Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > An Affair to Forget

Kisame is always good for that

by Krickitat 3 reviews

This cabin aint big enough for the three of us

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Romance - Characters: Itachi, Sakura - Published: 2006-04-09 - Updated: 2006-04-09 - 3044 words

anyways me no own naruto, but Sasuke remains chained to my you think i should give hims somthing to eat? ims Sure he is hungry by now...oh well not matter im sure he's fine!

waaa! why do all my pets die!?

ahh STILL no lemon...why you ask? because it s better when i make you wait!

Also some of you might have noticed the shortness of the other chapters, i assure you this is where it ends. They tend to be rather long now.

ok ive blathered enough
happy reading!

Sakura lay in bed and realized Itachi never slept in the same bed with her.... granted, she had been pretty beaten up at first but now she was doing a lot better, she was even getting to the point where she could limp around the small cabin if she held on to wall. She idly wondered to herself if he even went to sleep, he just didn't seem the kind of person who would ever let his guard down enough let himself rest in peaceful slumber. It was kind of depressing she really wanted to know what it would be like to sleep next to him, despite the fact that she was married to him everything just seemed so new to her...was that right? Should it really feel that way?

Sakura had been slowly become clear headed as time went on, images of her past starting to surface in her mind. Although she couldn't remember names she could clearly see faces when she thought about it enough. And even though it was unconscious at first her training was starting to come back to her fairly easily especially when she acted without thinking of what she was doing. The rest was just blank and try as she might to clear the images in her head they remained stubbornly absent of meaning.

She was doing a quiet study of them now watching Itachi and Kisame, they were both standing in the middle of the room looking alternately at the ceiling and then out the window where the snow continue to fall in lazy drifts slowly piling up against every side of the cabin that she could see every once and a while one of them would lean up and stare at one of the beams that led to the ceiling then stare once more at the boards above them. She had at first wondered if this was some obscure form of male bonding and contemplated the ceiling herself but found nothing there to cause such entertainment. All of this went on in complete silence, Sakura was sick of companiable silence she just wanted to rear back her head and scream, tired with this boring seemingly mindless activity she decided to roll over and take another nap instead.

Two hours later

Thunk. Thunk. Thunk.

They were now walking on the roof, their boots making loud THUNKS overhead almost driving Sakura out of her mind each time she almost drifted into sleep another loud thunk would sound overhead reverbating through the timbers and slightly dusting her with grit and dirt. She gave up and lay back listening intent to find out whatever they were so occupied with on the roof but she was unable to decipher their conversation over the sound of the wind howling around the window casements.

Thunk. Thunk. CRASH!

Sakura bolted upright as one whole side of the cabin crashed in spilling splintered timbers and great piles of dirty snow everywhere.

"I told you that if you piled it all on one side it would cave in," Came Itachi's quiet reprimand.

"Yea, but I thought that side would be able to hold the most it looked sturdier then the other side besides this isn't exactly easy you know." Came the gravelly dfenisve reply.

Sakura grabbed onto the wall using it as leverage to pull herself up and limped over to the big hole in the ceiling at first squinting into the glare and then finally making out both Itachi and Kisame staring down at her, neither one seeming too upset that there was a big effing HOLE in the effing CEILING or the fact that the now melting snow was getting EVERYTHING wet. She looked around at the destruction then back up at the men staring down at her she tried to keep it in...she really did try...she started to raise her hands to her hips and dropped them down and stared at the ground for a minute then her hand sanpped up pointing at the two men and all the wrath just busted out of her.

"What the hell were you thinking?! Of COURSE its gunna cave in if you pile it all on one side! Kisame no baka baka baka baka! Damnit I don't even know a word bad enough to call you except to say you're a freaking idiot!" Sakura's glare of death then turned and pointed to Itachi, "And YOU its not like you didn't have the excuse of not KNOWING he is an idiot, this is as much YOUR fault as it is his! What are you two gunna do about the giant fucking HOLE?!"

Staring up at the men looking down at her Sakura finally felt the steam leaving her as the cold started to penetrate her thin layer of clothing and she wrapped her arms around herself and shivered her teeth chattering loudly. Itachi just stared down at her with dark emotionless eyes not replying to her accusations then turned and jumped off the roof, Kisame on the other hand just grinned manically down at her as he bared his teeth threw back his head and roared with laughter.

