Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fml

Just Dance,Its Gonna Be Okay .. . . .

by AddixxSin 4 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-11 - Updated: 2010-02-11 - 1409 words

Addie POV.

So after we got back to the school it was time for me and Mo to leave because her older bro came and picked us up. But the thing is, I didn't really want to leave. I did really like hanging out with the guys and they seemed to enjoy Morgan and I. Especially Mikey.He is so interested in Morgan! And she likes him as well. She has been writing "Morgan loves Mikey" In her note book for all of German class.

"Ich spreche du deutsch?" Our Teacher, Herr Lewis, asked the class.

"Ich es deutsche machine!" I say quietly so only Mo could hear but she's too into her drawing. Class continued like that for a while. Herr Lewis asking the questions we had no idea how to answer, then him spoon feeding us the answers. German 2 rocks!

"Um Hola?" I heard from a voice at the door. I look up and Mikey and Frank are standing there beaming at me and Morgan.

"And you might you be fellas?" Herr Lewis asked in his classic joking voice. Herr Lewis was a cool dude; he was the old guy who you can't really get mad at because he does a bunch of random stuff to make class fun.

"We are the band that is renting out some of the school for a music video we are filming. Today we are in need of some volunteers to help with a scene we are doing. Could we borrow a few students?" Frank asked in a very polite manner, while Mikey was trying not to laugh.

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYA!" Morgan was whispering in my ear as she bounced up and down in her seat.

"Chill out creeper. Of course they are going to take us." I said as I took my arm from her tentacle grip.

"Only if I get a list of names of the students and you can decide who can go." Herr Lewis said as he wrote up a sign out sheet.

"Morgan Weber and Addison Stasie, and you random 5." Frank said and Morgan shot up and signed out before I could put my books in my bag. As I passed by, I heard the whispers of "Omg, he's hot!' "How does that freak know him?" "I call the one with the glasses!" "What a bunch of fags" I glared at the voices and they shut up and returned the look. Screw them. The two things we were famous for here at Central. Drugs and Hoes. And being the only school in the district to be caught for heroine.

"Hey girlfriend! How you been?" Frankie asked as we waited for the rest of the class to sign out and get their things.

"Not much homie.Just chilling with Bob Dylan acting like the villains we are." I replied giving him a hug." Your short ya know that?"

"Hey! I'm not that much shorter than you!" Frank exclaimed.

"How tall are you?" I asked looking down at him. He was shorter and skinnier than me, lucky!

"Like 5'2" He said, trying to stand on his tip toes.

"Ha-ha I'm 5'7!" I say and his jaw drops and he leaves my hug.Aw! No! "I'm sorry Frankie!"

"You're forgiven!" He laughed and jumped into my arms bridal style. I caught him, but the weight made me stumble backwards and fall down.

"Why did you fall? I thought you were strong?" Frank asked as he got off me and helped me up.

"I said I was tall; not strong." I said and grabbed my stuff as I realized everybody was walking away."Where are we going?"

"The small gym." Frank said and I grabbed his arm and ran the opposite way of the group. This school has multiple ways of getting to where you want to go and they way they are going is the longest.

"Short cut?" Frank asked as he ran with me and I nodded and pushed open the door, but stopped short at what I saw. Gerard was standing in the stair case talking to a small thin blonde woman. Her hair was short and spiky in the back and she had a black leather coat on with some acid washed skinny jeans on. Gerard was pushed against the wall and the girl was helping herself to his neck as he caught my eye. He smiled, turned her towards him, and then did something I could only describe as short of eating her face off.

For some reason, seeing this made me extremely jealous. I have no idea why though! It's not like the dick was ever nice to me. Granted, I met him yesterday, but you understand!

"Hey Fuckers! Underage in the room!" Frank said as he pushed past me and towards Gee (did I just call him that?) and the slut.The girl turned around, reveling her blotching work on Gerard's neck, and damn she was pretty! She had the classic "emo chick sitting in her bathroom with just her underwear taking pics in the mirror face"

"Shove off Frank. Me and Gee Gee were just having some fun before your rehearsal." She said as she leaned against the wall next to a silent, but smiling, Gerard. Grrrr. I pushed through the door and walked down the stairs, past the group and towards the exit to the hall.

"Addie! Where are ya going?!" Frank asked.

"Probably to go and cry like the pussy she is over some boy toy or something." I heard Gerard say before the door shut. I turned the corner and continued walking silently down the hall. I always love the silence in the hallways during class .It gives ya time to think and stuff. But unfortunately my silence was ruined by the sound of the door opening and closing, yet I didn't look behind me to see who would appear.

I reached the gym to see about 3 dozen students lined up on opposing sides of the gym. Girls on one side, boys on the other. Morgan and Mikey were in the center of the floor with Brian and another guy who Im not familiar with, trying to do some sort of dance.

"Follow each others foot steps like you're in a box. Use the beats as a tip to move to the next corner of the square and keep repeating. Now let's let Morgan and Mikey demonstrate." The odd dude said and Morgan and Mikey started to move quietly in the center of the room in a small square. Morgan was beaming so much that I thought her mouth was going to tear at the seams and Mikey was the same way.

"Now everybody pick a partner and find a five foot area for yourselves. Then try and do what they are doing right now." The guy said and the two lines converged into a huge group of teenagers whose dancing mainly consisted of grinding during the spring bling dance.

"Addie!” I heard two voices call to me and I looked both ways. One was Tony in the middle of a mosh of girls who didn't get it that he's gay, and Frank; who had Gerard and Slut trailing him closely. I grabbed Tony's hand and moved between the couples to the far end of the gym. Tony had already done this dance in the school play earlier in the year so all I had to do was follow his footsteps; till he really started twirling. Then It took all my energy not to trip over my own two feet.

"So what's up girly? What's got you all sad?" Tony asked me as we twirled past other couples struggling to figure out the simple moves.

"Nuffin dude. Just a slow day today, that's all." I said and buried my head in his neck. This is why he is my best guy friend ever.Hes a guy I can cry to and a guy I can party with. But either way, He knows when someone just needs a hug.

Out of the corner of my sight, I could see Mikey and Morgan sitting next to Bob and Ray on the side of the room talking to each other and whispering in the others ear. Morgan started giggling and Mikey shut her up with a slight peck on the lips. Awe!

But then I saw that a few chairs down Gerard were doing the same with his mystery girl.

Fuck my life.
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