Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Chicago, the fang-like thorn in my side

Chill commander.

by Xnataliex 7 reviews

Some love intrests/parings in this one...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2009-06-13 - Updated: 2010-01-03 - 1012 words

Pete's P.O.V

I'll put my hands up to the fact that I’m an impatient person but his was ridiculous; didn't the words important and urgent register in their brains? Finally I heard some footsteps. Brooke bounded into the room dragging Alex a long by the hand. The fires of jealousy burned my belly as I watched them. He ruffled her orange hair and she scowled at him but soon that turned into a smile when he snaked his arm around her waist, I turned away. Joe was next to enter the room followed by a red faced Patrick. Caleb came in next, clapping Patrick on the back he was still red faced, staring at his shoes.
"What's all this about?" I asked. Joe broke down into guffaws of laughter.
"He totally got caught checking out some girl" said Caleb, laughing also; I joined in followed by Alex. "Don't be mean!" exclaimed Brooke.
"Jerks" added Chelsea who led Harper into the room. We all stopped laughing for reasons I choose not to go into. Kyle was next to walk in; I smirked as I watched him double take when he saw Harper. Finally Ryan and Max came in. "Thanks for finally coming" I said coldly.
"Chill commander" replied Ryan, I chose not to reply.
"As you can see, thanks to Beckett, we have another person to help us" I informed them. "Only if she wants to, you can't force her Pete" Interrupted Chelsea.
"Don't worry I do" Harper quietly assured us. Clearing my throat, I continued. "But the thing is this has got to stop, we need to do something. This is what we know; one of the main attractions about this club is that there is no age limit, I suspect he has been paying the cops a hefty wedge to stop any raids, we also know that he has men and women all over the club ready to lure people" I said. I glanced around the room for once I had their full attention for this was the way most of them had become vampires. For some reason they are left outside to turn, which is how we have been able to bring them here when possible" I finished.
"But how will we stop them? You said it yourself before; If we step foot in that club we'd be killed instantly" said Ryan. "That’s why we need the transformers" I told them. "The rare and precious ones, we got some good powers here why do we need them for?" Asked Max, many of the others nodded in agreement.
"Because they can go in the club without being recognised, but I spoke to their leader Gabe and he said they would not get involved" Informed them.
"You rang?" said a voice from the doorway, we all turned around to see Gabe himself, with his arm around a girl, the rest of them behind him.
"But you said no this morning!" I exclaimed, surprised. "This evening the circumstances changed" he replied grimly. Suddenly I noticed something. "I thought there are twenty of you?" I questioned. Cold fury washed over Gabes face, the girl he was holding let out a sob and those who were behind him broke out into mutters. "There were twenty of us but as of this evening there are only seven; Beckett's men murdered the rest, we will take you up on you offer of joining you" He said shakily. We all gasped. I watched him turn to the girl and kiss her gently. "Reggie will you be OK with your brother for a moment?" He asked her. She nodded in reply and I watched her walk over to someone I did recognise. "Andy!" said Joe and Patrick together; he offered them a small smile and put his arm around his sister, taking her to the corner of the room. "Let’s talk battle plans Wentz" Said Gabe grimly.

Lindsey's P.O.V

I'm pretty sure that my face is bright red right now. "Lindsey got checked out" Shouted Elizabeth. "Aw, he was blushing too!" giggled Natalie. I searched my head for a change of subject.
"Hey why do you think Reggie ran off so suddenly?" I asked smoothly. Elizabeth stopped laughing. "Did you see how pale she went when she answered the call?" she said thoughtfully. "Guess I'll call her later" She said whilst waving as this was her street. We waved her off and continued walking eventually past the W.B club. Natalie frowned at it. "What's up?" I asked. "Well, I've dreamed about that club...twice" She replied. "What happened in the dream" I questioned.
"This is going to sound weird but I dreamed I was being bitten by a vampire outside that club" She answered. I glanced back over my shoulder at the club. "Weird dream" I said quietly. We said nothing the rest of the walk home but is wasn't one of those awkward silences where you try to think of something to say it was more of a thoughtful one, I really hope that she isn't dreaming the future...

Authors note: This chapter was actually sitting in a note book for the last couple of days, I was just too busy to type it, sorry gals. Thanks for those awesome reviews; they made me feel all warm inside lol. Also if you aren’t in my story but would like to be you can, as one of the transformer vampires, just say so in your review with some description about yourself

Index type thing: The transformer vampires are vampires that can change into any human or animal. They are very rare as you only have that power if you are actually born a vampire rather than infected. All vampires have powers just more common ones that other vamps are too, you will have to wait and see what their powers are he he, but you may have realised that Brooke can read minds and Chelsea can teleport. Just some facts so you don't get confused, now go and review :D
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