Categories > Original > Romance > The Master of Disguise(Jonas Brothers story)

Alone Time Here I Come

by AliceAlexiz19 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-09-30 - Updated: 2008-10-01 - 1272 words - Complete

“Why does your crap weigh so much?” Moondust asks helping me get boxes out of my car & carrying them into the loft.
“You know stuff. I guess I need to talk to it and tell it, it needs to go on a diet.” I say.
“Ya I think so.” she drops the box as soon as we step in the front door. Thank gosh the only thing in there is stuffed animals and a few pillows. I know what your thinking stuffed animal’s but you gotta love ’em.
“Ok I’ve gotten my work out for the day. Lets go to Rallys and get something to eat. Me hungry.”
“Ok Tarzan let’s go. Where’s Shootingstar?”
“She’s with Nick trying to figure out a work schedule for the process of the movie making so we can get off work when need be.” Wow, I cant believe I’m going to be in an actual movie.
“I can’t wait.” Moondust says doing her happy dance.
“Me either.” I say.
“Just think soon we will be famous.”
“I know I just have one problem.” I say.
“I don’t know how I’m suppose to sign my name for the autographs.”
She slaps me. “ Your such a dork with a very good point.”
“So how are you and Casey doing?” I ask as we pull up to Rallys.
“You want the usual Starshine?” Moondust ask after ordering her usual.
“Me and Casey are doing great. I’m beginning to fall in love with him more and more everyday.” she says with this look of what I can only describe as love and lust.
“I’m really happy for you guys. Have you told him yet?”
“No, not yet.”
“How long have you guys been going out again?”
“4 months well it will be this Friday.” Wow has Ryan really been gone that long. I can’t believe they have been going out that long.
“That’s a long time for you.”
We pull up to the window to get our food.
“Thanks.” she’s says to the person that gave us our food.
“I know. So how is it going with Joe?”
I stop mid-chew. I look over at her and chew my food very fast and swallow hard.
“Ok I guess I haven’t talked to him in what 2 weeks.”
“That long. Wow! I mean he deserves the silence but that’s a lil long.”
“Well I haven’t got a chance to talk to him yet and he has showed no interest and tryn to get a hold of me.”
“Well you will make a chance.”
I know that after tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars, no-no-no-no
I know by the end of tonight
You don't have to look up at the stars
And I know if the love is alright
Moondust whips out her phone.
“Hello. Uh sure, but I have Starshine with me. Ok yeah.”
I turn and look out the window great what are they planning.
“Ok we will be over in 5min.”
She clicks the end button and looks over at me.
“Hope you don’t mind but Casey wants us to come over.”
“I’ve only been over to his house I think once before.”
“Well you’ll be in for a surprise. We are here Sugar Pie.”
“That was quick.” I look at her and raise my eyebrow.
“We was a block away.” I just sigh at her dorkyness.
We walk up to the door. It opens before we even knock. We are attacked with hugs by Casey.
“Casey your hurting me.” I say out of breath. My lugs are being squished.
“Sorry, I’m just so happy. Come in. Come in.”
We kick off our shoes by the door and go and take a seat in the living room.
“So you guys wanna watch T.V. and then go down to the basement to play some pool?”
Sounds cool to me. Moondust looks at me. I shrug and nod. “We are in.”
He flips to MTV. “Next it on want to watch it?” Casey asks.
“Heck yeah this show rocks.” I say.
We settle in to Casey and Moondust sit cuddled on the couch and I take the recliner.
Five girls have just been nexted. Is no one good enough? Well I do have to admit they were ugly and had very bad personalities. I look over at Moondust to give her my comment like always but she was busy making out.
“Real nice you guys I’m going to go get a drink.” I say getting up. Casey just waves me away. Humph. How he has a really nice kitchen. I’ve only been here one other time. I go to the cabinet by the fridge. Yelp I was right. Bingo cups. Man I’m good. I step over and get some water from the fridge. The cool liquid starts down my throat when someone grabs my sides. The water comes out my nose and mouth in response. It startled me. I didn’t hear anyone come in. My mind starts to race who could it be Moondust and Casey are still in the living room making out I can hear them. Did someone break in? Great.
“I don’t live here so I know nothing and I’m don’t have anything with me.” I say slowly lifting my hands in the air. The person behind me chuckles. “Since you don’t have anything expensive you will have to make it up to me.” the man I’m guess because of the deep voice spins me around and I come face to face with the suppose intruder. Ryan is just smiling is little smile. I hug him tight.
“When did you get back.” I say into his neck still hugging him.
“This morning. I was going to call you but I thought a surprise would be better and I was right.”
“Shut up.” I say stepping out of his embrace.
“What are you doing to night?”
“Uh nothing why?” I ask getting very curious.
“Ah nothing I just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out tonight.” he said nonchalantly.
Hmm maybe it is good that Joe is going out with someone else. I think I really like Ryan so of course I say, “Sure why not.”
Alone time here we come.
“Great we can order pizza and I can get all four of us some movies to watch to go along with the pizza.” Wow there rewind did he just say the four of us? My dreams have crashed and burned once again.
“Sounds cool to me” NOT! I would it rather be us two.
“What are you doing Wednesday night?”
Why do you want to ruin even more dreams I don’t have.
Sigh. “Nothing why?” I say.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out.” I look away. He lifts my chin so I look him in the eyes. Man his eyes are so blue.
“I’m not doing anything, but there is just one problem.
“And what is that?” he smiles.
“Moondust has to work so it’s not going to work out to well.”
“Actually I just want it to the two of us so we can catch up on stuff.” he says hopeful.
Cha-ching alone time here we come.
“Why not.” Maybe I will have my chance to have a boyfriend.
“Ok I will pick you up at your house at 7.”
“Sounds good. Now lets go and interrupt their make out session.”
“Sounds good to me.”
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