Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where Are All The People

Why Me?

by iluvgeeway1 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-08-30 - Updated: 2009-08-30 - 511 words

Fast Forward to Next Day!

I wake up to the sound of very loud sirens going off, I look at the clock and read '9:12'
"What the hell! What the fuckity fuck is going on outside!" I walk to the window to see police cars everywhere around the park and a yellow 'Do Not Cross Tape' all around the pond in the park.
"Oh wow, I guess something really bad happened" I muttered to myself, I then leave the window and go to my closet and grab a pair of purple skinny jeans and a The Devil wears Prada t-shirt. I quickly put it on go to the bathroom and do my morning routine of cleaning my face and brushing my teeth. I look around wondering where my eyeliner could be, I search through the bathroom and then my room.
"Holy mother of a waffle, don't tell me I don't have anymore! Ugh I need coffee. NOW. I wonder if there is a Starbucks nearby..." I run to the bathroom and ruffle my bed hair a little so it wasnt sticking down but up in every angle, since i couldn't find the stupid brush. I go in my room one more time and grab my black Vans and my black thick rimmed glasses from the piling boxes in my room. I put them on and walk out my room and out the house in search of a Starbucks.

Couple Of Hours Later

'I'm so glad there's a Starbucks nearby and that there' s a mall to!' I thought to myself walking back home. I found out that the mall is a 30 minute walk from where I live so I should be set if I need items! While walking back home it started getting dark and I could see massive dark clouds rolling in. I started walking faster which I hoped was the right way. After 15 minutes I notice that I've been going the wrong way. By the time I found my way I noticed I had to go through the park. Halfway through I could see a group of people on a bench and noticed that i would have to pass by them to get home. 'Just my luck!'

As I walk by the group of guys I speed up a little hoping they wouldn't notice me.

"Hey sexy! Wanna show me a good time?" I heard the biggest guy of the group ask me while the rest laughed. I then saw them start walking behind me so I quickened my pace. "What's the rush sexy! We just wanna talk!" As I turned around a corner, I saw they couldn't see me and I ran for it.
3 blocks to go.
2 blocks.
All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my head and I fall into a world of black.

I wake up.
Pain. Everywhere.
It hurts.
"Oh god hurry Don! Bring her in and get me the first aid kit! Quick!" I hear a woman's voice from far away.
I fall unconscious once more.
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