Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Life Just Ani't Fair


by LLN 0 reviews

in part 3

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Romance - Characters: Spike, Xander - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-03-07 - Updated: 2006-03-07 - 566 words

Like Just Ain't Fair-ch4

It had been a week since Xander had been released for the stasis unit. A week since he made a deal with the captain of Serenity. He knew they would start searching for him.
He was angry with them. Her most of all, she should and did know better. He didn't like it when she played with his memories. He was missing time.

But Xander knew her magic wasn't as strong as it use to be, or perhaps she had just used it often on him, and he had become immune to it.

What worried him was the missing time; he remembered the time spent with them how they had used him like a slave...each of them in their own way.

Xander was not a happy Xander and soon they would know that. But first he needed time to get his head back together.

Serenity was passing through a ship graveyard. Xander had been watching the dead ships float in space, passing by each other, crashing into each other like it was a ...

"Dance," said a soft voice. Xander looked away from the view port. River stood next to him. He hadn't even heard her come into the room.

'I should have hear her.' He thought, but wasn't sure why he should have.

"Do the stars sing for you?" Xander asked her instead.

"Do they for you?" she replied. Xander shrugged.

"Sometimes, I think they do. Sometimes I think I'm just crazy, you?"

She shook her head.
"They don't speak to me, but Serenity does sometimes, she speaks to Kaylee too."

That Xander didn't doubt. But then most of Serenity's crew seemed touched to Xander, though his could cast no stones. It was the crazy one, who were the most interesting.

"What are they?" Xander asked motioning to the ships in the graveyard.

"Fireflies, that weren't given Serenity's fate. There pretty when they dance, Serenity hasn't danced since Wash died." She said sadly. Xander nodded, he had heard about Wash from Zoë she liked to talk about her husband, to remember him. He stared out of the view port.

"You can't hide..."

"Not hiding, just resting, getting..." he trailed off.

"Getting the crazy out."

Xander frowned.

"No, trying to remember..."

River shook her head, then gave him the 'your stupid' look.

"Try to hard, make yourself worst, let it come on it's own."

Xander sighed and wanted to smack himself. It was a known fact that when you wanted to remember something you couldn't.

He was about to reply when Kaylee come into the room.

"There you are Xander, Captain wants to see you."


"That redhead, she done waved the Captain accusing him of stealin' the cargo we were to deliver. But since you are the cargo...she's making a fuss."

A dark look crossed his face, making Kaylee take a step back. They all like Xander, except for Jayne, they were still warily of him but River who would follow him around like a puppy sometimes. Xander got up and walked by Kaylee.

"Guess I'll go see the Captain then."

River frowned.

"What's wrong River?" asked Kaylee.

"Things are coming, strange things...he sees them. He doesn't like them."

"Who doesn't like what?"

"The White Knight, he sees the darkness claiming those he called He wishes he was still blind." River told Kaylee as she followed Xander.
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