Categories > Original > Fantasy > Queen of Aces

All Aboard! Next Stop: Wouldn't You Like To Know.

by Celestial_Calamity 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2009-07-30 - Updated: 2009-07-31 - 410 words

“So where do we go from here?” Aden asked as we popped gummi bears into our mouths. “I mean, we’ve discovered some random candy island, how is this even possible?”

“Shh!” I flung myself at him and clamped my hand over his mouth. “Remember that candy commercial where there’s like three people sitting on a rainbow then the one guy asks how it was even possible so the rainbow drops from under him and he plummets to the ground?”

He paused for a moment before nodding.

“Well, do you want this candy heaven to disappear?” I asked in all seriousness.

He gently slapped my hand away and laughed, “D, you’re crazy. It’s not like the island knows what we’re saying.”

“As far as you know,” I narrowed my eyes to slits, “It could have feelings, you know. And if it does, I bet you just hurt them.”

“Look, it’s a stupid island, if it has feelings, may a giant snow cone fall from the sky. Seriously the chances of it are like--” BOOM!

I turned my head to the side of him. “Is a giant snowball close enough?” I raised an eyebrow and stared at massive chunk of frozen water.

“NO! It’s not.” He sulked. BOOM! He glanced to his other side. “Oh, fuck it. I’m always wrong anyways.” He sighed, got up and started walking back towards the hammocks.

“Yay! It’s the red kind.” I sighed happily and started munching on the giant fallen snow cone then glanced down. “Huh, it even has the paper cone thingy, what are the odds of that?”

“Want some?” I offered a normal sized snow cone to Aden.

“What, of the ‘let’s prove Aden wrong ice’ so that it can choke me or something? No thank you.” He pouted and turned on his side in the hammock, away from me.

“Stop sulking or something else will fall from the sky and make you one with the earth.” I smirked, sticking the unwanted snow cone in his hand anyway. “Besides, there’s something else I want to show you, found it right after you ran off.” I started walking back towards the candy fields.

“Which would be?” He asked, getting up and eyeing the sweet frozen treat as he followed after me.

“A ship.”

“Of what, licorice?” He started eating the ice.

“Nope, it’s a pirate ship made of wood. Cool, huh?”

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