Categories > Anime/Manga > Death Note > Death Note: A New Era


by Shank 0 reviews

Light believes Ryuji will make an attempt to find out who he is very soon

Category: Death Note - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Yagami Raito,Yagami Soichiro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-02-03 - Updated: 2009-02-03 - 1713 words - Complete

Ryuji was sitting at home, this time he was doing surgery on himself. From the drama yesterday with L’s unit, he had almost been caught and a bullet hole in his shoulder to show for it. A little lower and it would have gone through his heart ending his chances to find Kira. Blood ridden rags laid everywhere on the floor as well as empty bottles of disinfectant and pain killers. Ryuji was still in agony though as he had to dig the bullet out himself with a butchers knife he had around the place. All he could do was rest and keep the pressure on the wound to hopefully stop the bleeding. He hoped he would be able to get up soon to follow a lead, he believed he knew what Kira could possibly look like as he fit the profile he had already mapped out. All he needed now was a name. Going through Misa wouldn’t be possible now, Ryuji gave away he knew Misa was under suspicion of being the 2nd Kira as it not only showed his worth to L’s unit if he should join with them in the future, but if Kira was there he could know how close he was getting with hardly any information getting handed to him.

Light had been a little nervous, but had a new self-reassurance that he had the intelligence to bring this guy down. This guy had made plans better than what he originally expected, but they were not flawless, certainly not in L’s class. It had only been from luck that he had been able to escape in the end and Light knew if Ryuji was going to rely on his luck too much, it will soon turn against him. In the end it came down to who could predict the other’s moves steps ahead of the game and act accordingly. Light believed more and more that it was someone on the police force that was a friend of his dad’s rather than someone that had escaped from prison. He wondered if anyone else on the team knew him then, they would have to but he couldn’t ask otherwise he may possibly be playing into this guy’s hands. Light knew his short term plan would be to make contact with them, at some stage during the day-he most likely had a visual on all of them now and if his dad hadn’t already said anything then he would need to put names to the faces-a concept he was familiar with.

There were no viral videos that day on the web from Ryuji. Light wondered what he was up to as it seemed odd that Ryuji wasn’t trying to intimidate him as he normally was. A call came in on the phone that they had picked up from Ryuji. Everyone crowded around Light and waited for him to answer it, “This is L Ryuji.”
“I need you to get back to the Holiday Inn building, now.”
“How do we know this isn’t another trap?”
“You don’t.” The phone hung up and left them with nothing to go on. Everyone began getting themselves ready to leave. Light wasn’t so keen. His dad looked at him, “What is the problem Light?”
“He gave us no time limit, no demands, nothing. He just said meet him there now. It is obvious he is going to try and make contact with us…” Light stopped. Something clicked in his head, maybe instead of bringing him, Ryuji was trying to keep him away from somewhere. Could Ryuji have left some evidence behind? “I think we shouldn’t go to the Holiday Inn, we need to go to the Yellow Sun Apartment building from the other day.” Light explained his theory to everyone and it was reasonable enough to listen to him. Light smiled, “Ryuji, now I just need to wait for my dad or anyone else to recognise you and take a photo for Misa to see.” Light believed Ryuji thought he would be making this decision, but he was prepared to follow along with him. If Ryuji believed himself to be in control, he wouldn’t be able to notice the gains Light would be making. Although Light didn’t like being a part of other people’s plans when he knew there was something going on, he knew if he didn’t go and his team was plotting against him then it was very easy for them to have free time and keep him out of the loop. This was about watching his team just as much as watching out for Ryuji.

They soon arrived and once again they split up into two man teams. Mogi wasn’t coming this time, since Ryuji had suspected Misa as the 2nd Kira they thought it best to keep her as safe as possible, which was beneficial to Light. Light wanted to be in the team with his dad as his dad was the one in connection to Ryuji. He knew his dad would have looked up his case file and so forth and familiar with his face. He had to watch his dad closely and see if he recognised anyone during the day and give away who it was for Light to later kill him. They walked up the stairs of the Yellow Sun Apartment building to the barred room where they had been able to get the phone. Soichiro asked Light to stand aside for a second and he kicked it a few times, bringing it down. The room was empty. There was nothing hidden behind the door and Light was disappointed. But there was something in it, the room could only be locked from the inside, so this guy had to lock it and find another way out. Because of the banging, a man from the building came into the room to check out what was going on, “What is all the noise?” Light looked straight at his dad, but he couldn’t see any pause or change in his face. His dad took out his badge and flashed it at the man. There seemed to be nothing suspicious except that Ryuji would have needed to climb out the window of a very high building in order to get out of here safely. “So should we go to the Holiday Inn if there is nothing here?” asked Soichiro. “I guess we have no choice-Ryuji could know more about who Kira is and if there is any information he has, we need to get it.”

They all went to the Holiday Inn and checked it out, even on the roof where they had almost been caught in Ryuji’s trap. When they went downstairs, there was a front desk and Light went over and flashed his own badge. He asked the man behind it if they had security cameras in the car park. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t thought of this yet, but there had been so much going on it had slipped his mind. It turned out there was indeed video footage from the previous day that involved the Holiday Inn. Light got the tapes and they all went back to the office to watch what was on it. Once again, Light was disappointed. This guy had been smart enough to wear his mask in the car park so they couldn’t work out what he looked like from it. The car he used to getaway that Matsuda shot at was reported stolen and stashed there prior to the plan meaning they couldn’t trace who’s car it was. Ryuji had put some thought into this and although it wasn’t the best plan, it was still a plan. Light also watched Matsuda shoot at the car, he was definitely trying to hit the person in there and if it wasn’t for Aizawa stopping the shots than he would have killed him. A police officer wouldn’t shoot another so if this guy was an officer, only his dad would have known about it. Light then believed if he was an officer he would already have found out who he was and waiting for his time to strike when he got evidence of him being Kira. He still suspected his dad of working with this guy, but he knew his dad wouldn’t give him up without knowing for himself that he was Kira. Light wouldn’t give anybody an opportune time to strike; he had to be patient as he knew Ryuji would slip up. He was surprised at how boring this day was and how from what he could tell, nobody at all really tried to make contact with them.

Ryuji was still in quite a lot of pain. He could take it though as he had made some headway during the day. He couldn’t believe what he had found out; the guy he now suspected could be Kira-he couldn’t believe how the world seemed to be so small. The events that would unfold from this seemed almost scripted in a movie, but Ryuji couldn’t deny the evidence that had been given so far. He fit the profile rather well and if he was indeed Kira-who he was wouldn’t stop him from upholding vengeance and justice. It wouldn’t be easy, Kira…Yagami Light was rather intelligent, just like his profile said. He would cover his tracks well and would be continually looking for leads as to who he is. He would have to be careful about how he approached things with Soichiro. He believed his dad didn’t know he could be Kira and would protect him as any father would. If he had any reason to believe his son was in danger, he may tell him his identity and then his whole plan would be in jeopardy. He didn’t want to dwell too much on it now. For the time being, all he could do was rest and recover, and tomorrow he would start again. In his efforts to bring down Kira, he had come across some crazy things, and he knew it was only going to get worse.
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