Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires at New Jersey

Home Sweet Home...

by rawr-ness 0 reviews

"This was my hell house..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-12-27 - Updated: 2009-12-28 - 548 words

"Wake up, Frank, we're here." I blinked my eyes several times until I got used to the light... or no light.
It was rather cloudy when I stepped out of the car, not only that but the whole town... it seemed like no one has been here in decades. It just looked so... isolated. This couldn't be it, this couldn't be Jersey... could it? I felt myself be shoved and watched as my step-dad walked pasted me snickering.

Bloody bastard, I thought as I turned around and grabbed a couple of boxes from the moving van. There was something about this place.
It made me feel as if I were being watched, every move I made, every word I said, even the thoughts I've been thinking - I felt like it was all being monitored, all being seen and heard by someone else.

"What do you think?" I jumped to see my mom behind me smiling from ear to ear.

"Um... it's nice." I put on the best fake smile I had and walked upstairs and placed the boxes in the hallway.

Which room shall I choose? I smiled as I looked around and popped my head into each and every one in the rooms. They all seemed rather small, nothing that would remind me of home.
Home... I wasn't home, I was in a cave. The atmosphere, the energy, it all felt like a cave. I hated it, what was I, a vampire. I could only imagine what school would be like.

"Frank get down here!" I sighed as the bastard called me. That shall be you're new nick-name step-dad, I didn't even know his name, I couldn't believe my mom married him.

"What?" I asked sternly as I came downstairs to see the bastard smiling from ear to ear. "What do you want?" I screamed only to see his smile grow, I hated his smile.

"You better be nice to me Iero, I'm your dad now and --"

"You'll never be my like father! My father was kind and handsome, smart and funny. You're just dirt." I spit on his shoes, wanting to take it all back as soon I did it.

I felt a leather belt smack me on my back as I fell to the ground, paralyzed in pain. "What the bloody hell was that for!" I screamed only to be hit by the leather belt again. I felt heavy breathing on the back of my neck and the smell of tobacco and beer hit me. "I told you to be nice to me." He chuckled as his footsteps faded away, in the background I knew I could hear my mom crying, wanting to help her only son but being to afraid to do so.

What did she get herself into?
What did she get us into, what did this mean for our family?

I gulped as I attempted to get up and walk into my new room. Home Sweet Home, didn't apply to me right now. This was my hell house, and the bastard was my devil.

This was my hell hole, the bastard was my devil, this was the last thing I thought as I could hear the agonizing cries from my mom and drifted off to sleep in my own tears.
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