Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Broken

My Heart Will Go On

by darkflame1516 7 reviews

Chapter 3 of my fic "Broken"

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome - Published: 2006-03-27 - Updated: 2006-03-28 - 1467 words

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Inuyasha characters, just as I do not own any of the songs used in this fic.


AND NOW: CHAPTER 3 OF "Broken". This chapter uses "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion. A classic song and one of my favorites. I do not own the lyrics to this song and I do not claim to. PLEASE REVIEW!!

Chapter 3 - My Heart Will Go On

Kagome sat on her bed, happily staring at the half-demon sitting beside her, returning her gaze. She did not know what he was thinking about, but her thoughts were very clear. She was thinking about the last time she had seen Inu-Yasha, the last time they had been so happy together, the last time she had been in the past. It's been almost a year and he looks completely unchanged since the day I last saw him. Since we were torn apart once again. She thought, gazing deeper into his joyful eyes.

Every night in my dreams
I see you, I feel you,
That is how I know you go on

Every night she had dreamed about that day and now, staring into his eyes, she saw it before her eyes once more. She saw the day Naraku had been defeated, the wound that had nearly killed her, and she saw Inu-Yasha cry, afraid to lose her. It had hurt her more deeply than her wound to see him cry over her and she had begged him not to. She had told him not to cry and to just save her.

Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on

She had wanted him to do what he had always done and save her from the demons. Except that this time, the demon had been death and there had been only one thing that could save her from it. She had handed him the jewel, trusting her life to him one last time and as she began to fade to the darkness, she watched his face contort with pain, hope, and fear. Then she had been illuminated in a pink glow and she knew that he had rescued her once again.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on

They had kissed passionately for what had felt like an eternity to Kagome. When she could no longer breathe, she had pushed him back. They sat together for hours, his arms wrapped around her as she curled up in his lap. When the sun had finally set, she had known that she needed to go home; she had promised her mother that she would return to make the decision on where to spend her life.
"Inu-Yasha," she whispered into his chest. "I have to go back." He pulled back from her grasp to look at her face.
"But you'll come back to me, won't you?" He asked, worry furrowing his brow. She shook her head.
"You're coming with me. We'll make the decision, together." They both smiled and stood up by the well. They prepared to jump in, but shared a kiss before they left. And as their lips interlocked, Kagome heard a loud gasp.

Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

They pulled back from each other and watched as an enraged Kikyo stormed up to them.
"How dare you!" She shouted at Inu-Yasha. "How dare you choose this pathetic wench over me!"
The pair remained silent and Kagome backed up to the edge of the well while Inu-Yasha stepped forward toward Kikyo.
"Kikyo..." He started to say.
"No! Don't you dare say my name! You have no right to speak it, not when you've betrayed me like this!"
"I never wanted to hurt you, Kikyo. It's just that Kagome..."
"What is so special about her?" Kikyo interrupted him, screaming at the top of her lungs. "You were supposed to love me. Not this pathetic imitation of me." Inu-Yasha stepped close to Kikyo, so that his face was angrily glaring down at her.

Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go till we're gone

"Listen to me. Kagome is a lot of things--kind, caring, happy, loving--but she is not your imitation. She will never be like you. She never wanted me to be human. She never demanded that I change to be with her the way you did. She loves me exactly the way I am. So you can just go to hell...without me." Then he turned and began walking toward Kagome again.
Kikyo growled and held out her hand, throwing a barrier of purifying energy at Kagome. Because of her pure heart and the purity of the Shikon Jewel now within her, it didn't kill her, but it did knock her off balance. She fell, her eyes wide as Inu-Yasha tried to catch her and missed. She hurled backward into the well, past the blue light of the bridge between the worlds and landed in her own time.

Love was when I loved you
One true time I hold to
In my life we'll always go on

Kagome had tried several times to travel back in time again, but the barrier would not let her through. She had fallen to her knees in the dirt of the well and cried. She had pressed her hands to her faced and sobbed for what felt like forever. Her brother Sota had found her that way and, upon getting no response to his question of "Are you all right, sis?" had fetched their mother. She had climbed into the well and hugged her crying daughter, trying to pacify her.

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on

She had sat in the well, with her mother, and had told her everything that had happened; Naraku's death, her affirmation of love to Inu-Yasha, and Kikyo's attack. Although her mother was confused, one thing stuck in Mrs. Higurashi's mind. Why didn't he come through the well to get her? She fell and could have been injured and he didn't come.

You're here, there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on

A hand on her shoulder reminded Kagome that she was with Inu-Yasha in her bedroom. He hadn't spoken a word but his eyes said that he was worried. She gave him a look that said "I'm fine" and he calmed down.
"Your mother was angry at me, wasn't she? When I didn't come for you, she got mad, right?" Kagome nodded and pulled his arm around her shoulders, so that he held her against him.
"She was mad because you didn't come. But I was worried. I was worried because you had left me alone. I was worried that Kikyo had hurt you," she said, looking up at him. He trained his eyes on her, a serious expression on his face.
"If I could have come, I would have. But after you fell, Kikyo put a shield around the well so that we would be separated, and then she fled. It took me all this time to track her down."
"And you found her?" Kagome asked.
"Yes." There was a pause in his story and Kagome knew from the look in his eyes what had happened.
"You had to kill her, didn't you?"
"I sent her soul back to rest," he answered. "The barrier broke and I rushed back to you. To be here with you."
"So the well is open now?" She asked. He pulled her into his lap so that his arms were wrapped around her upper-body but she was looking up at him from his lap. It was almost the way you'd hold a doll and Kagome was glad to be in Inu-Yasha's arms. He nodded to answer her question and she bit her bottom lip in thought.
"Where are you going to live now? You could stay here with your family or..." She put a finger over his mouth to silence him, then pulled him down to her. They kissed and it felt as wonderful as the last time they had been together. He didn't speak because he knew what she had decided.

We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart

Kagome knew exactly who she was going to be with.

And my heart will go on and on
Well, one more chap completed!! An epilouge is coming and sometime after that, there will be a sequel! YAY!!
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