Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's just you and me...and our new baby


by kelly-khaos 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-06-23 - Updated: 2009-06-23 - 769 words

I looked up at the clock and let Molly go. “Okay seriously I’m probably going to get shot if I don’t leave now.”

“I’m sorry. Hurry up and get home, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye Molly!”

When I got home I went straight to Mikey’s room.

“Hey Mikes.” I plopped down onto his bed.

“Hey, how was hanging with Molly?”

“It was fine but, I don’t think she likes me Mikey.”

“Trust me Gee, she likes you. You’re too pretty for her not to like you.”

I smirked. “You finally admit that I’m the pretty child!”

He laughed. “Yeah and pretty people aren’t allowed in my room” he pointed to the door “so get out.”

I wiped a fake tear. “It’s so hard being beautiful.” I said as I walked out of his room and into the kitchen. I grabbed some food and headed back up to my room.


The next day:

Ahh Friday. My favorite day of the week. The guys and I usually skipped school until after lunch on Fridays. Would Molly go along with it? I sure hoped so.

After dressing and eating breakfast I decided to go pick Molly up and ask her if she wanted to skip with us. I ran all the way to her house to make sure she hadn’t left yet. I was just about to knock on the front door when it opened.

“Hey Gerard…”

“Hey Molly.” I smiled.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked.

“Well I was wondering if you wanted to skip school with me and the guys today.”

She looked deep in thought. “I’ve never skipped school before…”

“Well there’s a first time for everything right?” I tried to convince her.

She gave in. “Okay. Where are we gonna meet the guys?”

“Well we usually meet at Frank’s house. His parents are usually gone before 5 a.m.”

“Cool.” she linked arms with me and skipped all the way to Franks house.

When we got there Mikey, Ray, and Bob were waiting out on Frank’s front lawn. Mikey smiled when he saw our linked arms. I smiled back.

“Hey guys,” we both greeted them.

“Where’s Frankie?” Molly asked, unlinking her arm from mine. I immediately missed the contact.

“He’s inside, he should be out in a- Ow! What the fuck Frank?”

We all laughed while Frank jumped off of Bob’s back. “ I just wanted a piggy back ride.”
Bob rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just go.”

As we all walked up 5th street Molly spoke. “Where exactly are we going?”

“Well first we’re going up to my tree house which is in those woods.” Frank pointed to a forest about 100 feet ahead of us. “I thought we could hang out there for a while.”

None of us said anything else until we arrived at the tree house. We all climbed up the latter and took a seat on the Nightmare Before Christmas rug.

“I like it up here.” Molly said as she sat down beside me.

“Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” I replied.

“Anybody thirsty?” Frank asked, holding up a bottle of vodka.

“Oh I am!” Molly said. She grabbed the bottle and took a swig. Her face showed disgust as she tried not to spit out the liquid. We all watched her reaction, the guys trying not to laugh. I - of course- was worried. When she finally swallowed it she spoke. “That was not water.”

We all laughed. “Didn’t you read the label on the bottle? It’s vodka.” Ray told her.
“Oh. Got anything that doesn’t burn my throat Frankie?”

“Here,” He handed her a bottle of Mike’s Hard Lemonade. “This should be better.”

I took the bottle away from her. “Hey, I wanted that!”

I opened it and took a drink. “You shouldn’t be drinking Molly.”

“I’m seventeen years old, I can decide things for myself.” she took the drink back and tasted it. “It’s not like I’m gonna get drunk or anything Gerard. I can handle myself.”

Okay... Sorry the chapters are so short. It's one of the reasons I try to update as often as I can. Plus, it's Summer and I'm really bored. I know a lot of people probably don't read this story, but I still like to update often.
Anyways, I'm considering changing the story's name so review if you have any ideas. Also, if you review let me know what you thought. Pretty please.

xoxo - Kelly Michelle
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