"Damn you're a feisty little bitch aren't you?" he continued laughing then turned and headed across the roof. Sakura's face went bright red but she turned around to look at Itachi standing next to her silently waiting for her attention. He was like that he just expected you to pay attention to him...she wondered what would happen if she ignored him long enough.

"Are you cold?" he asked her simply when she finally looked over at him.

"Yea, kinda I don't know that there is really anything else for me to wear though." She knew she had already looked through most of the belongings...strangely both men had clothes and supplies but she didn't have anything besides the clothes on her back. She was wearing Itachi's clothes anyways, at least she prayed they were Itachi's, well they didn't smell enough like fish for it to be the ghost sharks now that she thought about it.

One thing that grossed her out every time she came near Kisame was the fact that the man smelled like fish that has been dead at least three days...that had been sitting in the sun...filled with maggots. It was enough to make any strong person want to gag adn her stomach became decidely weak whenever she got to close to him.

She stared down at the soaked floorboards and moved her feet away from the spreading stain but was surprised when she felt instant warmth cover her shoulders. She pulled the coat that Itachi had thrown over her around herself more tightly and snuggled her face into the high collar quietly thanking him for the offer. He didnt seem to be cold at all as he stood there in his black net top and cotton pants even with his breath fogging the air in front of him.

"Get your things together were leaving and hurry up I want a couple hours to travel we've got about five miles in the snow to cover before it gets dark." He turned from her after that statement and started packing up gear setting it against the wall, she immediately turned and looked at the sleeping area wondering how much he wanted to bring.

"All of it," Was the quiet statement behind her. Sakura sweat dropped 'does he read minds? Seriously does he?' but she scuttled over to the bed and started rolling up blankets and cushions as tightly as she could. She had no idea how Itachi planed to move all of this but she trusted that he must have a way, she turned and started packing the pots and pans and spices that were sitting out near the fire pit, placing them into the storage packs brought along for that purpose, they were luckily a camping set so each one fit neatly into the other and folded away perfectly which was a small favor.

When she had packed everything she could possibly find she looked around at the now bare room and looked for some last small reminder of anything of significance and could find nothing. It was all a blank, she watched the dark haired shinobi enter the room once more and he started picking up packages and tossing them out the door to Kisame and she was amazed when she saw that they had rigged up a small cart into a sled with two long ties for someone to pull it. 'Pretty smart' she had to admit to herself, she doubted if she would have thought up something that good. But she noticed that some of the bags were being left at Kisame's feet while the majority of the rest went into the sled, even though it looked like they would fit easily 'Why not, is he going somewhere else? oh PLEASE say he is going somewhere else!'

Lastly the blankets and cushions were thrown on top of the whole affair with a tarp being thrown over the top to keep them from becoming wet. Itachi turned to her and before she could move the coat was taken from her.... did he expect her to walk five miles in the snow with only sweat pants and a light shirt? She shivered at the coldness and shivered more at the thought as her hip gave a low ache that she knew would only intensify the longer she was on it. She looked around her for some shoes or anything to to put on her feet when she was grabbed and hauled over to the sled where she was unceremoniously dumped amid the blankets and cushions.

She felt strong hands tucking the blankets in tight around her then the tarp was thrown over and strapped down tightly preventing any moisture from seeping into the blankets. She had only one little flap that she could pull up to peer out of and she did this as she watched Itachi prepare the rest of the sled tightening the straps then reach down to buckle on a pair of snow shoes. The flap was ripped back and she looked up into the grinning face of Kisame as he moved to block her view of Itachi, his hands drifted into her hair and he pulled till she felt the tension in every part of her head. She tried to reach her hand up to slap him away but they were tucked in too tightly into the blankets and she settled on glaring bloody murder at him instead, but he only grinned wider tisking at her sullenness.

"Now you be a good girl and wait for me to get back ok? I wont be gone too long, then you and I can play and have some fun!" He gave her hair a final hard squeeze then moved off into the snow and down the side of the mountain. Itachi came around the side of the sleigh placing his cumbersome footwear carefully in order to avoid the slopping sides of the wide shoes from trapping each other and tripping him. They were heavy and awkward but they were the best way to travel any distance in snow this heavy. There were drifts and snow fells just waiting to trap the unsuspecting traveler and the wide base helped to evenly distribute the wearers weight allowing them to walk on top of the snow instead of wading through it saving time and energy. He turned and watched as Kisame made his laborious way down the hill carefully placing his snow shoes down, then turning to her he grabbed the edge of the tarp and snapped the flap back over her head blocking her view completely.

