Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

We aren't the only ones?

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-01 - Updated: 2009-10-02 - 1415 words

A/N: Michelle: So now we know why Cynthia cannot get pregnant! I hope you did not mind the humour in the previous chapter. Pokes Lucian

Lucian: Hey! Scowls

Cynthia: Hehe! we both giggle

Oh yeah, there is some IkariShipping in this chapter... but I kinda hate it now... PearlShipping is better :-/


Chapter 54

“So... shall we go home?” I asked. I belched mentally.

“Yeah! That sounds nice...,” she replied. She got up.

We both changed into something different besides the Galactic suit.

“You may go home, I mean, you deserve to go home,” Charon smiled. “Bye!”

I got up and we walked away. It had hit me: We forgot to check and see if Maylene was alright! “Hey Cynthia, we forgot to see if Maylene is alright!”

“Say! You’re right...,” she scratched her chin. I did the same to mine but it was bristly.

“Hmm... I need to shave...,” I grumbled. “It’s been awhile...”

“Yeah! It has,” she giggled.

“Hello!” We both heard a familiar voice.

“Dawn?!” We both said and turned around. And how long has it been since I last saw her?! And what is she doing here? She looks about 15... she looks “filled out...” (inside joke). She was tall, had long legs and a short torso. Her voice was definitely different... more mature. I must say, she is good-looking! Her hair was the same raven-coloured hair I had seen before... except it had green streaks in it. She was wearing a black hat, black shoes and a black shirt with dark blue jeans. Her eyes were the same sparkling blues eyes, as before. She looks pretty dapper! Also standing beside was an Empoleon looking tall and valiant, it (“she”?) was holding a soda and wearing sunglasses.

“Yep! It’s me!” She smiled. The same kind of smile I saw about 4 or 5 years ago.

“Dawn! There you are!” It was Paul... I gulped. We both looked at him. It has been awhile since we have seen him, too. I already that he was from this town. He looked about 16. His voice was slightly deeper and looked more mature. He still looked like his same arrogant self. His hair was black with purple streaks, he was wearing a navy blue shirt with black jeans and black shoes. He was tall and looked kind of like Dawn. He was also wearing a black bandanna. He was smoking a cigarette (dumbass). His blackish eyes were the same as last time I saw him. He had an odd sneer on his face... as if he was discontented. Standing beside him was his Weavile (that Cynthia told me about, she kicked its ass!) “Oh it’s you,” he grumbled and blew smoke in my face. I was taken aback by this and pretended not to cough.

“Paul!!” Dawn scowled. “I thought I told you to stop!!” She swatted his hand, causing it to fall to the ground.

“Fine!” He grumbled and crossed his arms. What a dumbass... pretty much the same as last time I saw him. She poked his chest.

“When I say stop, I mean it...”

“Fine,” he grumbled again. “I will stop, just for you.”

“Paul is my fiancée,” Dawn winked. “He can be arrogant but he is an awesome guy,” she leaned against him and he rolled his eyes. He then smiled and they kissed.

“Well, he sure is dapper looking,” I smiled. Cynthia nodded.

“Thanks!” He tried to smiled.

“No problem,” I clicked my tongue. “So what are you doing here? I know that Paul lives here but...,” I looked at them and then the cigarette... it definitely was NOT tobacco... looked more like pot. No wonder she wanted him to quit.

“I was going to ask you the same thing!” Dawn smiled. “We’re here because we are going to check on Maylene!” Her eyes glittered.

“Hey! That’s what we were going to do!” Cynthia smiled.

“Oh wow! Cool! Shall we go?” Dawn smiled again.

We all nodded and went to Maylene’s house. She was there. She smiled and let us in. Roark was there, too.

“Hey guys!” Roark stopped when he saw Paul. Maylene was silent. She told me exactly what happened to her when she battled Paul along time ago (I think it was 4 or 5 years ago...); it almost made me tear up! That was awful!

I sniffed the air. “Weird... how come every time I am around a woman they are in heat?” I thought. “So, how are you Maylene?” I smiled. Something about her looked peculiar... but what was it? I could not see it...

“I’m good, thank you for asking! I have a problem though,” she turned around. “I seem to have a tail of a Lucario...,” I could tell she was blushing. “It’s kind of embarrassing...,” she scowled. “I drink two beers, wake up the next day and I had a tail!”

“You weren’t the only ones though...,” I sighed. “It happened to Cynthia and I, too. I must admit...,” I muttered.

“Hard to make love?” Roark looked at me. “Yeah... same happened to me, too. In fact, I have spikes on my arms,” he had his hands behind his back the whole time; and he placed them on his lap. Paul looked at us as if we were idiots. He had the “what the hell are you talking about?” face. Dawn looked curious.

“So, what happened to you two?” Roark asked.

“I turned into a Gabite...”

“...And I turned into an Umbreon...”

“Wow... interesting...,” he rubbed his chin. “I found it hard to make love...”

“Yeah... my tail got in the way!” Maylene crossed her arms and scowled.

“Darn... I am so sorry to here that...,” hearing that made me cringe.

“There’s something in that Old Vienna beer that’s turning us into Pokemon like that...,” Cynthia noted.

“Yeah,” Maylene and Roark said in unison.

I looked at Roark’s finger - he broke it about a year ago. “Hey Roark, I should have said this before, but how is your finger?”

“Oh! It’s OK... it’s doing well. I can finally bend it!” He smiled. Cynthia and I smiled at this. We were silent for a few minutes.

“I find it hard to walk outside with this tail,” she wagged it. “Strange thing is, I can wag it. I mean, it looks cute but it IS somewhat annoying...”

“I hear you sister! I had a tail too, and it was annoying...,” Cynthia sighed.

“My tail was big and bulky...,” I groaned. I hoped that did not sound wrong... “Anyways, we were on our way home, would you like to come over tomorrow?”

“That would be splendid, thank you!” Roark smiled. “Bye bye for now.”

“Bye guys!” Maylene smiled... aw so cute!

“Bye Lucian and Cynthia!” Dawn smiled.

“Bye,” Paul said icily.

“Bye!” Cynthia and I said. We walked out and she nudged me.

“Yes?” I looked at her.

“How about we walk home? Besides, it’s good for us, we haven’t had much exercise lately.”

“Hey! You’re right! We should walk home... want some ice cream?”

“Sure my love...,” she smiled and kissed me deeply.

Walking home was the best idea so far. I looked up and saw a Starly singing in the tree. “Hey Cynthers, look,” I said softly while pointing at the Starly. She smiled and sighed happily. I did the same. I saw a nice berry tree up ahead. It looked delicious.

“Hey look, Mago berries, my favourite!” She smiled.

“You were thinking the same thing as me!” I chuckled. We walked up to it and ate until we collapsed underneath the tree.

“Hmm... that was so good...,” I nearly belched. It felt like my eyes were going to pop out. I nearly fell asleep, too.

“Ooh yeah... that was... nmmm...,” she was so full that she fell asleep. I did the same...

...I woke up to something wet. I thought maybe (it was jizz, but I do not do that anymore)... “Hey... Cynthia... it’s raining...,” I smiled. I felt as if I was a primeval caveman surviving out in the wild.

“Hmm? It is?” She cracked one eye open. I didn’t mind getting wet, netiher did Cynthia. We fell back asleep. I did not dream, thank God... though I could not stop thinking about the pot Paul was smoking. Oh well... I shrugged it off and continued to slumber... in the rain and with Cynthia...
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