dolls house, I shut the door as quietly as I could. It was then I took out the razor and started pressing down on my skin, lightly at first but then pressing harder and harder until I could see blood oozing out of the fresh wound, even then I began to more pressure onto the blade, causing the blood to come streaming out, I let out a quiet whimper as I tried to remove the blade from the deep cut I had on my arm. I cut my arm a few more times, until I was satisfied that I had done enough damage for one day. I leaned my back onto the wall and slowly slid down it until I was sitting on the floor; I just stayed there watching blood pour from the cuts that were on my arm.

As I was in my boxers and a t-shirt I started to get cold and stood up searching for the warmth and cosiness of my bed, as I went to the door, I felt light-headed and I had to grab the handle for support figuring it would just go away in a few moments with blood still pouring from my arm I reached my hand to touch my pounding head, I started swaying and didn’t know what was happening, I was confused and scared, I hurriedly opened the door and stumbled into the bunk area of the bus.

“Mikey...” I called out in a pathetic whimper as I fell for what seemed like an eternity.

A/N: hey guys, I know this is short but its a filler, things will get better =P
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