Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > For a Pessimist I'm Pretty Optimistic


by PancikingTonight 1 review

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-11-18 - Updated: 2010-01-01 - 1120 words


Right now I’m walking with Mike Carden—he said, even though me and Bill broke up he wanted to give me the present he got just me-concert tickets. The whole way to the venue I was crying. I still didn’t know why me and Bill broke up—it was stupid, and it really hurt me.

“So, let me get this straight—Bill heard from Kevin that you thought Nate was hot and then he flipped out and you guys broke up?” Carden asked. I nodded. In a nutshell—that was it. “I think Bill over reacted—he thinks plenty of girls are hot” I was just going to pretend I never heard that. I just focused on the concert we were going to go to—even though I didn’t know who was playing.

Carden and I grew close during the tours we went on. He has that personality and those eyes that make him a great friend. If it wasn’t for Misery Riot and Mike Carden I wouldn’t have got through this break up.

Mike admitted we got lost when I had realized we had walked in a giant circle. So we tried asking people—but the only people that really helped was Trace Cyrus and Metro Station.

Trace looked at me wide-eyed and stared at me up and down. The way he looked at me really made me think he was a rapist. Only Trace Cyrus with his long brown hair and tattoo’s can pull off that look. Trace didn’t take his eyes off me until Mason had told us the way to the venue and we left. I could still feel his eyes burning on my ass.

When we finally got to the venue we got front row access because Carden got special tickets or whatever. I still didn’t know who we were seeing. But when The Killers walked on stage, one of my many inspirations to start a band, I knew this was exactly what I needed.

After the concert we walked passed Metro Station, again—it’s like that bar is there little gangster hang out—it’s weird. As we passed them though, I thought differently. I walked back to Trace and kissed him. I bit down on his lip and made it bleed, he smiled, I smiled he pulled out a condom from his back pocket, I thought about it.

Having sex with a complete stranger isn’t going to make me feel better. Mike took my hand and dragged me along. At the corner I saw William, he had witnessed everything.

“Great” I sigh. William turned and walked away. I just made everything worse between us.

I walked away from Metro Station to maybe, just maybe, save me and William’s relationship, but he was no where in sight. So I just decided to run back to the buses.

“You really fucked up this time” Carden told me. I hit him, he winced and walked away.

Great. Just fucking great.

I was the first person, along with Ajax, to show up to sound check. We trotted along the stage singing and playing games. After twenty minutes of waiting Kevin showed up. After another twenty minutes Rikki was still no where to be found.

“Where’s Rikki?” I asked Kevin.

“The last time I heard from him he said he was coming from a date at star bucks” Kevin replied.

“A date at star bucks?” Ajax asked beside me. “He is one messed up drummer” I laughed. Before I knew it our manager ran on stage.

“Rikki’s in the hospital” he exclaimed. My heart sank, and I bet all of our hearts sunk.

“What?” We rushed over and followed our manager to his car.

“A few fans recall seeing him with another fan and when they turned there back for a second Rikki was on the ground” Ajax started his car up and we drove as fast as we could to the hospital. When we got there we found out Rikki was stabbed by a deranged fan.

While the rest of Misery Riot went in to see his lifeless body I cried outside his hospital room. Me and Rikki were the closest in the band, because one we grew up together in Canada, we’ve known each other since we were like 2 years old, and we were always there for each other—if he dies, I think Misery Riot will die to.

I hugged my legs to my body and silently cried and prayed Rikki would be ok. William walked down the hall then sat next to me on the floor. “I’m sorry” he starts. “I’m sorry for Rikki and I’m sorry I over reacted yesterday”

I hugged Bill and cried louder. “I’m sorry to” When I released him we kissed several times before I hugged him again. “I love you” I told him.

“I love you to” he said. I leaned against his chest. After a few seconds passed Ajax walked out, he took a breathe in and started.

“The doctors are saying Rikki is going to be fine and be awake tomorrow—Kevin thinks we should stop playing for a while and head to Canada for a while”

“His parents want to see him?” I asked him.

“Yeah, but there stuck there”

I nod. “Ok”

“Rikki’s from Canada?” Bill asked.

“Were a very internationally born band” I start. “Rikki and I were both born in Toronto within the same month and Ajax, you were born in Great Britain”

“But I don’t have a British accent” Ajax huffed. I laughed.

“And Kevin’s from Germany” I say.

“How come you didn’t tell me you were Canadian?” Bill asked.

“You never asked” I shrugged my shoulders and stood up. I helped him up next and decided I wanted to go back to the buses.

Bill drove us back to the hotel we were staying at. I changed and jumped on the bed next to him. I handed him a white envelope. My anniversary gift to him.

He ripped it open and found a piece of white paper, autographed by the band the smashing pumpkins. “Oh my god, how did you get this?”

“Canadians have there connections” I laughed. Bill kissed me and handed me a jewelry box. I opened it to reveal a silver necklace with a “B” pendant. Bill showed me the necklace he had with an “A” pendant. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

“It’s real sterling silver, crafted by professionals” he continues. “Just for my love” I smile and kiss him. He hovers over me just as I let his tongue explore my mouth.
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