Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > His Heart Shapped Box

Part 3

by HeartShappedBox 0 reviews

Kurt and Arabella skip school, and make some trouble

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2009-06-06 - Updated: 2009-06-06 - 1115 words

׺ღArabella's POV׺ღ

Kurt and I decided to skip school today. I was cool with it, as long as my parents don't find out. If they do, then I'm in huge trouble, but it's all good, I'm spending the day with Kurt.
"Come on!" He said, running up to me, and dragging me.
"Kurt, what are we doing today?" I asked, as I followed him.
"We're going to have some fun, that's what we're going to do." He said, excited.
I smiled, I knew from the start he seemed like that trouble maker, but I didn't care, at least I was away from school. We walked onto a boating dock.
"Um Kurt, why did you drag me here?" I asked, looking around.
Kurt pointed to a boat.
"See that big pirate boat over there?" He asked, pointing.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"You and I are going to go on it."
I looked shocked, he walked away, but I grabbed his arm.
"Kurt, wait."
He stopped at looked at me.
"We can't go over onto there. That's private property, and we can get in trouble." I explained to him.
Some how I noticed he wasn't really listening to me.
"Bella, chill, nothing is going to happen to us. I promise." He told me.
He let go of my hand, and ran onto the boat. I heard a big crash as he landed.
"Kurt!" I screamed, to make sure he was alright.
Kurt got up slowly.
"Don't worry, I'm alright." He told me.
He didn't seem alright to me.
"Come on. You can make it."
I ran and jumped onto the boat. I looked around and seem what the crash was, it looked like Kurt landed on some crates, but I guess he was alright.

Kurt decided to look around, then he decided to destroy stuff.
"Kurt, what are you doing?" I asked.
"Having some fun, join in!" He said, excited.
I smiled. I came over and decided to destroy things with him. Kurt was throwing papers all around. That's when I seen someone walk up onto the boat.
"Kurt, someones coming!" I yelled.
He looked out the window.
"Fuck come on!" He said grabbing my arm again.
We had to escape, we couldn't get caught. We seem a room.
"Here, we can hide in here." Kurt said, as we went into the room.
"Who's there!" I heard the man say.
Kurt and I was hiding behind some big dresser thing. I looked over to him, he smiled, I smiled back. This was so much fun.
"You destroy public property, come out now!" He was yelling.
The guy was mad as hell, I could tell. After searching for a while, he decided to finally give up. Kurt and I thought this would be a good way to break free. We ran out of the room, and bolted fast to get off the boat.

We ran about two miles till we were clear that no one was chasing us, we ran to the park, and then laid down in the grass. We started laughing.
"Dam Kurt, I didn't think you could be that fun!" I told him.
He laughed.
"I have my days sometime."
We sat there laughing some more, then we sat there in quite for like two minutes.
"So Kurt, where did you move from?" I asked.
He looked at me, then sat up.
"Well, when I was about ten, my mom and dad split up."
I looked at him.
"But I thought I seen your dad at your house?"
"You did, my dad still comes around every once in a while, sometimes to come see me, some times for him and my mom to explain personal things." Kurt explained.
I listened as he rambled on.
"When I was eleven, I lived with my Grandma, in Olympia. Well, then my mom calls my Grandma and tells her, she wants me to move back in with her. So I did, and here I am now." He explains.
"Wow. I'm sorry." I told him.
He looks at me shocked.
"Why you sorry? You didn't do anything, don't be sorry." He tells me.
I smiled at him.

We both got up, and walked back to school. I didn't understand why, till I realized when we both cut class, we left our school bags at school. We walked in, lucky his locker was right across from mine. I seen a guy walk up to him, and started talking. I looked back over, then decided to go over to him.
"Hey Bella, this is Conner." He introduced.
"Hey." I said.
"Don't worry, Conner is gay." He told me, I laughed.
"I know Kurt. Remember, I was here before you." He smiled.
"Yeah, we got talking one day, and decided to be friends, he asked if I was gay, I told him no, but he wants to be friends anyways." Kurt told me.
"Kurt Cobain, Arabella Teretto?!" I heard the Principle say.
Kurt and I looked at each other.
"To my office now!" He said.
"What did you two do?" Conner asked.
"I don't know." I told him, how could Kurt and I have did anything, we weren't even here.
I thought.

A teacher took us into the Principals office.
"Have a seat." He told us.
We walked in and sat down.
"I understand from other teacher, you two wasn't in class today?" He asked us.
Kurt and I looked at each other.
"You can say that." I told him.
"Young lady, we haven't had to problems with you yet, so I'm letting you off with a warning." He pointed to Kurt.
"As for you. Ditching school is against the law and is against school rules. You know I can have you arrested and suspended for this?" He asked Kurt.
Kurt only looked at him and didn't say anything.
"Well, but as for the two of you. I'm giving you a week of detention." He told us.
He pulled out some white pieces of paper and started righting on them.
"Mr. Cobain, how do you spell your name." He asked.
I seen Kurt smiled.
"Well, it's K-u-r-t-d last name is K-o-b-i-n-" He told him.
For some reason I don't think that was right. I don't know just doesn't sound right to me.
He gave us the slips and Kurt and I walked out.
"Dam, that was close." Kurt said.
"I know." I told him.
"You mad at me?" Kurt asked.
I looked at him.
"No, not at all. Come on lets go home." I said.
We walked out the school doors.
"Bella?" Kurt yelled.
I turned around.
"Come over after school, my parents wont mind."
I smiled, then turned and then walked away.
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