Categories > Original > Romance > Just You and Me

Commercial... again

by joy2008 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2008-09-23 - Updated: 2008-09-24 - 496 words - Complete

Author's Note:Another commercial.

When Joe left Mrs. Gilbert was a little confused so her husband explained everything. The plan and how she was not going to jail because of the sexual harassment that she was a part of. She instantly threw afit! Kicking and screaming to her husband... still fully naked might I add.

A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. Mr. Gilbert opened it up to allow two police officers into the room.

"We got a call from one of your neighbors," came the unusual, but masculine voice of one officer.

"Yes we did," said the other. "What's with all the sound?" (*haha I got that from the movie "Sleepover" :P*)

"That would be my soon to be ex-wife Officers," Mr. Gilbert said motioning to his fuming wife in the middle of the room.

"Would you like us to take her in sir?" asked the first officer.

"Yes actually there are a few things I'd like to litigate her for.

"Okay, come on ma'am, let's go," the first officer said taking her by the hand and leading her out of the loft.

"But I'm still naked!" Mrs. Gilbert said furious.

"Well, you should have thought of that before being all 'Look at me who-ha's' and what not," the second police officer said.

They got her into the squad car and continued to drive off. The first officer with the odd voice was in the drivers seat and pulled off the wig. Apparently this officer wasn't a man! gasp That would explain the odd voice. (*Think Miley and Lily in the Me and Mr. Jonas episode of Hannah Montana*)

"Who are you guys?" Mrs. Gilbert said still angry.

"Oh I'm sorry," the first officer said not in her normal voice. "I'm Jenna and this is Katie."

Katie then took off her wig. "We decided to kill you for being a whore," she said with a smile on her face.

"Would this be considered manslaughter?" Jenna asked.

"You know... English is such a weird language," Katie said. Jenna gave her a what-the-f_ck look. "Just think about it. Laughter... does the gh really make an f sound? So if we got caught would be committed for mans-laughter?"

"Anyway," Jenna said. "I think we should let her drown in the car."

"Oh look! It's Emily," Katie said pointing out the window.

"Hey Em, wanna help us off Mrs. Gilbert here?" Jenna asked when she pulled up next to Emily.

"Why is she naked?" Emily asked disgusted.

"She wanted to show off her sagging who-ha's. So you in or not?" Katie asked.

"Sure," Emily said squeezing in with Katie in the passenger seat. "So how are we gonna do it?"

"We don't know," Katie and Jenna said together.

"Let's go see Loretta, Kina, and all them. They're gonna go kill some guy soon, we'll do them both together," Emily suggested.

"Great!" Jenna said speeding up.

"Emily... do you think English is a strange language?"
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