Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Holiday


by ThexBitch 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-09-18 - Updated: 2008-09-19 - 695 words


After dinner, I went out to the pier to watch the sunset. Gerard was already there.
“Hey.” I said sitting down next to him. He quickly closed his notepad and returned my greeting.
“What you doing?”
“Nothing.” I sighed.
“I grew up with five boys, plus my dad. If I want to know what you were doing, I will find out.” he looked me up and down before handing me the notepad. I flipped it open. On some pages were drawings and on some were lyrics. They were all great.


She mumbled ‘wow’ under her breath and I smiled.
“What does it go like?” she asked, pointing to a song called ‘Helena’
“I don’t sing in front of anyone but the guys. Anyway it wouldn’t be the same without them playing beside me.”
“You guys are in a band?” I nodded.
“Can I come listen to you play sometime, once you’ve practiced?” I nodded. She smiled.
“What are you doing out here anyways?” I asked.
“The sunset. It’s beautiful.” I nodded in agreement. She shivered slightly, and since I didn’t have a coat, I wrapped my arm around her. At first she tensed, but, just as I was about to pull my arm away, she relaxed and moved in closer to me. We watched the sunset in comfortable silence and fell asleep with her in my arms.


I woke on the pier, on top of Gerard. I was lying with my head on his shoulder and one of my legs wrapped around his closest to me. My arm was wrapped around his waist and his hand was resting on my hip.
“Gee?” I said shaking him. He didn’t wake, only tightened his hold on me.
“Wake up.” I said. He stirred slightly but didn't open his eyes. He stretched the hand that was on my hip and, realising he was holding another person, opened his eyes.
“Domino? Why are you on top of me? Are we on the Pier?
“Yeah. I think we fell asleep watching the sunset.” He nodded and rested his head back down on the wood.
“Are you going to let go of me anytime soon?”
“OH! Sorry,” he let me go and I rolled from my side onto my back, “I like to hold things in my sleep…like a pillow.” I smiled.
“Yeah, you hold a pillow.” He blushed.
“Well, sometimes I hold Frank, but that’s not the point. Besides, I think you’re brother’s claimed him.” I knew he was joking, but I still felt an unexpected pang of jealousy.
“Yeah, I’m glad I didn’t sleep in my room last night. My room’s next to Bert’s and those walls are crazy thin.” He smiled.
“Does he bring home guys often?”
“And girls. He plays on both teams.” He nodded
“And you?”
“I’m strictly a guy girl.” He smiled and suggested we go in for breakfast before we freeze our asses off.

“Hey.” I greeted my brothers and Frank at my dining table where food had been laid out.
“Were you on the pier all night?” asked Alan.
“Yeah, I fell asleep. Were those two noisy.” I asked, jerking my head at Bert and Frank.
“We didn’t do anything. Just kissed.” I almost choked on my spoonful of Cheerios.
“What?! You didn’t do anything farther than kissing. Impossible.” I looked at my brother in disbelief.
“We wanted to wait, is that such a crime?” he asked innocently, aware of the confusion he was causing.
“What did you do to him?” Scott asked Frank, who just smiled.
“I wasn’t that bothered. It was Bert who talked me into waiting.”
The morning was filled with strange revelations like this. Bert suddenly wanted to WAIT. John had decided girls didn’t interest him anymore and he was going from bi, to just gay. And Jimmy’s ex had phoned him to tell him she was two months pregnant.
We met up with Bob, Ray, Mikey and Gerard at around eleven and decided to go into town.

You know the drill kiddies
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