Categories > Original > Romance > The Master of Disguise(Jonas Brothers story)

He's Got Some Nerve

by AliceAlexiz19 0 reviews

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-11-16 - Updated: 2008-11-17 - 1137 words - Complete

As we are getting up the only thing that is running through my mind is please don't die please don't die. Joe took control of my body when I see her body laying limp right there on the kitchen floor. I'm not sure what happened after that. I wake up and I'm in a hospital room. Moondust is laying in a hospital bed and I'm holding her hand. On her other side is Casey. It looks as if he has been crying. But why? I look into his eyes. They look guilty, why would he be guilty? Before I can call him out on it there is a knock on the door. I look over and I'm surprised to see Adam Savani from Step it Up 2. He's in the movie with us.
"How is she?" simple enough.
"Who the heck are you?" Casey asks.
"Adam." Before it gets out of hand I say.
"She's fine they will need to keep her for a few more days so they can do some tests." I say all in one breath. Where did that come from. Now I remember what the docter said.
"Well when she didn't text me today i got a little worried." he says with a really concerned look in his eyes.
"Ah your the mystery person she has been texting like crazy." Adam looks over to Casey.
"You must be Casey she has talked a lot about you and may I say that I think she may even love you." he says raising his eyebrows.
Casey swallows really hard, "Really?"
"Ya." Adam sticks his hands in his pockets.
"Starshine I have to go. Call me when she wakes up."
"Ok." all I can do is look at him in astonishment.
"Did I do something wrong?" Adam asks.
"No, I don't know why he he took off like that."
"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."
"It's Starshine." I say with a brillant smile.
"Ah your the crazy, funny one." he says laughing.
"So that's how she described me."
"Ya, but I summed it up for you she sent my 5 long texts describing you."
"She is such a great friend." I look down at Moondust her eyes are still closed.
"Well I hate to leave but I must go to the mall to a few things."
"Ok well I guess that I'll see you later." I wave.
I turn to Moondust after Adam leaves. "Moondust I'm sorry but my dear I have to go to work" I give her hand a lil squeeze then I'm off.
-The next day-
"This isn't visiting hour." the snotty nurse said.
The Jonas Brothers causually stroll up beside me. "We would like to see Moondust." Nick says working his beautiful smile.
"Ya sure ok go right on in." the same nurse says.
I walk with them. She grabs my arm.
"Where do you thing your going?"
I just stare at her with disbielf that she actually grabbed me.
"With them." I say pointing to Nick, Joe, and Kevin.
"Do you know them?"
"Sure do know let go of me."
I rip my arm from her grip and go off with them.
"I can't believe she had the nerve to grab your arm like that." Joe says.
"I can." Kevin says.
"People are crazy when it comes to famous people." I say. We reach Moondust's room and there is someone in there. As I get closer I realize that it is Mr. Foggybottoms.
"Who's that?" Kevin asks indicating Mr. Foggybottoms.
"One of our friends Mr. Foggybottoms." I say laughing.
"Weird name." Nick says.
"Ya, but we still love him."
They raise their eyebrows. "A brotherly love."
"Man we haven't seen him for awhile he has been so busy. I think that we should let them catch up."
"Ya." they say. We go to starbucks but not before we go to Subway and get our sandwhichs.
"Hey sweetie." Rachelle says coming up to Kevin.
"Hey baby." Kevin says giving her a kiss as she sits down.
"When does Moondust get out?" she asks.
"Tomorrow." we all answer.
"Well that's good." Rachelle says trying to lightn our depressing mood.
"Ya." we say together once again.
I get up and dump my tray. When I come back to sit down and the next thing I know my butt and the hard tile floor make contact. I look up and everyone is laughing.
"Who did that?" Someone pulled the chair from underneath me.
They all point to someone behind me. I turn to see who it is and what do you know it is Mr. Foggybottoms and he is laughing his head off. I get up walk over to him and give him a nice hard wack on the arm.
"You could have seriously hurt me and permantly damaged my butt." I say stern but with a smile on my face.
-One Month Later
"Joe you've offically gone crazy." I say giving him a gentle but a playful shove.
"I'm already there." he says back. All I can do is laugh.
We are sitting at his with our feet in the pool watching the sunset. It gets all quit I nudge him with my shoulder. "What are you thinking about?"
"When will Casey get here so we can watch the scary movie." he says raising his brows then he wiggles them. I laugh.
"Well lets go and find her. She can text him and see when he will get here." We left our feet and wipe them on a towel that we brought out. Moondust is talking to Shootingstar with her back to us. I run and jump on her back. She catchs me. We start to spin around. She jokingly starts to dump me. We are hacing a gay o time when I feel a vibration on my leg. It is her phone. She checks it, it is a text message from Casey. She opens it. When she is done reading it her face falls and tears streams down her face. I take her phone and we all read the message.
-Moon I'm sorrythat I'm doing this over text but in the end I guess I'm to much of a coward to call but I'm sorry but Taylor wants to get back together and I do to after what happened to you and it got me thinking that I can't see myself with anyone but Taylor...I'm so sorry Moondust but it's over. This is goodbye-
My anger flies. This makes me so mad.
"That's it I'm going to find this jackass.." I say grabbing my keys.
"No, I'm going to go you guys go ahead and yes I'm sure I just want some alone time. And no I'm not going to do something stupid." We give her hugs and she leaves.
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