Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Storm Chasers

Chapter One: The Dream, The Gunshot

by xelcius2518 0 reviews

His invention worked out well enough...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-07-18 - Updated: 2009-07-18 - 1117 words

“Well, my wife’s not around. Take a good ol’ seat, Frankie,” said Jack as he stepped inside the living room. Frank did so and as he glanced around the room, he found out that, again, Jack decided to sell the grandfather clock to earn a little. Just like what he did to the antiques his father gave to him. You can’t actually blame Jack; this world holds nothing for so long. His wife and his kid had gone out to buy grocery and as usual, he was left alone.

Jack reappeared holding two cans of root beer and offered one to Frank. He held out his hand to catch the can and opened it with a fizz.

“You know,” said Jack as he put down his can on the table. “There are a lot of happenings here in Newark that involves pure mystery. Since President Clamour announced that the date of the Parade will be moved, such mysteries as lost of people and machineries happened.” His eyes glistened with excitement. That’s the Jack he knew. He’s always in for a mystery and he will never let one pass. He works as a detective in Primes Agency and he is one of the top ones in the industry. Frank smiled at him and drank from his can.

“You know what I’m here for, Jack,” he said, with a hint of a chuckle.

“Yes, yes, the Parade, right?” he didn’t dare hide his laugh as he realized that Frank knew that he was thinking about involving him in a mystery.

Frank shook his head and smiled. “How is Chloe and—what’s the name of the boy?”

“Art, they’re all fine. The kid’s like his good ol’ dad. Always in for a case,” he proudly said.

Frank again shook his head and smiled. He remembered his last visit there. It was not as fun as he expected but, it was alright. Art was then eight years old and was very hyper. That was four years ago and this year, he heard that the kid brought up good things for his family. Just like his dad, he always won something.

“Dad! We’re home!” shouted a small voice outside the door. Jack hurriedly opened it and sighed at the sight of the big carton the boy was pulling.

“What did I tell you? I said you let the Carriers do these for you. You’re too young to break your whole body,” he said as he helped him work it up onto the front porch. He dusted off the boy’s clothes and smiled. “Art, this is Frank, my friend.” He pointed to him and he smiled.

“I remember you. You’re the inventor,” he said, more like coldly than warm. Frank shrugged and nodded. Then, a woman appeared from the sidewalk and gasped at the sight of Frank. She quickly ran to him and held his hand tightly.

“Oh, Frankie. It’s been four years since we saw each other,” she smiled and her grip tightened. She was so excited about it that she nearly crushed his fingers.

“Yeah, I heard you’re going to be a conductor this year. Is the orchestra fine?” he asked.

“Well, I don’t really know if that’s true. And, yeah, the band’s fine,” she seemed bewildered about the subject and Frank regretted having asked the question.

“Enough of that, people. Let’s get inside, the sky’s threatening to rain,” said Jack as he looked up. Frank followed his gaze and saw far away the dark clouds looming over almost to them as if taunting them to run away because in any second, it’ll pour.

That day, Frank spent his time in the garage to work up on some bits of his Acro-bot, the one he’ll use in the Parade. The Acro-bot is a heat sensor that tells whether there’ll be rain tomorrow. It’s more like a weather predicting device. Frank thought if he could just… turn this… and… Poof! The little disk levitated and to his surprise, flashed a quick scan around the garage and showed the room temperature, 19 degrees Celsius. Frank quickly turned to his computer and found out that the reading tells about rain with wind up to fifty kilometers per hour.

“I-it worked!” he said with a sudden gasp that he thought he would have a heart attack. He grabbed the object and turned it off. He jotted down the notes on his computer and put the paper in his pocket. He was so proud of himself he made a little dance around the garage, only to be seen by the little boy, Art.

“I just confirmed…” he said in the usual cold voice, a smirk spreading across his face. Not a menacing one, but a cute one.

Frank couldn’t stop smiling as he grabbed the boy’s shoulders and said, “It worked, boy! It did!”

“Congratulations, Frank,” he replied, the same smirk was all over his face. Why was he so happy? Because the Acro-bot is his one and only entry for the Parade and if it will not work out its way into the judges, he’ll lose his destiny. He’ll lose everything he had dreamed of. Now, it just proved something for Frank. His dream is going to come true. It will… if not for the phenomenon fate holds for him. It’s going to be a major surprise.

Ring! The alarm clock buzzed right into Frank’s face. He got up dizzily and yawned. He forgot to put the clock on the table, instead, he left it right in front of his face. Never mind that, he dreamed about himself on the highest platform with a golden trophy in his hands and a huge crowd was cheering for him. He smiled and waved his hands to every people he saw. Then, what broke his stare from the cheering mob was a guy in a black suit who was aiming a gun at him. The guy was on a top of a building near them and the gun looked so powerful from afar. Frank saw him smile and flexed his finger on the trigger. A gunshot was heard and he thought he was falling when his alarm sounded.

He shook his head to put away the grim thought and proceeded outside. What he didn’t know was the dream has a meaning. A meaning that was labeled “secret” until the right time comes. When will be that right time? No one knows. Only me and the guy who held the gun in his dream. Who knows what’ll happen?
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