Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > It's just you and me...and our new baby

“Is he okay?”

by kelly-khaos 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-07-06 - Updated: 2009-07-07 - 948 words

The rest of the time waiting for Mikey’s ambulance was spent in silence. When the ambulance arrived they put Mikey inside and I climbed in after him. When we reached the hospital, they told me to wait in the lobby. After filling out of the forms and stuff, I took the time to call the Molly and guys to tell them what happened. Ten minutes later they were all sitting beside me in the waiting room.

“Thanks for coming here, guys.” I broke the silence that had recently engulfed us.

“Why are you thanking us, Gee?” Frank asked. “Mikey’s like a little brother to all of us.”

“Yeah, even if I’ve only known him for a short time, I feel the same way.” Molly spoke.

I put my arm around her and she rested her head on my shoulder. “Everything’s gonna be okay.” she assured me.

I stroked her hair, hoping it would calm me down. “I hope so.”

The silence engulfed us once again. An immeasurable amount of time later a doctor came out.

“Umm the family of…” he looked down at his clipboard. “Michael Way?”

I slightly raised my hand and we all stood up. “Is he okay?” I asked when we walked over to him.

“Yes. It seems he was messed up pretty bad.”

“He was mugged on his way home from his girlfriend’s house.”

He shook his head in disgust. “Damn. This is the second person who’s been mugged this week. They didn’t get the other guys as bad as Michael though.”

“Well how bad is it?” I asked.

“He was beaten quite badly and stabbed.”

Molly gasped at the word ‘stabbed’. “Where? Did he loose a lot of blood?” she asked quickly.

“He was stabbed in the shoulder, and yes he lost a lot of blood. Not enough to kill him though. We’ve already replaced the blood he lost, so after we bandage him up he should be free to leave.”

I almost hugged the doctor. “Thank you so much.”

He smiled. “You’re welcome.” he left.

We all sat back down, waiting for Mikey to come out.

“I’m so happy he’s alright.” Bob spoke.

“I know.” Ray agreed. “I don’t know what we’d do without Mikey.”

“We’d have to find a new bass player.” Bob joked, trying to relieve some of the stress we had all felt. We all laughed.

“Yeah, and I’d have to find a new brother.” I played along.

“Damn I’d have to find a new make out buddy.” Frank added.

“I hope your not talking about me, Frank.” Mikey spoke up from across the room.

We all rushed up and hugged him. A chorus of , “Mikey!” and “You’re okay!”s filled the tiny space that was the hospital’s front room.

After breaking the group hug Mikey looked up at me. “Gee, thank you so much for staying on the phone with me. I don’t think I’d be here if you hadn’t.”

I beamed. “I’m just glad you’re okay, bro.”

“You guys need a ride home?” Molly asked.

I put my arm around his shoulder. “Yeah, let’s go.”

We walked out to her car, chatting and laughing the entire way. I climbed in the passenger seat while Mikey climbed in the back. Molly started the car and pulled away from the hospital.

“How are you feeling, Mikes?” she asked, turning down the radio.

“My shoulder hurts a little, but otherwise I’m fine.”

“That’s great. We were all so worried about you.”

“Really? I was worried about you guys.”

Her brow furrowed in confusion, it was so cute. “How so?”

“I was worried that you guys might be angry at me for walking home alone, at this time of night.”

I spoke this time. “Well we’re not angry, but I’m definitely not letting you walk home alone anymore.”

“Okay,” he agreed.

“You can call me too…. if Gerard doesn’t answer his phone or something.”

I smiled at her offer, she really did care for Mikey.

“Cool, thanks Molly.”

She smiled as she pulled into our driveway. I gave her a chaste kiss on the cheek before I exited the car and helped Mikey out.

“Bye guys, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She stuck her hand out the window and waved.

“Bye!” we both called to her.

She back out of the driveway and with one final wave, she drove off.

When I unlocked the door and let us both in, I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. Sitting down at the kitchen table, I opened it. Mikey sat down across from me with his own bottle. I sighed.

“What?” he looked up from the table.

“I’m just happy you’re okay. How’s your shoulder feeling by the way?”

He moved it a little. “It hurts to move, but I’ll be okay. I just need an Aspirin or something.”
“I’ll go get you something.”

I climbed the stairs and entered the bathroom. I looked in the medicine cabinet for Aspirin. I pulled it off the shelf and walked back down to the kitchen table.

“Here.” I threw Mikey the bottle. “I’m going to bed. See you tomorrow.” I said before walking back upstairs. A couple minutes after I lied down, I could here Mikey coming up the stairs. I finally let my heavy eyelids close and I drifted off to sleep.

Yay Mikey's okay! I hope you liked this chapter. I tried really hard :) Review and let me know what you thought.

-Kelly Michelle
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