Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Lost Music Inside

Crying, Waiting, Hoping.

by shehadtheworld12 4 reviews

Chapter 2.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2009-07-24 - Updated: 2009-07-25 - 1322 words

It was almost the end of summer, and yet the heat was still unbearble. The old church ladies were outside fanning themselves while their hats shaded their round faces from the heat.

Desirae walked slowly away from the school, as her body seem to become heavier, as the sun shined harshly on her hair and face. Sweat began to form on her forehead and with a tired hand, she wiped it off. The week seemed to pass by as it was already Friday. Desirae had built a friendship with Lisa, and that was about it. She still couldn't find acceptance with the other students, and she was used to it. She never really had a longing to be popular or the prettiest girl in school, all she wanted was friend.

She thought about 'Bob' more then she could count. His blue eyes infatuated her, his quietness was something she wanted to understand, and really she could. She wondered if he had a dark secret, or if he wasn't a talker much. Sure he liked to laugh, but did it last long? Did he stop talking after that? It started to worry her that she was acting this way, she felt as if it was an obsession almost. She kept her distance, but her eyes never stopped looking at him, and she feared her curiosity would get her into trouble. She was just about to turn on her street, when she remembered she had to pick up some more milk for the house.

"Damn." She muttered and sighed as she would have to face the scorching sun once more. She hurried toward Maple St, and smiled as the small store was cooler than outside. She entered through the aisle to the back where the milk would be waiting for her, but she didn't notice him walking through the door.

"Hello, Robert how are you today?" Desirae snapped her head back subconciously. She bit her lip as she watched him from behind the bed rack, where he smiled alittle bit and shrugged.

"I'm alright." He said in a tone, that made her wonder if he was telling the truth or not. His eyes hypnotizing her once again, and his blonde hair stuck to the sides of his face.

"Well here ya go, and I'm very sorry to hear about your mother." The male clerk handed him a white bag where, he frowned but nodded.

"Thank you. I'm hoping she gets better."

"Keep ya head up son." He nodded again and left, only for Desirae to sigh as she watched him leave, as it made her even more curious about him.
She wanted so badly to see where he went, but she felt creepy if she did so. Instead she walked to the front and paid for the milk.

"Hello there little miss Desirae, how are ya?" The woman smiled as she approached the front.

"Hello Mrs.Kenan I'm doing good, how 'bout yourself?"

"I'm fine dear. And your father? Is he good?" Desirae cringed at the mention, but continued to put on a fake smile as she did everytime.

"Yes ma'am."

"Good. Here ya go. Be careful out there ya hear? Them' neighborhood boys are something else." She said handing her the cold bottle of milk.

"I will. Thank you Mrs.Kenan." She smiled as she walked out, and made her way down the street and sung a song quietly to herself.

"In the town where I was born, lived a man who sailed to sea and he told us of his life, In the land of submarines. So we sailed up to the sun, till we found the sea of green, and we lived beneath the waves, In our yellow submarine." She sang softly as she walked. She picked her head back up when she heard a scream and pleading as she turned the corner. Of course she couldn't help herself as she slowly walked down the alley and gasped as she saw three girls hovering above a small girl, their fists clenched and anger in their eyes made her worried. She watched them plow their fists and the pleadings from the girl filled her mind and she panicked.

"Stop it!" She yelled at the three girls who turned to her and smirked.

"What it's to ya?" One shouted.

"Yeah mind your business." The other one shouted. Desirae glared then carefully set the milk down.

"I mean it. Knock it off." She hissed. She was suprised her voice was so strong.

"C'mon let's go." The other girl who was slightly pudgy laughed, and pretty soon they disappeared leaving her with the small girl on the floor. She whimpered as her lip began to bruise.

"Hey, are you-" Desirae was stopped as the girl wiped away her tears and ran off without another word.

"Wait! Stop!" Desirae called after her, but it was too late. Desirae stared after her, and frowned as she picked up her glass of milk and headed home. Another person who didn't want to talk to her.

Desirae giggled as she put her feet in the cool water. She was thankful her father wasn't home early on Fridays. She was able to sit by the river in peace. The sun was halfway down and the sky had a pink and orange tint to it. The trees stood proudly, but with no breeze. The earth had cooled down just alittle, but it was enough to make it through. Desirae frowned as she held her journal tightly in her hands, but felt no need to write in it.

She had thoughts, but she didnt't feel like writing them down on paper at the moment. She wondered about the girl who was beat up by the other three girls. She looked no more than 10 or 11. She wondered if she was okay, or if she was still hurt. Was this a daily occurence? Her brain flashed with a million things, and yet Bob was the only one she couldn't stop thinking about no matter how hard she tried to forget him.

She recalled the encounter. She also wondered about what the clerk said.

I'm sorry about your mother. Was she sick? That was the first thing that popped into her head. She remembered the frown he gave and the way he walked out. She ran a hand through her hair, as she felt lonely when she thought about it. She also couldn't help but wonder if that had something to do with the way he acted. Maybe he was sad about his mother.

"Atleast you have a mama." She whispered into the air and put her hands on her knees. She screamed when a dragonfly landed on her arm. It flew away from her voice, but came back. She smiled as it's wings flapped.

"Aren't you a pretty sight." She said softly as it flew away. An old memory made it's way in her head as she remembered the time her mother was out in the garden fixing the roses. Desirae was only 4 but she still recalled when her mother used to catch them for her. She always caught the pretty blue ones.

Desirae didn't notice the tear fall down her cheek, until it splashed onto her journal. She wiped away the wetness and sighed as she really was alone.

"Desirae!" She flinched at her father's angry tone. Desirae again wiped the second tear that fell as she awaited the punishment for something she most likely did not do. She knew enough to tell the differences in his tone. She buried the journal and walked back to her house hugging herself as she watched the day grow darker.

It was a daily routine for her.

She cried because her heart was slowly breaking. She was waiting for a miracle that would take away her pain, and she was hoping that miracle would bring relief, before it's too late.

Rates and reviews please? Thanks guys (:
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