Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Light Is Electric

My Light Is Electric (Part 11)

by ohsotay23 2 reviews

What happens on a tour bus on a rainy day? Just some cutesy stuff and some drama between joe and Cam. Read and Review. :-D

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2008-10-05 - Updated: 2008-10-05 - 1434 words - Complete

I sat at the table as Gabe handed me my soup and I looked at him gratefully. Hopefully I wouldn’t barf this back up in 20 minutes or less, or at all really. He sat down across from me and just stared at me.

“Eat,” he demanded.

I just rolled my eyes at him and took a spoonful of soup and swallowed it. I sighed, I was so hungry. I started chowing down.

“So I’m guessing you like my soup,” he said all high and mighty.

He was the only person I knew that could get cocky about making soup.

“It’s soup okay? CANNED soup. How hard could it be to make? Its just soup and water,” I told him flatly.

“But I made it especially for you!” he said defending himself.

I just sighed, it was kind of thoughtful of him to do, “It was a very sweet gesture, I’ll give you that.”

He seemed happy with my response and sat there grinning from ear to ear and rocking from side to side.

Five minutes later I was sitting there, with my killer migraine, still eating my soup. My throat was still sour and every few seconds I would have to clear it because it felt all mucus-y. Suddenly Gabe started drumming on the table top and humming under his breath. I could hear his foot tapping to the beat of his table drumming.

“Do you like have A.D.D. or something?” I asked annoyed, but kind of amused.

“No. Well at least I don’t think so. I’m not sure.”

“Yeah you do Gabe! The doctor’s just never said anything,” Joe called out jokingly.

I just raised one of my eyebrows at him.

“I don’t have ADD,” he said miffed at Joe, “I just don’t like sitting still for very long and I get bored easily and I don’t have a lot of patience, but it’s only sometimes,” he informed me.

“Hmmm, interesting,” I said grinning. This guy was amusing to no end.

“I’m bored let’s do something,” he decided as I finished my soup and ginger ale.

As soon as he saw I was done he took my bowl, put it in the sink, and got me some more ginger all. I looked at him weirdly wondering why this guy was acting so sweet. This was definitely not the kind of person I was expecting.

Before I could ponder that anymore I heard Ryland call out, “Let’s play LIFE!”

Joe squealed in delight and Gabe started nodding his head excitedly.

“I call the green car!” Gabe yelled as he ran to find the board game in the hall closet.

I guess that would have to do considering we were on a moving tour bus and it was pouring rain outside, like torrential downpour kind of raining. And me and Cam always made this game hilarious with our friends.

We all sat around the table as Gabe started to set the game up and I quickly went and grabbed the red car before anyone else could. Cam grabbed for the blue car and Ryland went for the yellow car saying that it made him fell “sunny on such a cloudy day”. Joe took that white car and Ryland asked him, “is that supposed to be some kind of racist statement?”

When we got around to picking careers I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I wanna pick firsttt!” Gabe whined annoyingly.

I swiftly took a card before he was able to and stuck my tongue out oh so maturely at him.

“I got entertainer!” I said happily.

Gabe just frowned at me and picked another card. I guess I got the one he wanted. I jut mentally shrugged.

“I got accountant,” he said flatly.

“I got entertainer,” I sang, rubbing it in his face.

“But I’m the real life entertainer!” he whined.

“But I entertain in different ways hun,” I said winking at him and rubbing his thigh under the table.

He just stared at me, eyes wide and jaw dropped as I smirked at him.

“Ewww, get a room much?” Cam said disturbed.

I suddenly stopped and went back to the game. What that fuck did I just do?! I was NOT flirting with him! I can’t be. Yuck, Gabe Saporta is nasty. Yeah, if sexy were the new nasty I’d be correct. I happily went into denial though about me having any possible feelings for Gabriel Saporta.

We got half way through the game and I somehow managed to land on every possible child. Cam managed to avoid them all, lucky biznotch. Not that I didn’t like kids. It’s the opposite actually. It’s just that when you reach the 7th kid you get kind of tired.

Oh did I also tell you what habit Gabe had? Whenever he ended up on the same place as you he would put his car on top of yours. He said he was “car humping”. By the time we were almost done his car had “humped” everyone’s car three times or more. We eventually got to the end of the game and I would’ve been all alone in my retirement home but Gabe decided he wanted the “finer things in life” when he grew old and came over to the same place I’d went to. The game was finished in about a half hour and I decided to go lay down for a little bit.

Gabe decided to follow me and I raised my eyebrow and asked him, “Why are you following me?”

“I don’t want you to like drown in your own vile or something while you sleep,” he informed me seriously.

I cracked a smile at that. He was such a moron, but a sweet one.

“So you’re just gonna sit here and watch me sleep?” I asked curiously.

He just nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

“You are a major creeper, are you aware of that?” I asked, amused.

“I’m fully aware,” he told me solemnly, “but only with you,” he added winking.

This must’ve been the fourth time I’d rolled my eyes today. I looked at my cell to see that it was already four. I laid down and cuddled under the blankets, only to realize that I’d left my ginger ale in the kitchen area. I insisted to Gabe that I was capable of getting it myself and walking into the kitchen area I think I got the shock of my life.

Joe and Cam were kissing and it looked sudden, like it had just happened I wondered when Cam would realize what was happening and push Joe off, slap him, and storm away.

Ryland snapped a picture on his phone as blackmail.

“What happened here?” I asked a few feet away from the kissing people, standing next to Ryland and sipping my ginger ale as my stomach started to feel funky. I had a feeling that that soup would be coming back with a vengeance soon.

“They started talking about last night and then they started arguing and all of a sudden Joe grabs her by the back of the head and starts kissing her.”

I chuckled at their little drama.

Cam finally snapped back into reality and pulled back, smacked Joe, and stormed up front to go sit with the driver Mario.

Didn’t I call that?

Joe looked kind of shocked and like he had no clue what to do now.

“I guess you should go take care of this,” Ryland said, this was one of the first times I’ve actually seen him legitimately serious.

I just shook my head and walked back to the room. I’d talk to Cam later. There was no point talking to her now, reality needed to settle in first.

I walked back into the “bunk room” as I’d named it only to find Gabe passed out asleep.

So much for making sure I didn’t suffocate in my own vile I thought sarcastically.

I was too tired to even care anymore. Whatever meds I’d found in the cabinet and taken were making me drowsy. I just laid on the bunk next to Gabe only to have him pull me against his side while he slept.

I fell asleep like that, cuddled up into Gabe as I listened to the quiet pitter patter of the rain on the tour bus.

I hadn’t felt that relaxed and at peace in awhile…
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