Categories > Original > Drama > Dragon Shifter

how to talk your way out of trouble

by assuming_she_is_dead 0 reviews

Jess talks her way out of trouble, but there's more bad news around the corner.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-09-26 - Updated: 2008-09-26 - 1872 words

Chapter two

-Jess' P.O.V.

Okay how do I get out of this? I looked at the two guards standing in the tent with me, with their stone cold faces.

"You still haven't told me why I'm here. What is this about exactly?" I said casually, whilst fiddling with my handcuffs.

"We are not authorised to talk to you, so shut up." the one on the left replied. His voice was choppy and stern with a harsh robotic sound to it. No wonder when we rescued a prisoner of theirs almost a year ago he thought the planet had been taken over by robots.

"Oh so I'm a prisoner now?"

They didn't reply vocally, just gave me a firm look. The door of the tent flung open and man, in a black suit and large round glasses, walked in. He said just one word. "Leave!" The guards left.

I looked around at the temporary office as we sat in silence for what seemed like ages, until it became almost unbearable and I plucked up the courage to say, "Why am I here?"

"I thought that was obvious," he spoke calmly, "because you're helping a shifter and you're part of SPS, don't try and deny it we have the evidence piled up against you"
Okay now I'm in deep crap. I could feel my temper rising out of desperation; I bit my lip to hold it back. "So what are you going to do about it, what if I am part of SPS?"

"Well there's a few choices. Lock you up, brain wash you or you work as a double agent for us."
Double agent, this could work in my favour. I give them a load of bullshit information about SPS and in return give away all their surprises, easy... at lest in theory. man i really am a genius! But I can't let him know my plan. "Lock me up, brain wash me, I really couldn't care less, but I will not betray my friends and SPS"

"So noble, yet so common, it's what you all say. But surly someone as young doesn't want to waste the rest of their lives because they think their cause is so important and yet in a few years these freaks will be gone. And then what will you have left to show for your bravery? Nothing. You'll have no life, no job, no qualification; you'll be a nobody, with nothing. But if you took up my offer you'll go back to school and you'll have that life. It's that simple."

Perfect he'd fallen for it. "Okay you've convinced me so far, but what will I have to do?"

"We'll it's simple you tell us what we need to know and we stop you getting in to trouble."

I stared at him for a while pretending to think, I couldn't make me agreeing with him look too easy, he could have been cleverer than he looked. But then again probably not as he looked like his IQ was equivalent to a toddler, mind you no doubt he's just a puppet. "What kind of trouble?"

Ha that caught him off guard, I wonder what he'll say about that? The phone on the desk in front of me began to ring and as he picked it up and walked out the tent he said, "think about it."
Darn, I was looking forward to him wriggle his way out of that and then that stupid phone goes off! God life seriously isn't fair.

I couldn't see why he walked out of the tent anyway, I could still hear every word he said. Stupid dumbarse.
"What's the update...hmm...they've got her?...where was she?...what about her friends?...what do you mean they're not there?...I think I've got the other kid to work for us...okay I'll tell him"

I knew it that "okay I’ll tell him" means he is just a puppet, which makes things easier, but Kid? Who's he calling a kid I'm 16! But by the sounds of it they've got Lara, that's bad, really, really, seriously bad... At least the others are safe. As he walked back in I asked, "I've decided, when do I start?"

"Great now! But first we need to put this tracking devise in you arm and..."

"You are not doing that! If you dare put that in me I swear I'll fucking kill you! Anyway they have sensors to detect those sort of things so they won't let me in"

"Fine look, go now but if anyone asks you've had it done."

"Yep lead the way." A way of relief spread over me. Sucker. He unclipped my handcuffs and led me out of the tent. "Oh yeah, umm, when do I get to go back in my house?"

"I don't know, I don't think it's been decided, but we'll make sure to tell you when we know ourselves."

"Oh okay, I'll probably stay in a hotel for a few days then."

