Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Light Is Electric

My Light Is Electric (Part 31)

by ohsotay23 4 reviews

We hear about Gabe's Mom. A little background on his family. Some cute scenes. Read and Review. :]

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2009-03-21 - Updated: 2009-03-22 - 1768 words - Complete

Author's Note: Okay so I think that there's just going to be one more chapter left to this story. Maybe two? I'm thinking one more chapter, most likely, and then maybe and Epilogue if you readers want one? Tell me what you think in a review please. :] I'm trying to brainstorm for another story so that maybe I'll have a new story out sometime in the next 2 weeks.

My Light Is Electric

Once I waved goodbye to my Mom and my Dad who had his arm around my Mom’s shoulder I closed the door to the bus and heaved a sigh and dropped onto the couch in exhaustion.

A few seconds later I felt another body drop next to mine. I opened my eyes and saw Cam.

“I’m still mad at you,” she stated blankly.

“That is quite fine my friend, because the enjoyment I got out of my mother catching you and Joseph in the act is well worth it,” I told her honestly.

“Hmph,” she pouted.

“Oh shut up. At least I didn’t set it up so that it would be my Grandmother catching you two. You would’ve been pulled down the stairs by your ears and scolded for like the next 5 hours,” I told her grinning at the idea. At least I know what I’m doing at the next family barbeque. Insert a sneaky smirk at this point.

“Don’t even think about it biotch,” she warned.

“Think about what?” I asked smiling innocently.

“Don’t give me that shit, I KNOW how your brain works,” she informed me.

“No, mah friend, if you knew how my brain worked you would probably be in a white padded room,” I told her.

She just gave me a look and sighed.

“I’m watching you,” she warned me.

“I’m always watching you,” I told her.

“That’s kinda creepy,” she told me, giving me a creeped out glare.

“As it was supposed to be silly bear.”

She rolled her eyes and got up to go play some PS2 with Ryland. Grand Theft Auto is so not good for someone like her. It promotes physical violence and she’s already dangerous enough as it is when it comes to that shit.

I got up and went to the bunks to try and find a book from my bag that I could read in peace. A lot of people were napping after lugging everything back on the bus so I had a while of silence to kill.

I grabbed my current book Exit Here by Jason Myers and brought it into the lounge area. I made sure to sit on the opposite side of the bus from Ryland, Patrick, and Cam who were currently playing every video game they could find on this bus. That has pretty much been there plan the whole day, and it’s pretty pathetic. Everyone else, except the bus driver’s were sleeping, and me the 3 aforementioned quirky characters, and Gabe.

Even Joe and Cam had separated from each other for a bit. He was only like 20 feet away from her and sleeping in a bunk on this bus, but that’s beside the point. I think the honeymoon phase is ending.

Wow, that honeymoon was pretty short.

I dropped down onto the couch across the bus from them and laid out on it. I was ready to enjoy the air conditioning in the 90 degree New Jersey, July, weather and get caught up in the problems, fuck ups, and tragedy of Travis Wayne’s life.

I got to page 250 and just wanted to rip Travis’s hair out of his head for not caring at all and not seeing the obvious train wreck that his life was, when suddenly a body plopped on top of mine.

All the hair left my lungs and I looked up to glare at the Lanky, yet heavy, figure on top of me.

I shoved Gabe off of me and onto the floor but he just crawled back over and laid his head on the couch arm behind my head to look over my shoulder at what I was reading.

“Whatcha reading?” he asked me curiously reading a few lines on the top of the page.

“A book,” I answered vaguely.

“What kinda book?” he asked again.

“A good book.”

“Why is it so good?” he asks.

“Because it involves drugs, sex, and rock’n’roll,” I answered and smirked.

“Ah, the story of my life,” he said smiling.

My smirk immediately dropped into a very serious glare which was aimed at him.

He noticed, “I mean, in my dreams. That is my life in my dreams,” he tried to cover himself.

“Wrong answer,” I told him.

“Ih, um, I mean, uh…Oh! You are in my dreams hunny! You are the life that is in my dreams!” he still kept trying.

