Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fml


by AddixxSin 3 reviews

lets save that for when we sell real estate . . .

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-02-27 - Updated: 2010-06-30 - 2141 words

The whole reference to getting naked and selling real estate is from sponge bob square pants and it’s the chocolate episode.

Addie POV.

"We're not doing so well Patrick. We need a new approach. A new tactic." I said in time with the TV show. Today is Saturday and it was officially declared a 'Addie and Mo couch potato day" and since her house has shitty cable ,we have been watching sponge bob for the past hour and a half catching up on what she missed.

"I'VE GOT IT. LET'S GET NAKED!" She shouted and I waved her idea away with a flick of the wrist.

"No, let's save that for when we're selling Real Estate. . . Damn dude im bored, we should see the world today." I said as she nodded in agreement. I grabbed some gummy worms from the bag we had on my living room table and bit the heads off. As a rule of these couch potato days, we must have ranch flavored Doritos, dr.pepper soda, and a shit load of gummy worms because me and Mo love them like no other.

"As much as I love sponge bob, im bikini bottomed out. What should we do?" She asked stealing a gummy worm from me.

"Sell real estate?" I ask giggling at the reference and Morgan hit me with a pillow.

"Absolutely not. The market sucks lately, wait for house prices to go back up and make sure you have a house to sell first." I love this chick. Most of my random conversations take place with her.” Lets call the guys and hang out with the at the Richardson center?”

“Heck yea! I love Franklin, and we got to bring Tony too.” I said getting up and straightening my shirt, checking for Doritos crumbs and soda spills before deciding that my outfit of jeans and a black Spiderman long sleeve t shirt would be my attire for this adventure. “Call them up while I clean up for a minute.”

Then I began running around my house cleaning up all the half assed Ideas we started. Like the photo shoot where Mo got beat up and the hot chocolate she wanted to make because I had a cool whisk. Dishes were put into the dishwasher and that was started, laundry was going, and I had to wipe off the counter then I was free to brush my hair and apply some form of make up.

“Mkay so the guys will be here in two minutes and Tony is getting a ride from them.” Morgan said hanging up her cell phone.

“TWO MINUTES?! I don’t have make up on and my hair is all nasty curly! “I explained and waved my hands around. A sponge bob mannerism, I know.

“Wear that hat I got you for Christmas and it matches your shirt. Then go and grab some make up before they get here!” Makes sense.

“Be the look out Kay?” I said as I hurried to apply cover up and some eyeliner.

“What are we? In a double O 7 movie?” She yelled at me from the kitchen.

“Of course!” I replied then started brushing my teeth. MAD DOG! Sorry, childhood memory time.

“They are here!” I heard Morgan shout and I spit out the toothpaste down the sink and did a quick once over in the mirror, wiped some spare toothpaste off the side of my lip (that would have been awkward) and sprayed some Hollister perfume on me.

“You are such a metro, ya know that?” She said as I stepped out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.

“Yea, but you still love me, right?” I asked, giving her puppy dog eyes.

“Yea, I guess.” She said through her laughing.

“More than that Asian kid?” I asked and she nodded as she continued to laugh. The doorbell rang and as I went to go get it, Mo flipped a shit and ran for the door.

“Hi Mikey.” Oh yea, I forgot their lil smoochy smoochy.

“Hi Mo. Hey Addie.”He said walking through the front door and giving Morgan a hug and a kiss and me a hug.” Are you guys ready to go?”

“Yea, let us just grab our coats real quick .They are in my room.” I said pulling Mo with me. I quickly walked to my room and shut the door, then tossed Mo a lil no water tooth brush thingy and sprayed her with some cutesy perfume.

“Why the weirdness?” She asked before brushing her teeth.

“For Mikey of course. By the looks of it, he wants his tongue in your mouth! And I think you would prefer it if you brushed your teeth first and put on some sex perfume.”

We both grabbed a piece of gum and our coats then walked out to find Mikey checking out my goldfish.

“Dude, you like Stewie?” I asked and he replied ”From family guy?”

“Yup, is everybody else in the car?” I said sliding my arms through my jacket sleeves.

“Yea, we kind of need directions to the Richardson center so let’s get going.”Mikey said and grabbed Mos hand. We walked out the door and saw a big black van in my drive way with Ray at the wheel and Frank in the passengers seat, when he saw us he leaned over Ray and hit the horn several times till we actually were in the car and buckled up.

Seating was like this. Frank and Ray up front. Mikey, Bob and Morgan in the next row and all the way at the back were Me, Tony and a sleeping Gerard.

“WAKE UP GERARD!”I shouted in his face and received a hand shoving my face away from him and into Tony.”Someones grumpy.”

“More like someone’s hungover.He went out partying with Eliza yesterday.” Ray said as he pulled out of my street and towards the Richardson center.

“Who’s Eliza?” Morgan asked.”Oh by the way make a left here.” She said over Rays shoulder.

“Eliza is Gerard’s girlfriend/pain in our asses.”Bob said and had his pout face on. For such a big guy, he sure does act like a kid sometimes.

“Shut up guys!” Gerard said and received a smack on the head by Bob.”Fuck you dude!”

