Categories > Original > Romance > Just You and Me

Chapter 19 Still Just Friends

by joy2008 0 reviews

Just You and Me Chapter 19

Category: Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-09-12 - Updated: 2008-09-13 - 1073 words - Complete

Chapter 19 Still Just Friends

There was another week left open before the interns had to start work at TTR. So while the interns were out and about Aina and Joe took the time to look for souvenirs to get for their friends and family, but most importantly Frankie. They got a few shirts, a picture frame, a small model car, and some chocolates. The girls ended up eating them and the chocolates were gone before they got back to the penthouse.

"So, did you two know each other before coming here?" Jacqueline asked after observing their closeness.

"Not for every long. Just the past 2 months," Aina answered.

"Interesting," Jacqueline said as she eyed the two and walked into the penthouse.

"What was that look for?" Aina whispered to Joe.

He just shrugged his shoulders and said jokingly," Maybe she has a crush on me."

* * * *

After working and living is such close proximity for most of the time, all 5 interns actually got along pretty well. Chan was usually quiet, but was slowly talking a little more. Rahul was quiet at times, but had no problem giving off a few sarcastic comments that had everyone laughing. Everyone learned that Jacqueline was always really blunt, so they shouldn't take too much of what she says personally. They even got to know Peter, who drove them virtually everywhere, a little better.

Sometimes on their days off the five interns would go out and play tourist some more since they were more familiar with the area. It was their day off once again and they decided to go to an art gallery. Joe came out with the jacket that Aina gave him on this particularly cold day.

"That is a really nice jacket, Joe. It looks really good on you," Jacqueline complimented.

"Thank you, Aina got it for my birthday last month. You look really nice too."

"Aina you say?" Jacqueline said giving them another one of her peculiar looks.

"Why does she keep looking at Joe and me like that?" Aina asked Chan as they left the penthouse, and Chan just shrugged.

"I'm tired of seeing all these museums," Jacqueline said 3 hours later as they left the art gallery. "As a fashion major, I like clothes. I say we take a break from education and go shopping."

"You can shop I'll sit. My feet really hurt," Aina said.

"I was not talking about shopping for me. My clothes are perfectly fine and in fashion. I was talking about shopping for you two," Jacqueline said pointing to both Chan and Aina. As the two boys snickered.

"That's not very funny boys," Chan said nicely. "I happen to like the way I dress."

"But your clothes are so bland. How will you impress any boys if they don't even notice you?"

"How about we just browse... and," Aina said as she saw Jacqueline about to protest. "If we like what you choose, then we'll consider buying it."

The girls went shopping while the boys waited for them.

"So Chan is really pretty don't you think?" Rahul asked while watching her look through a rack of clothes.

Joe responded, "She's not really my type, but she is pretty."

"So what's your type? Jacqueline? She seems to flirt with you a lot."

"She's not my type either."

"Aina?" Rahul asked and Joe just sighed. "Ahh, so you like Aina then."

"Yeah, but we're 'just friends,'" Joe said throwing up air quotes.

"Don't be too disappointed. You two work well together and have fun together, I've seen you. We all have. Sometimes the best relationships comes from being friends first."

* * * *

It was another day of working from 8:00 am 'till 4:00 pm, spending the whole day filing and Xeroxing papers, answering phone calls, delivering mail to the workers, and running all types of errands varying from going on a coffee run or sending a message to another company in another part of the city.

"Is a little over 3 pounds an hour really worth all this work? I mean it's pretty much easy, but at the end of the day my brain is mentally tired from not being used so much," Aina commented when they got home one day.

"It's a new experience, that's all I care about," Rahul said sitting down on a couch.

"I don't mind being paid for doing something easy," Jacqueline said coming in from the kitchen with a salad in hand.

"You know what I think?" Joe said sitting next to Aina putting his arm around her. "I think we should forget about work and go out to eat tonight, like that restaurant we met Ms. Holmes at. That was a nice place."

They all agreed and a few hours later proceeded to get dressed and walk down to the restaurant. As they approached the restaurant Jacqueline asked Joe to accompany her to the little convenient store across the street as the rest saved a table in the restaurant. Aina didn't know it at the time, but she got a strange feeling when she saw Jacqueline link her arm with Joe's as they across the street and into the store.

"So Joe, you said you don't have a girlfriend is that right?" Jacqueline asked when they were in the store.

"Yeah," Joe said.

"Is there any reason why?"

"No reason, I just don't have one."

"Tell me the truth. I mean, you are a very handsome young man and quite funny. Why wouldn't you have a girlfriend?" She waited for an answer, but there came none. "I'm sure I could find you a nice girl, perhaps she is just under your nose."

Joe thought about Aina, but threw caution into the wind and decided to flirt a little with Jacqueline. "And would you be that girl Ms. Delancy?"

"Maybe, maybe not. They do not have what I'm looking for here, let's go to the restaurant." When they left the store Jacqueline, once again linked arms with Joe and said, "I am French Mr. Jonas, we seem to be a bit more flirty than you Americans, so don't think every compliment I give you is a way to get your attention." Joe laughed at this as they entered the restaurant.

Aina saw Joe and Jacqueline laughing as they entered arms still linked, she finally knew what that feeling was, jealousy.

Author's Note: I hope no ones offended about the "I'm French" line lol I just needed her to say that.
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