Once he had left I hurried down the street towards ash's house, there was police forces outside but not as many as outside Lara's and my house, it was the same at the care home where Stud lived, probably the same at Max's too but I didn't know where he lived. Guessing, hoping that they weren't there I carried on down the road. I must have been looking for hours before I found them, as it had long since gone dark. I found them under our tree in the school grounds. They were listening to Avenged Sevenfold with my speaker; I had forgotten they still had them.

"We were wondering when you would turn up, it's been hours since Lara called. We were going to go home but the police are outside all of our houses. Where is Lara by the way? Oh yeah and why are we hear?" said Ash before I could even say hello, god he could be so rude sometimes, even if he is kind of cute with the pink streaks in his hair.

"Okay" I took a deep breath and began to explain, "Lara is a dragon shifter, they're like normal shifters but different, they're like dragons that spend their life as human..."

"Huh?" said Stud.

"Basically they find it easier to change into dragons than humans, now this may seem like a bad thing but in many ways it isn't. Dragons are faster, bigger, stronger, and a lot more logical. This means that she can change into bigger and more complicated creatures, all this without losing energy like shifters do. Okay anyway the government had suspicions of a shifter in this area for quite sometime so they were going to test everyone tomorrow. But then somehow they managed to intercept one of our messages which told them who Lara was, luckily I don’t think they know that she's a dragon shifter but that won't last long once they start the tests on her. That about sums it up apart from the fact I work for SPS, and the government thinks I'm working as a spy for them so some how I'll have to get round that."

"Okay so what do we do now? Do we go save Lara or what?" said Max.

"No." I said quietly hoping they didn't hear me.

"WHAT?" they said in chorus, almost shouting.

"We can't there's too many of them and not enough of us. Besides she'll be long gone. Our best bet is to go to SPS; they'll know what to do. They should be able to get Lara back and get the government off our backs."

"Wait, what do you mean off our backs?" asked Max. God for an over achieving kid he can sure be thick at sometime.

"Because they're looking for us too, why else do you think they're outside your house. And it will be worse if Lara escapes, if they can't find her they'll use us and her family against her." I explained.

"Oh... that could be a problem." Muttered Max.

There was a loud bang behind me. I spun around to see a mass of flashing light. Things started to happen so fast. There was a loud noise overhead as a spotlight searched across the field, with shouting coming from the direction of the lights. "Split up! Meet under the old bridge on Oakwood Road!" I shouted over the noise of our surroundings.

Ash sprinted after me, while Max and Stud ran in the opposite direction, at lest I think they did. We sprinted through the dark streets, along alleyways and across the occasional train track in almost the opposite direction of the bridge, knowing we would have to turn around. It was all in the aim of avoiding capture and it worked... for a while.

"Shit!" I shouted as my chin smashed against the ground. I lay there stunned.

What just happened? My vision started to go blurry. Ash was standing over me, he was saying something but that too was blurred and I couldn't understand him. There was movement around us but it seemed so out of focuses it could have been a a lamppost's light flickering.

Someone tried to pull me up, he seemed familiar but I didn't know who he was. What was I doing here anyway? Oh yes I was running away, but from what? What if he was the one I was running away from? He tried to pull me up again; I pulled myself away from him. Two other boys ran round the corner, the one in front of me, who had been trying to pull me up, spoke to them, his sounded worried, but still I couldn't understand him to be sure.

The other two ran to me and pulled me up. Then they pushed me to a bush and then down what seemed to be a tunnel. My vision became even more blurred that I could no longer make out anything except extremely vague shapes. Yet I may as well have had my eyes closed and I couldn't tell the difference between a person and a lamppost.

I suddenly felt afraid, before I was only confessed, but now I was afraid. It's hard enough not being able to see or hear around you friends when you know that you can trust them, depend on them and that they're there for you and would never leave you alone. That's how I feel, alone. But when they're not there for you, it is scary. And what makes it worse is the fact I don't know what it's like to have a friend, what it's like to know there is some one out there that cares about you because friends always do. I don't even know if I have any friends and I can't remember who I am, whether I am a good person or a bad person. It makes you feel worthless like a stone, not like a diamond stone but like a cold dull stone.

review please because i don't want to be writing a rubbish story, and not know that it's rubbish (although i don't think this story is particularly good.) so yeah you get the picture. review? rate?
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