“Basically Morgan, She borrows him once and a while and returns him like this. Grumpy and hung over and cranky. Yet he still “loves “her.” Bob explained. I knew she was a Hoe bag!

“Sounds like you need a new Girlfriend dude.” Morgan said as Mikey latched onto her.

“And who would that be?” Gerard asked, glaring at the people inside the car.

“How about Addie since you seem to like her so much!” Frank suggested. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha . . . . . not done, one sec . . . . HahahahahahaHAHAHA! Now I’m done. I know Frank was just trying to be funny but the look on Gerard’s face was like he was actually considering it!

“Two words. Jail . . . Bait.” He said as we reached the park.

“Another two you might know. Jack . . . Ass!”I said climbing over the seat and getting out of the car.

The Richardson center was mostly a trail through like 5 acres of woods and a play ground along with a building that the local seniors use for bingo every other night.

Our little group went over to the play ground first. Its matching décor of green grass and blue and red poles along with tan and green climbing walls cheered up what would have been a very plain piece of land across the street from our school.

“I call swings!” Frank yelled and ran for the swing set.

“Me two!” I said sprinting after him. As I reached the swings Frank was already jumping off at the highest point of his swinging and landed right in front of me.

“TRY IT!” He smiled and I jumped on a swing.

I got onto the swing and pumped my legs getting maximum height until I jumped off and landed on my butt.

“Never again Frank.” I said laughing as he helped me up and dusted me off.

“What game shall we play?” Tony asked .I slowly walked over to him and hugged him then I whispered “tag your IT!!!!” AND WITH THAT I RAN AROUND THE PLAY STRUCTURE LOOKING LIKE A CHICKEN WITH MY HEAD CUT OFF AND GETTING YELLED AT BY OTHER PARENTS FOR BEING ‘TOO BIG TO PLAY ON THESE THINGS’

- A rant and a half later-

“Dude this place is awesome!” Mikey said as he and Mo walked hand in hand. The have been cutesy all fucking day! Kissing and holding hands. I even caught them making out in the slide with a hood! Now that’s disturbing!

“I know right? I used to come out here all the time to sketch.” I said. My pictures included trees, trees and more trees. I also used to take photos here.

“Hey has anybody seen Gerard?” Bob asked and we all looked around behind us.

“I thought he was right behind us?” Ray asked, as we continued looking.

“I will go and find him. I will call you when I do.” I said as I turned around and started walking from the way we came.” You guys go have fun.”

“If you’re sure?” Morgan asked giving me a look of ‘are ya going to be fine with dick head?’ I nodded and walked the length of the trail back to the van.

I didn’t see Gerard on the play ground so assumed he was still in the van. To tell ya the truth; the big black van looked very rapist ish compared to the small neighborhood surrounding the park and high school. Especially with the iron maiden bumper stickers and guitar window vinels (sp?)

I got to the van and put my face against the window to see inside. The windows had a dark black tint so all I could see was Gerard’s outline from the back bench seat.
like hell im walking back through the mile and a half or more of forest by myself. I was scared enough the first time! I thought to myself and got in the front passenger seat on the van to take a quick snooze like Gerard was doing.

Once i finally had my eyes shut, I felt a vibration under my butt. I fished around till I found somebody’s cell phone. It was dark red and had black checkered pattern all over it and the main screen was a picture of that Eliza chick. EW, its Gerard’s! Go figure since everybody was in the woods and he’s the only one in the car, and how everybody else had their cells on them when I left.

To snoop? Or not to snoop?

Of course. I quickly guessed his password (iron maiden) then scrolled through his texts. Most were from Eliza. The hoe bag (Tony’s word). Mostly "I love you baby’s and other disgusting couples stuff. It’s not that I don’t like couples. I do. But it sucks when you have been single for quiet a while and couples are especially cute around you. It makes me want to say one of them has aids. But I wouldn’t do that to Mikey. Just kidding! Mo doesn’t have aids. Or does she? DUN DUN DUHHHH! Seriously she doesn’t so forget it.

One of the messages caught my eye though. It was to Frank from Gerard and it started off with:

Gerard: Hey, is Addie okay?
Frank: Idk, I didn’t see her after rehearsal. What happened?
Gerard: I think I just stepped a lil over the line or something with her. Nbd
Frank: Sounds like someone is trying to be nice?
Gerard: Shut up frank, I just said I "think" I stepped over the line. It’s not like im sorry.
Frank: But you are!
Gerard: No
Frank: Yes
Gerard: Nope
Frank: You know you want to apologize to her.
Gerard: If I did would you back off about the Eliza thing?
Frank: . . . .
Frank: I might, the guy’s wont.
Gerard: I shall see what I can do.
Frank: Rightyo.See ya in a minute.
Gerard: Why? We don’t have rehearsal today?
Frank: Because we are going to the park with them today!
Gerard: Them who?
Frank: Morgan and Addie!
Gerard: I hate you
Frank: Love you too! See you soon
Gerard: Still hate you, but I will be ready to go.
Frank: bye
Gerard: bye

Hmmmm so fancy pants wants to be nice now? Well he didn’t apologize on the way here so he prolly didn’t mean anything by it. He must have wanted the guys off his back about Eliza is all.
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