She was glad to be riding on the sled, a luxury she had not even thought she would be allowed and sighed as she felt Itachi take up the ropes and begin pulling the weighty contraption they had placed the heaviest equipment on the bottom to avoid letting it become top heavy and she sunk down into a slight depression they had left to keep her from sliding around on top. She sighed as she heard him move to the front of the sleigh, poor Itachi, five miles in the snow was rough under any circumstances but pulling a sled? She wondered if he would even be able to do it and was thankful again for the warmth of the blankets surrounding her, adjusting them to plug any bothersome leaks of cold air that hit her skin. She lay awake knowing she would feel terrible to fall asleep while he labored so hard, she felt even worse when the sleigh slightly tilted indicating that he was pulling them up an incline.

But despite all his efforts the landscape made it impossible to reach his destination before nightfall and she felt the sled slow and then finally stop after about three hours and she pulled back the flap to look out at the darkening sky the weather had turned for the worst and snow fell so thick that visibility was limited to one hundered feet or less. He had pulled the sled under an over hanging rock with just enough shelter to keep out the snow but not enough to keep the biting wind at bay. She could feel him behind her digging through the packs he had kept close to the surface and she was handed a protein bar while she heard him ripping off the package of his own. It wouldnt really fill your stomach but it was filled with enough calories and protein to keep them until morning, she started to reach for the ties to get up and help him set up a camp despite her lack of clothing she just felt to horrible to force him to do it on his own. But his hand stopped her as he indicated for her to stay where she was, She lay back and watched as he pulled his now wet coat off and spread it out underneath the sled where the rock was bare of snow in an attempt to dry it out.

He then sat lightly on the side of the sled and pulled off his footwear also tossing them to the side deeper under the over hang but not that far fromt he sled, and before Sakura could adjust to the idea her warm cocoon was filled with cold feet and hands and elbows with not enough room to move away from the cold invasion. She heard him sigh as he fit his knees in behind hers and his feet rested on her legs soaking in their warmth, at this shock Sakura yelped and curled away then felt terrible as waves of guilt washed over her. She reached up and pulled the blankets and tarp back over the top of them, then before she could lose her nerve she reached back and grabbed his frozen hands and folded them into her own breathing on them in an attempt to bring life back to the blue tips but she couldnt seem to get enough heat generated to her palms so took a quick steadying breath and brought them up into her shirt and placed them on her belly where it was warmest.

Sakura thought her face would burst into flames as she felt just the underside of her breasts resting on the backs of his hands and wondered what it would feel like to have him move just that extra few inches up, to have him hold her breasts in his hands feeling the shocking contrast between her warmth and the coldness of his fingers, she had even been thrilled at the slow glide of his rough callused palms as she had dragged his hands up her belly to rest where they were now. But to her disappointment he didn't move them not even an inch, and she squashed a feeling of keen disappointment but she was soon shocked again to feel him sigh blowing the fine hairs on the back of her neck away, and then the gentle touch of cold lips and nose as he buried his face into the warmth of her neck. She lay there feeling his warm breath ghost on her sensitive nape as his heart beat and exhalations evened out and in almost no time she could feel him drop into sleep. Deciding to brave it she adjusted herself and snuggled herself back into him liking the feel of the strong lean muscles of his arms and chest now warmed by their little nest as the wind continued to blow out its fury outside. She quickly fell asleep glad that she had finally learned what it was like to fall asleep with him next to her, his heat surrounding her.

One dark eye cracked open at the feel of her tight ass grinding into his lap, and his cock made a feeble twitch of arousal and he rubbed her back but she was already asleep. Exhaustion over came him and he dropped back into a deep sleep before he could make a move on his intentions. 'No matter it will happen soon enough,' was his last thought before his mind blanked out completely.


that button...yea right there...oh yea baby you know the one.
you wanna touch it dont you?
i know you do
your aching to penetrate it with your pointer arnt you?
i can feel it when you caress it ooooohhh yea feeels SOOO GOOD

yes click it!

yes click it again!

oh god yess!!!

(warning authoress is a total attention whore)
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