Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > The Life of a Princess

Two First, a Mission and a Friend

by SnowAhriman 0 reviews

Snow is visted by the first fate. Can working for them be a blessing or a curse? Sesshomaru's first showing in this fic!!!

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover, Romance - Characters: Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-04-14 - Updated: 2006-04-15 - 895 words

Well this is chapter three. I don't really have much to say yet. Thanks for reading. And I don't own Inuyasha in any way shape or matter how sad it is to me.

Chapter III
Two First, a Mission and a Friend

It had been over a hundred years and he still thinks of the young neko. He remembers that day like it was yesterday. He and his father were visiting the lord to the north at a lesser lord's castle. The lesser lord had two daughters. The first was about his age of 16 human years and the second looked to be 5 in human years. Keira, the first, tried every thing in her power to get him to her bed. But it was the second that caught his attention. For the week that he was there, every morning he felt her aura pull at his. He knew she did not feel it for she was too young. He looked to be almost 16 in human years.

His blood caused him to chase her up the same tree every morning. The damn thing had a barrier on it so he could not fallow. She would sit there all day until the sun went down then in the dark she would use her gift to take her to her room. He liked the game of dog and cat even if she did not know what it meant at the time. She was not of age yet and he knew she would be his.

His father told him to wait but his waiting ended in her death. She was killed before she got much older or so says the court. His youkai mourned her but did not feel as though she was gone.

With Snow

Snow awoke in the bed the lord had put her in. She was in the female lodging for his army. Of course there were no other females at this time. Phoenixes had a matting season so they were off some where getting knocked up.

Feeling lonely she felt her heart pulling her to the west. Why? She never believed in fate. If she did her last life must have been really evil. If they were real then the fates were bitches that like to play tricks on helpless souls.

"I resent that." Snow set up from her bed. She glared at the girl.

"Who are you and what do you want?" 'How did she get in here with out me knowing?'

"I will answer all three of your questions."

"I only asked two."

"I can hear every thought as well as spoken word, young one."

"Young one?" Snow repeated with a vein on her forehead.

"As a fate I have been around as long as time itself."

"A fate you say? The maiden?"

"Yes and yes," The youngest appearing fate said taking a seat on a neat by bed. "As to what I want I am a massager. You have lived as a human for too long. You need to know youkai custom and law. We will also give you the knowledge and control of your powers you will need these as well."

"What do you want in return for this fine gift?"

"We will get our payment in due time." the maiden again stood, she walked to Snow. Placing a hand on each temple she implanted the gift she came to give. To Snow the world went black.

Break in Time

The massager came to the location he was told the neko would be. He found her on her bed. But she was curled up as though in pain. Was she ill?

He walked over to the pile of neko and pushed her lightly with his foot. "Are you alive?" At the moment Snow grabbed the young massager by the ankle and tripped him.

"What do you want?" She hissed at him.

"The lord wishes your presence in his study. I am to take you there."

"Then I will follow."

In the Lord's Study

"I need information on a miko. I want you to find out as much as you can. I need your stealth here. Be warned if she senses you she will try and kill you."

"So spy on the miko my lord?" Snow smile? "Allow me to go and place an order for a weapon on my way. I will need it later. The sword smith will have it done as I am doing this mission for you."

"You are permitted to do so. Report what you find. Kazuma will show you the village." An elemental phoenix bowed to his lord then turned to Snow. He could have done this but it was a test for the neko. "You two will leave with in the hour."

They both bowed and turned to pack what would be needed.

With Snow after Kazuma leaves.

Snow watched as the miko played with children. The most she every seen her do was shoot down a crow demon form the sky with a bow. Although the power from this girl sent shock waves down her spine. From the children she learned the miko's name, Kikyo. Snow jumped to the next tree.

As she walked through the forest Snow caught the scent of a demon. The weird thing was if was not Kazuma or any other phoenix. From the scent it was a kitsune.
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