“Nice attempt at a save. No sex for you today,” I told him, smirking at him mockingly.

“What?! No sex last night! Now no sex today! How about tonight?” he pleaded.

“Nope. None at all until tomorrow,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“I thought the whole never have sex thing didn’t start until we were actually married and all dried up and wrinkly?” he asked.

“What can I say? I always did act older than I was,” I teased him and pushed his head away so that I could keep reading my book.

He obviously did not get the hint that I just wanted to sit in my very rare, and very peaceful bliss.

“So, I talked to my dad on the phone…” and now he most definitely had my attention.

“Oh really?” I asked.

“Yeah, and my brother,” now my curiosity was piqued.

“Oh really? About what?”

“Us,” he said simply.

“Us? Like me and you?”

“Yep,” he replied just as simply as his one word statement a few second prior.

“And what exactly do they have to say about ‘us’?” I asked.

Inside I was really nervous and I hope that it wasn’t really showing on the outside.

“My brother’s excited to be my best man and well my father was pretty chill, he only had a few things to say really,” he said shrugging.

“What exactly were the few words that your father had to say though?” I asked, still uneasy about what his family thinks of this engagement.

“He just asked me if I really loved you. And I said ‘with all my heart’. Then he asked me if I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life. I said ‘without a doubt’. Then he asked me if you were a good person. I told him ‘the best that I know’,” he told me honestly.

I grabbed his arms from where they were behind me, on the arms of the couch. I pulled them in front of me and interlaced our fingers together so that in our weird position we were strangely intertwined.

“So he approves?” I asked hesitantly.

“He more then approves. He told me that he’s very happy about the engagement and can not wait to meet you,” he told me smiling and took our interlaced hands and kissed my knuckles.

I sat up slowly and tugged him so that he would get the hint to hop over the couch arm and take a seat next to me. He got the hint.

Once we were comfortable seated and facing each other I asked him the question that I’ve been meaning to ask him.

“So what’s up with your mom?” I asked him tentatively.

His face looked uneasy and for a second I thought that he might actually not trust me, but then I knocked that thought out of my head once I saw his eyes. He was worries. He probably was nervous about what I would think, or assume.

“Well,” he started, “we moved to the U.S. when I was still really young, like ‘before I started going to school’ kind of young and my whole family was still together and everything. We moved from Jersey and then to Brooklyn where we stayed for a few years. That’s when it happened, my Mom filed for divorce against my dad. She took everything he had and didn’t care about anything but herself. And it’s not like he cheated on her or anything, it was just for irreconcilable differences. And that is total bullshit because my Dad is the most chill and agreeable person that I know,” he explained.

“I’m sorry Baby,” I tried to comfort him and grabbed his hands gently.

“It’s fine, I’m pretty much over it. It’s just, my Dad had like nothing and my Mom didn’t fight for me and Ricky, my brother, so we just really cut ties with her. We only spoke to her when our Father made us, which wasn’t a lot. I don’t want her in out life, and I really don’t want her involved in this wedding, or even attending it,” he told me.

“Are you sure you don’t want her there hun?” I asked him.

“Completely sure,” he answered.

“Okay then, if that’s what you want, then I’m on your side,” I told him and gave him a quick peck, “Conversation over and now we can relax.”

He breathed a sigh of relief and we both sunk against the back of the couch. He had his legs stretched out while I had mine curled up next to me on the couch.

He laid his head on the back of the couch and put his arm around my shoulders as I leaned into his side.

I picked up my book and opened it back up to the page where I had left off. I sat there reading it, taking the whole story in, as Gabe looked on and read the book too.

It was another one of those cheesy perfect moments.

Just sitting there with each other reading a book filled with trials and tribulations while for once not being face with out own.

I felt reassured at the fact that for once in a really long time there would be no drama, or kidnapping, or parents, or anything that could cause any controversy.

I didn’t even feel the need to knock on wood because I believed that we had dealt with all that we had to. It’s our turn to be really, truly happy.

It was about time too…
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