Categories > Original > Humor > What NOT to do with Tokio Hotel

Let the Fun Begin!

by Mort_Permanente 0 reviews

No, seriously, don't do any of these! /I had to put it as 'Humor' because I couldn't find a Tokio Hotel category/

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-11-30 - Updated: 2008-11-30 - 956 words

If you're reading this, than you might know who Tokio Hotel is. You might know that their guitar player and singer are identical twins. I bet you don't know that they also have two younger twin sisters. Well, they do; we are exactly two years younger than them.

My name is Selena and my sister's name is Katie. We are both 16 years old but not identical, except when it comes to our thoughts…
"Selena, Katie, come downstairs for a minute please," Mom called for us from the kitchen.

"Fine! Katie get your fat ass up, ma wants us." Katie and I traveled downstairs where we saw our mother sitting at the kitchen table.

"Girls, I have some news for you." Uh oh this isn't good. "YOU'RE GOING ON TOUR WITH YOUR BROTHERS!" our mother shouted at us.

"NEIN!" Katie and I shouted.

"No way, Mom, they hate us! Even you know that they started that band just so they could get away from us. 'Boy time' they called it. Now you wanna send us off with them for what, a month!?" Katie said. She was right. Bill and Tom never wanted to be around us, they only started Tokio Hotel so they would have an excuse not to be around us.

"Girls I'm sorry, but its summer and I have to work and you know I can't leave you in the house alone. So this is the next best option."

I rolled my eyes, "FINE, send us off with Tranny and Snake-head!"






Not wanting to shout any more, I went to my room and slammed the door. I couldn't believe that my mother had just decided to ship us off to my brothers.

"Selena you really shouldn't have shouted like that, mom is pissed as hell," Katie said from the bed.

"Well she shouldn't ship us off because she won't be home 9 of the 12 hours of the day, I mean come on, we're sixteen, we can fucking take care of ourselves." I kicked a night table and injured my foot in the process. "FUCK!" I grabbed my foot in pain and Katie collapsed to the ground in tears, laughing her ass off.

"'S not funny."

"Y-Ye-Y-Yes, it is!"

After Katie finally calmed down, she spoke, "We may not wanna go, but we sure can make this tour one no one will forget." She rubbed her hands evilly and I joined in the process.

*One Week Later*

Me and Katie were packed and ready to leave. Our brothers were supposed to come get us from the house, except they were thirty minutes late...

"You think they forgot?" Katie asked worriedly. Katie sometimes worried about things more than I did, but that was interchangeable, sometimes it's the other way around.

"Kates, I don't think they forgot us, I know they forgot us. You know they don't want us around." We never really knew why they didn't like us. When we were little kids, they used to play with us and help us with our math. Then as they got older, they didn't want to be seen with us. They ignored us. One time they were supposed to be watching us, and Katie almost sliced her finger off with a kitchen knife, she ran into the living room crying and they just ignored her. Let's just say that that day was one of the days I was happy to know First Aid.

"Well, Selly, I think your wrong. I don't think they forgot us." I looked up and saw a black bus with gold stripes coming down the street.

"'Bout fucking time...." I muttered.

Bill and Tom walked out the bus, took one look at us and rolled their eyes, their two friends right behind them. Tranny and Snakey walked up to Katie and I.

"Okay listen up, your coming with us, why we don't have a clue, your going to leave us alone this whole tour. Don't bother us at all," they said at the same time. With that, they turned and walked back to the bus, climbed in and left us to carry our own stuff into the bus.
Let's say this, a bus with 6 people is not very comfortable, and with what we plan to do, it isn't going to be for a long time.

After about an hour of driving to some random location, Bill had to get up and go to the restroom. Perfect.

I waited until he was in the bathroom and when he was, I duct taped the door shut so he couldn't get out. Then I walked way, stopping to grab my Zune from my bag, so I would have an excuse.

"Was das fick!! Jemand offen diese verdammte Tür!" we all heard Bill yelling. Tom got up to investigate and I shot Katie a look that said, 'I didn't do it' and she laughed.

"Alright, who duct taped the door, so Bill couldn't get out? It wasn't Gustav, Georg, or me, Katie hasn't moved, so that leaves you, dumbass." Tom said accusingly to me.

"Look, TOW, as much fun as that sounds, it wasn't me I went over to my bag and grabbed my Zune. Just cause Tranny over there locked himself in the bathroom, probably all that hairspray, hair dye, and make-up chemicals soaking in, doesn't mean Katie or I did it." With that I walked away and smiled, whispering, "Doesn't mean I didn't do it either..."

This is going to be a fun tour...
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