Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > From Dusk 'Till Dawn

Chapter 27

by arquero333 5 reviews

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-02-10 - Updated: 2009-02-10 - 1244 words

Hey guys. So heres chapter 27, and I know its been a while, but theres a few reasons why:
1. Exams
2. My house has two bedroom we use for storage. They haven't been cleaned in years. One of my best friends got kicked out of her house 'cuz a bad break-up, so between hanging out with her, cleaning out one of the rooms for her, and making sure she's alright, I've had no time.
3. I was a totally bummed when I got no review for the last chapter, so I didn't really have the motivation. (Proof Reviews are good)
4. When I wanted to post, my account wouldn't let me... grrr.

I opened my eyes and stretched. I looked around and saw that I was in my bed. How the hell did I get here? I remember going out to... eat, but then I don't remember anything else. I sat up and heard a lot of noise coming from the hall. People were yelling and screaming. That must have been what woke me up. I got out of bed and noticed that I was still dressed from the night before. I walked over to the door and opened it. People were running up and down the hall towards the door leading to the dungeons.
"Whats going on?" I tried to shout above everyone else. No one stopped so I just started following them. I got to the door and started to go down the stairs.
"Cali! You can't go down there!" Someone yelled from the top of the stairs.
"Why not?" I yelled back up, but didn't stop walking.
"William's orders!" I could hear him following me, but I kept walking. The further down the stairs I got, the louder I could hear people in the dungeons. I could hear someone screaming and a few other yelling questions.
"Who are you working for?!", "How did you find us?!", "How long have you been following us?!" After the questions went unanswered, I could hear the screaming again.
I got to the bottom of the stairs and saw James, the vampire that usually guarded the dungeons standing in the doorway.
"James, whats going on?" I asked him. I felt the other vampire run up behind me, but stop once he saw James was holding his post.
"I'm sorry, Miss Cali, I can't let you go through." He said. James was always very nice to me, not that I saw him often. He was a very large vampire, he used to be a bouncer, which is probably why he's so good at standing in front of a door...
"Why not?"
"They found a hunter. He was following a few of the guys back from their feeding. Its not safe" Hunter? I tried to look around him, but he wouldn't let me see.
"Come on, James. I won't go in. Please, just let me see. I've never seen a hunter before." I felt myself bat my eyelashes at him and I saw him blush slightly... I didn't even know vampires could blush.
"Fine, just a peek." He sighed as he moved to the side slightly. I saw a few vampires leaning over something.. or I guess it would be someone, and William standing nearby, as if he was supervising. The cell door was wide open. This guy obviously wasn't going anywhere.
"Who do you work for?!" One of the vampires screamed again, followed by a noise of someone hitting someone else. I saw a flash of red hair from behind the swarm of vampires. No... I'm just seeing things. A scream immediately followed the smack. No.. Its not him. I stepped back and tried to look somewhere other than the vampires beating the hunter. My eyes fell on the floor just outside of the cell door, where a pair of very familiar glasses lay.
"No!!!" I screamed and tried to bolt towards the cell, but James caught me. "Andy!" William whipped around as the other vampires stopped to see what was going on.
"Who let her down here!?" William screamed.
"Let him go!" I fought against James.
"I'm sorry Sir, she just ran down here, we couldn't stop her!" The vampire behind me yelled.
"Cali?" I heard a voice croak from behind the four vampires in the cell.
"Shut up! Don't you dare talk to her!" One of them shouted and turned to hit him.
"No!" I screamed again and pushed with all of my strength against James. I felt myself slip from his grasp and I ran past him and into the cell. William and the other four didn't move as I ran to Andy, but I barely noticed them. I fell to my knees next to him. He had a bloody nose and bruises everywhere. One of his eyes was swollen completely shut. His left arm was laying at an odd angle it surely couldn't have reached if it had been healthy. His clothes were torn to pieces and bloodstained, and that was just the visible damage.
"Andy? What happened?" I cried.
"Cali... you're okay." He smiled weakly. He lifted his right hand up to my face.
"Oh my god... what have they done to you?" I leaned down over him to try to hug him. I heard him suck in air. I pulled back quickly. "I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?"
"My ribs..." He hissed.
"Get her out of here." I heard William command from behind me.
"No!" I felt two pairs of hands grab me from behind and start to lift me away. "No! Andy!"
"Let her go." Andy called after us. One of the vampires left in the cell kicked him in the stomach. He coughed and spit up some blood.
"William! Please! Let him go!" I cried. "I've never asked you for anything! Please! He's my friend!" They started to pull me up the stairs and I saw James sitting on the floor near the wall holding his head.
"Stop." William yelled. The vampires dragging me stopped. When they put me feet on the floor again, I pulled against them. Their grip was released and I ran over to William.
"Please William." I sobbed. "Please."
"He knows too much. We can't let him go." He said, surprisingly emotionless.
"Then... Then... Then just let him be! Keep him here. With me."
"Do you even realize how dangerous that would be for him? As it is I have my strongest down here just so they don't go crazy at the sight of the blood."
"Just put him in the area I was in at first! It can work. I'll look after him, just please, let him go!"
"You're not at all affected by his blood?" William raised an eyebrow and studied me.
"No. I'm not." I choked. He was quiet for what seemed like forever.
"Fine." He scowled. He turned towards the other vampires in the room. "Fix him up. You heard her, he belongs to her. Do anything to hurt him, it'll make her upset. When she's upset, I'm pissed... pass the word that no one is to go into her section of the house unless under strict orders by me." He ordered. I ran back to Andy.
"Cali. Whats going on?" He asked.
"It's a long story." I sighed as two of the vampires picked him up. "I'll tell you once you're in a safer place."

There it is. Hope you liked it. Review, please, or at least if you want another chapter soon...
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